Most Disturbing Films

What are the most disturbing films you've seen?


Short but heavy. Excellent gore effects and bizarre plot.

Cannibal Holocaust
+ the other cannibal films but this is the only one i found to be truly disturbing.

Faces of Death
Well, some parts of it got to me the first time i watched it.

Subconscious cruelty
This movie is an assault on the psyche. Goes feverishly and deep into the most depraved parts of the human mind.

Traces of Death
Worse than Faces and much more graphic.

Last house on the left (original)
I remember the first watch. It actually gave me a similar feeling as CH.

I spit on your grave
A brutal rape scene and an tremendously grisly bathroom death.

Funny Games (original)
Raw, realistic and brutal.

Thats the ones i can think of, these are the ones i am yet to see.
men behind the sun
Guinea pig
philosophy of a knife

geeks with attitude!


2001's Legally Blonde by far...


Oh come on,Legally Blonde rules.


Where've you been my beautiful vixen?


I'm not even close to the edge of my comfort zone. So I haven't seen many explotation films or something that most people would consiter disturbing. I heard about them; but I haven't seen them yet since I'm spineless.

Men Behind The Sun, Salo, Pink Flamingos,Irreversable,Requim For A Dream,Ichi The Killer and Aftermath pop up a lot. Guinea Pig is creepy and I couldn't finish Cannibal Holocaust. (I'll have to eventually when I get more time)

So yeah, the only thing I seen has been "Flowers of Flesh and Blood" and "Audition".

Italy's shaped like a boot for a they can stick it up your ass. - Don Vito


August Underground's Mordum wasn't THAT disturbing, it was just sick. But it didn't really affect me. Men Behind The Sun was disturbing, but a tad overhyped. As was Salo.
Philosophy Of A Knife was pretty disturbing, but the fakeness of the effects took away from it and at 4 hours it gets to be a bit boring.
Requiem For A Dream was just very emotional and plain and simple a very good movie.
To me, the single most disturbing movie is still Cannibal Holocaust with Irreversible as a close second ( and for some reason the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Lost Highway always kind of disturbd me ).


oh i really agree on lost highway.
i have seen a lot, but lost highway is one of the very few films that really haunt me.
lynch is a genius. he knows how our mind works. inland empire is also very deep.

these gore trash flicks are funny and disturbing, but not scary.


To me Lost Highway is one of the ( of not the ) most haunting and creepy films ever made.
Inland Empire was as if I was having a feverdream ( the 'Rabbits'-segments cut in between the rest of the film just creeped me out)

As in Mordum... sodomizing the corpse of what looks to be a 12-year old girl was just sick, retarded and demented. But it went on for way to long and yes, it morally somewhat repulsed me, but it didn't haunt me one bit.


And I am complete....

I now know what is the most disturbing film is. In the last 3 weeks I have watched Salo 4 times,Martyrs 4 times,Inside 3 times,A Serbian film twice, Human Centpede twice and Cannibal holocaust to many times to count oh and August Underground MOrdