Is only me, or Reeves is usless as an actor?
He plays everywhere the same, no matter Matrix or Street Kings, he's totally unconvincing. Apart from his character the movie was GREAT !!!
shareHe plays everywhere the same, no matter Matrix or Street Kings, he's totally unconvincing. Apart from his character the movie was GREAT !!!
shareAgreed! We call him Keanu can't act Reeves, lol! He is pretty awful but he does have a pretty face so that's fine by me! :O)
He's completely wooden. He shows very little facial emotion and his voice isn't much better. Plus from Street Kings I realised that when he acts it looks like he is just going through the paces exactly like the director told him...stand here...walk over there...pick that up...
I mean that style of acting suited The Matrix, but when I saw him in The Day the Earth Stood Still (regretted seeing that one!) I was like COME ON! You're not Neo! You're an Alien!
Though I do have to say in Street Kings he did act better than I expected from him.
little facial emotion
You're not Neo! You're an Alien!
I don't expect "Jim Carriesque" acting in the least, I simply said he expresses very little facial emotion. Now that doesn't mean going "Ace Ventura", it simply means that while his voice is portraying one emotion, his face usually doesn't quite portray the emotion. I'm not "begging" for over-the-top slapstick-style acting, I just simply believe he is not the best actor out there.
And I wasn't trashing his acting in The Matrix, that movie is awesome and his acting sits the role very well, he did a good job. I was trying to say that watching The Day the Earth Stood Still was a bit like watching Neo all over again to some extent.
Go see Doubt. Phillip Seymore Hoffman and Meryl THATS acting.
I don't expect "Jim Carriesque" acting in the least
watching The Day the Earth Stood Still was a bit like watching Neo all over again to some extent.
Go see Doubt. Phillip Seymore Hoffman and Meryl THATS acting.
"I see you didn't expect hyperbole, either."
I got the fact that you were deliberately exaggerating, but I still stand by my comment on his facial/vocal expressions.
"You are just predisposed to a certain prejudice when it comes to this actor: because Klaatu and Neo are different in a psychological, motivational, and even in a physical level"
You are mistaking characters for acting. I was saying watching Klaatu was like watching Neo simply because Reeves' ACTING was similar, not that the CHARACTERS were similar.
"Yeah, I guess that's what you would think. It's all about hype, and personal bias, in the end. And a little bit of condescendence, too... "
The fact that I saw this film with no prior knowledge of it at all after my mate decided to drag me along to it is beside the point then? In my country there has been NO hype around this film; not even main cinemas are playing it, I had to visit an "art" cinema to see this film. So in saying that, I formed my own opinions purely on what was shown to me.
But yes in the end this is all about personal opinions and biases, and as I said earlier, Reeves acting in this film was an exception and fitted the character, even if the acting wasn't completely brilliant.
Huh. So you can't say Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman are better actors than Keanu Reeves. Huh.
Pertaining to the original question of this thread:
in my humble opinion
ITA with blackrat101 - it is the OP.
You don't like him as an actor? Fine. Please don't flame the board by repeating the same old stuff some people said DECADES ago (hey, at least it was original back then). Hell, even they have moved on!
You do realise that some people actually don't like Pacino and others needed therapy after seeing Streep sing/act out 'The Winner Takes It All' (that whole scene made my skin crawl). Its called a 'personal preference' and I wouldn't presume to mock people because they don't agree with mine.
Same with Keanu - some like him, some don't. Now, did it really seem such an important issue that you had to start a huge argument about it?
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3 years later.... lol
i can totally see meryl streep or psh in matrix, as one of the council members (with dr cornel west and the others)....
(not trolling i swear, just devil's advocating...)
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...
I was saying watching Klaatu was like watching Neo simply because Reeves' ACTING was similar, not that the CHARACTERS were similar.
In my country there has been NO hype around this film; not even main cinemas are playing it, I had to visit an "art" cinema to see this film.
"Follow what critics spit out without giving it much thought"? I make my own decisions on how I feel about a film.
And I do not classify having to go to an "art" cinema to see Doubt as hype. The Dark Knight, that's hype. Me trusting my mates taste in film and going to see a movie I know nothing about is not hype, and the fact is that the cinema we went to was the only place showing it. And as a "higher class of film", well technically it isn't one that's going to appeal to the mainstream audiences, not making it a higher class of film but simply making it one that will appeal to a certain demographic, therefore playing it in a cinema where that demographic will be is simply logic.
The funniest thing in all of this ckage is that I'm willing to accept your opinion as exactly that, where as you're trying to bulldoze me into accepting your opinion. What initially started off as a one-off comment has been blown out of proportion. Yes I do believe Keanu Reeves is a poor actor. No, Klaatu is not exactly like Neo. Reeves bland acting just carries across in both films is all I meant. I simply find Reeves a very bland actor in general, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THIS FILM.
And quite frankly, reducing your conversation to sarcasm and light insult isn't necessary.
I simply said he expresses very little facial emotion.Not so. His character is sort of a thuggish big tough guy. What do you want, Home Alone antics?
I'd say it's a bit harsch to say he is useless as an actor. Sure, he is no Robert De Niro. But when he get the right roles he plays them well enogue.
He is not really a pretty face actor, so he most be having something that makes directors wanting to work with him. Honestly, I do believe they know more about acting then most of us.
He is not really a pretty face actor
Yup....he'd even be crap in a "surprise buttsex" poster because his facial expression always remains the same.
shareThe fact that someone is continually employing Keanu as an actor tells me his acting abilities aren't entirely "useless". Reeves isn't a great actor by any stretch of the imagination, but he's familiar, and audiences gravitate to his movies (most of the time). I don't think he's as bad as some people make him out to be. It becomes a bit of a cliche to trash Keanu's acting. Seriously, if everyone thought he stinks up the screen, I doubt any studio would ever put him in a movie. The fact that he's done as many movies as he's done shows he's got some longevity, and I don't think he's going away anytime soon.
shareI don't think the studios care what they think about Keanu's acting, only what kind of a draw he is. He might not be able to act himself out of a phone booth, but if he sells tickets and popcorn and DVDs, then he's as good as Olivier to them.
Keanu is a lot like Alan Ladd. Both have this impassive face which, in some vehicles, comes off as wooden, in others as perfect for the character. For example, you had Ladd in This Gun for Hire, Shane and The Great Gatsby, where you want to see behind the enigmatic face that hints at deeper pools, but can't. Ilkewise, the Keanu "blank" was perfect for My Own Private Idaho, in which the narcoleptic River Phoenix reached out for an emotional lifeline that Keanu didn't possess; and it even worked in Devil's Advocate to play off of Pacino's over-the-top Satan.
I used to live on Larrabee, right below the Viper Room. I was there that night. There's a legend that Keanu was there, too, but exited quickly, as River lay dying on the sidewalk. It's untrue, but the scenario is a great replay of Idaho.
Keanu can be great when the right role comes to him, which it rarely does.
Remember, too, that he's been hit by lots of situations that would leave any sensitive guy with a permanently stunned look: his pusher dad, River's death, Keanu's stillborn baby by his girlfriend, who was later killed in a car crash, his sister's leukemia. Also, Keanu has done lots of unpublicised good deeds. It could be that right now in his life he looks at movies as just a well-paying job to support other needs and interests. So, maybe what we're seeing is less than total dedication to his craft. "Going through the motions" is the impression I get.
He might not be able to act himself out of a phone booth
It could be that right now in his life he looks at movies as just a well-paying job to support other needs and interests.
Wasn't trying to be funny and couldn't care less if you "have to disagree with that." Shouldn't have posted to you -- wasn't looking for your approval. You really don't know wtf you're talking about. You really try too hard. Enjoy your little life, fangirl.
shareWasn't trying to be funny
and couldn't care less if you "have to disagree with that."
You really don't know wtf you're talking about.
He's not Deniro or anything but I like him in some movies
shareWORD !!! let's agree to this: he is wooden and his voice-skills at times are REALLY
unconvincing (constantine anyone *roll eyes*), but nevertheless i enjoy my popcorn
in his movies, since none of the movies have the depth to be arguing so much about
it ;)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
let's agree to this
I just saw this movie last night on cable...and regret I went against my impulse to see it in the theaters. He really did do a good job in this one, I thought, one of his better performances. Granted, that could be due to the director and writing, but still, this could've been a whole lot worse. Makes me wonder how good Keanu would be if a director came along and really kicked his ass (push him hard, not literally kick hi--you get the point). Yeah, he does keep getting employment by the studioheads since he is a draw, charisma or whatever it is. It's funny, because if it was a choice and I had to pick between a Reeves or Leonardo DiCaprio flick, I'd go with Keanu without a doubt.
Leo wants to be taken so seriously and it makes you not want to do exactly that, while Keanu is more 'this is where I'm at, take it or leave it' while tryin gto get better. Plus, head to head, Keanu's made way more entertaining movies.
No thumbs up or down with get 'The Finger' or you don't.
a scanner darkly and matrix being deep movies because
keanu "please-overlook-my-stiffnes" reeves is a "good
actor" is a ridiciously banal argument, eejit *rolleyes*
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
Yes, because, after all, he was ONLY the main character in BOTH of those movies... Therefore, those movies being good CAN'T have anything to do with Keanu Reeves. </sarcasm>
Way to te totally obtuse there. Also, given his respect for the source material in a Scanner Darkly, as well as the fact that the Matrix probably would not have been made if Keanu didn't jump in, since many other grade A actors turned the part down, only goes to show how strange it is for you to trash his work.
And, banality?! You mean, like setting up your opinion-as-fact banality? Like you did on your first post? Yeah, I guess so.
That's not opinion.That's science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14''strap-on.
"Yes, because, after all, he was ONLY the main character in BOTH of those movies.
Therefore, those movies being good CAN'T have anything to do with Keanu Reeves."
totally correct. no sarcasm here.
they were good movies, because the screenplays and the fashion the were presented
were really good. that's all. the matrix and a scanner darkly were NOT good because
of keanu-"please-don't-wonder-about-my-stiff-face-and-overacted-voice"-reeves.
... the were good because of the great stories they tell, eejit.
when the matrix was in the theatres and keanu said "i know kung fu.", i yelled
"well, yes. but you can't act !!!" ... people were LOLing for a whole minute,
so get a grasp, enjoy the really entertaining movies but don't pretent to really
think that keanu-"i-hope-nobody-notices"-reeves is a good actor.
how is this keanu-bloke not always playing the same guy ??? have a good
look (and try to tone down the gayness clouding your judgement *wink*)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
You HAD to pick on that, didn't you?...
Well, let me clarify it, then: not only both of those movies where good BECAUSE of Keanu's contribution, they owe the fact they even EXIST to Keanu Reeves, too.
The Matrix's script rolled around for ages because the different actors contacted for the role of Neo didn't understand the story/ didn't see any relevance to it/ were busy with something else (and something else not necessarily better, like Will Smith's Wild Wild West...). The project was only green-lit when Keanu Reeves agreed to the role. And not only he agreed to it, but entered the project head on not just by reading loads of related literature (that would make many of the detractors who spew he's nothing but an dummy scratch their poor heads) the brothers gave him, but also by putting his personal health on stake by committing to months of physical training after serious neck surgery.
A Scanner Darkly: if script and movie were as faithful to the book as they were, its because both director and main actor went out of their ways to respect the story. Mostly because Keanu Reeves has been a strong fan of K.Dick's work for years. To the point where Philip K. Dick's family personally supported this movie. And I don't expect for you to know what this means, but K.Dicks family is not usually that supportive of the author's based on books-movies, outside of this one. Another point, this movie is yet ANOTHER one of those flicks that only got the greenlight after Keanu jumped in. Also, I'm sure you sucked up to Robert Downey Jr. performance in this flick, right? Well, guess what: he only agreed to step in AFTER he heard Keanu had picked up the project.
As for your pathetic "joke" over the Matrix line, it's sad, the only thing you can take away from his performance in that movie is your pitiful attempts at slamming his acting, or that you think that astonishing opinion of yours is so noteworthy it deserves to interrupt a movie with. The only thing that's funny is you mentioning this as if it proves anything else other than the fact you were being an overbearing ass. I only hope the rest of the audience did not have such "stiff" interpretation capacities as your own, and was actually laughing AT you.
And playing the "same guy", you say? So do tell, HowTF is the character from Street Kings the same has Keanu Reeves' character in Bill and Ted, and by the way, how these two are anything like the character in Something’s Gotta Give? If you look at these three and go on with that "same guy" inanity, I must say I really, really pity those previously mentioned interpretation and discernment skills you have there...
I'll check my eye wear AFTER you remove those coarse-ignorance goggles of yours. Not holding my breath, though. I’m sure you’ll ignore/not understand the implications of what I’ve said but, hell, this is the very definition of pearls before swine.
That's not opinion.That's science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14''strap-on.
whether in the matrix', nor in the TSD scripts, keanu
"not-that-great-of-an-actor" reeves has been involved in.
... so stick it *grin*
he is just the main actor of both of these movies and didn't
do more than the directors told them too care about (you don't
seem to understand how the process of making a movie is carried
well, you know what? we leave it at this:
keanu ist to you a great actor. and to me a stiff face with over-
acted voice, who happens to act always almost the same (sometimes
a little more, sometimes a little less malcasted, so to speak).
and so, everybody is happy, since this is a matter of opinion, both
of us told ours and there is only left for us to repeat them or get
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
he is just the main actor of both of these movies and didn't
do more than the directors told them too care about
how is this keanu-bloke not always playing the same guy ??? have a good
(and try to tone down the gayness clouding your judgement *wink*)
homophobe? ... alright :) (i'll let you be *grin*)
wow, a lot of pictures of keanu-"i-act-always-the-same"-reeves ... great.
and what do theese many haircuts mean to you? (thats the only thing
making him different on these pics. how he looked, not his acting).
anyhoo, ... let's agree to this:
keanu is your acting god and i keep laughing at his really lame acting.
deal? what you call "a masterpiece" and "a great performance" i call "a
great and entertaining shallow hollywood popcornfest with a lot of fun".
we both go home with a smile of our faces. so i'll
get over keanus bad acting and just enjoy his movies.
and if you want to think his acting is superb, just do.
but please, don't expect the same opinion from anyone who knows better ...
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
homophobe? ... alright :) (i'll let you be *grin*)
wow, a lot of pictures of keanu-"i-act-always-the-same"-reeves ... great.
and what do theese many haircuts mean to you? (thats the only thing
making him different on these pics. how he looked, not his acting).
but please, don't expect the same opinion from anyone who knows better ...
to say that keanu is a great actor is to
say: "i don't have a clue about acting".
... and that is really not a problem for me.
have a good life :)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
Nice cop-out.
1. How about you try addressing some of the points we've made, or at least acknowleding their existence?
2. People who, according to you, don't have a clue about acting:
Al Pacino
Gene Hackman
Dennis Hopper
Diane Keaton
Sam Raimi
Roger Ebert (long time film critic)
Roger Lewis (London's The Sunday Times Shakespeare critic; do you suggest that he resign?)
Larry and Andy Wachowski
Quentin Tarantino
Lawrence Kasdan
Kathryn Bigelow
Will Smith
Vincent D'Onofrio
Ron Nyswaner
Jan de Bont
Talor Hackford
Charlize Theron
^ all those people have praised Keanu's acting, sometimes effusively. Not all have worked with him or ever would, so sucking up is not really a factor.
Now I'd like you to go to the boards of those people and tell their fans that they don't have a clue about acting. Or else I'll do it for you.
"many haircuts"? Nevermind, this guy's either lacking a pair of glasses, or just trolling his way out of an argument he lost.
That's not opinion.That's science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14''strap-on.
since none of the movies have the depth to be arguing so much about
it ;)
well, that is as deep as you can get ... the matrix.
*laugh* (try a book from time to time, eejit)
*giggle* the matrix ... deep ... (dude, you made my day ... again)
like i already told you: think what you want. that doesn't make it true.
keanu is not a great actor (in comparsion to ALL the ones you
named). just get a biiiig bag of popcorn and enjoy his movies,
(like i do) but don't fool yourself in hoping to convince anyone
who knows better.
i love, how you can't stand me telling you the truth, btw.
if iam a troll, you are a trollfeeder and not one bit better.
let's see how you answer again and again *yawn*
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
if iam a troll
why not just get over the fact, that keanu-"i-have-a-stiff-face-and-a-total-
pretentious-voice"-reeves just doesn't make it into the "great actors" in this
world ?
my guess is, that you did never cope with people having another opinion
than yours ... but well, that is not your fault (it' your parents *shrug*)
and a nice day to you too :)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
why not just get over the fact, that keanu-"i-have-a-stiff-face-and-a-total-
pretentious-voice"-reeves just doesn't make it into the "great actors" in this
world ?
my guess is, that you did never cope with people having another opinion
than yours ... but well, that is not your fault (it' your parents *shrug*)
well done, you have finally accepted the fact that
keanu-"but-iam-trying-so-hard"-reeves is not a great
i mean, how could he. with his stiff face and over-
pretentious voice. well, it is kind of an obvious
thing for everyone with some sense of good acting.
well, now let's enjoy one of his shallow movies and share some popcorn ;)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
^STRAW-MAN BS above.
That's all this poster's got: shytty and low-life argument strategies.
That's not opinion.That's science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14''strap-on.
Ah... Comfy!
That's not opinion.That's science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14''strap-on.
*kills the fish and stores it in the fridge for tomorrow's sushi breakfast*
yeah, whatever, dude *yawn*
that doesn't make keanu-"oops-my-face-got-even-stiffer"-reeves not one jota a better actor, btw :)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
Keanu Reeves isn't an "actor"...
Daniel Day Lewis, Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, Don Cheadle are actors.
Keanu is a "Movie star", just the way that Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, and Wesley Snipes (was) are.
Some, like Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, and Ed Norton are a bit of both.
Just my theory on it.
Keanu Reeves isn't an "actor"... Keanu is a "Movie star"
oooooooooooooooooooh !!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, ...
if keanu-"i-so-would-like-to-appear-as-a-serious-actor"-reeves
says it, the mcfly-geek will believe it *pointing finger and laughing*
and if i'd say i am an astronaut, mcfly will totally believe this too *laugh*
anyways, mcgeek-eejits opinion aside ... let's get real:
keanu-"i-am-too-stiff-to-make-anybody-believe-i-can-act-"-reeves is not a good
actor (not even an actor per sé, as anybody realizes, but mcfly). period. *shrug*
(hey, i'm really having fun playing with this kids emotions
about keeanu-"stiff-face-and-pretentious-voice"-reeves *giggle*)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
You have an excess of vowels.
if keanu-"i-so-would-like-to-appear-as-a-serious-actor"-reeves
says it, the mcfly-geek will believe it *pointing finger and laughing*
and if i'd say i am an astronaut, mcfly will totally believe this too *laugh*
anyways, mcgeek-eejits opinion aside ... let's get real:
keanu-"i-am-too-stiff-to-make-anybody-believe-i-can-act-"-reeves is not a good
actor (not even an actor per sé, as anybody realizes, but mcfly). period. *shrug*
yay, there you are ... okay, so let's start anew:
keanu is a terrible, horrible actor (not even this).
... your turn, geeky mcfly :)
(like i said, it very entertaining to push your buttons)
sorry, for misspelling sometimes, my friend. english is not my mother tongue.
(which makes me even more intelligent than you, since you surely do not even
speak several languages *wink*)
you do not even notice that i have been pulling your leg for lotsa posts already *eejit*
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
keanu is a terrible, horrible actor (not even this).
... your turn, geeky mcfly :)
seriously? you did not notice? okay, kiddo. i'll tell ya:
his totally stiff face and his pretentious voice ... *g*
and the fact that "neo" has been in over 40 movies already :)
"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
his totally stiff face
and his pretentious voice ... *g*
and the fact that "neo" has been in over 40 movies already :)
wow, even i have more expressions while getting a bj.
but *lol* good to have you around for gathering all of
this nice pics for me *patpatpat* ... more please ...
btw, i liked this one best.
(on this one he looks like he is taking a dump, which really fits his "acting")
and having to endure "neo" in 40 movies is not him "acting"
great at all. it just is him always "acting" the same ... ;)
dude, it is like somebody else already wrote: he is by far NOT an actor, he
is just a moviestar. but, dry your tears, man. and don't get me wrong, i enjoy
movies with him "stiffing" around, but from time to time i need to see someone
acting real good. and not that unconvincing.
and his pretencious voice is not pretencious because of his canadian accent.
it doesn't matter if he days "out" or "ewht" :) i am not bothered by that at
all. i rather mean that it is totally stiff (like his face), unconvincing and
totally pretencious.
... well, dude, i'm off.
see ya soon, my dear geeky mcfriend :P
new sig: keanu-"stiffy"-reeves' "acting" always makes me *rofl*
(and geekys who call this even "good acting" always make my day)
wow, even i have more expressions while getting a bj.
(on this one he looks like he is taking a dump, which really fits his "acting")
and having to endure "neo" in 40 movies is not him "acting"
i rather mean that it is totally stiff (like his face),
"Evidence please. "
you want to see me getting a bj? hm, i don't swing that
way, but if at least you get off doing it: be my guest.
(i don't think my gal has something against letting some
desperate geek watch *g*).
"Ah, so you do see a difference between the expressions"
never said that they aren't different expressions ...
only that they suck and are not convincing at all *shrug*
"And seeing as how you've sat through 40 Keanu films, which is
more than I have, I'd say that makes you a closeted fan in denial"
now you see. you can not even argue with me about keanu "stiffy"
reeves, since you did not even see as much movies, with that pre-
tentious hack, as i did :D
... and again (since you tend to forget that i wrote this a few
COMPARED TO REAL ACTORS !!! (get it now, geeks? ... good movies,
but very bad or at least unconvincing acting from "the stiffler")
"I don't see how you can get 'totally stiff' from those pictures."
poor geek, i didn't see it on the pics, moron ... i see it in EVERY
movie with him ;) ... and ... did you already forget this: i watched
so more movies with him. i am in a so much better position to judge
over his acting than you *wink*
sorry for letting you hang on for a few weeks (i know that you are eager
to have this tremendously important conversation with me as much as i do)
... i'll be back to toy with you later, okidoky ? ... mr. mcgeeks ;)
"keanu-is-a-real-actor"-geeks don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
This is a reply to jacksflicks post. I should have quoted but I didn't and now I don't want to. I have an weird irritation about reposting posts over and over in replies, it is unfounded and irrational but there it is.
I never follow movies based on the actor. It's all in the story for me. Since some of the movies Keanu Reeves plays in are not stories that engage me, I have not followed all his work. But as a frustrated actor myself, it's hard to sit by and let a working actor get bashed. If he's earning his money doing what he wants to do, he's ahead of me in one respect.
Here is what I wrote originally.
What a wonderful and thoughtful reply. I didn't make the Alan Ladd connection, but I too feel that Reeves chooses or is cast in the parts he plays for a reason, and that's where I leave it. Never gave it much thought until I saw the thread, which I thought was a bit harsh, but hey, free thought and opinion are gifts.
The rest of your post was very kind. I never follow 'entertainment' news, and what has happened to and around Keanu Reeves has certainly not been entertaining. It has been tragic. It's really inspiring that he has not gone off the rails, as so many of us do, and I hope he has a happier life from now on.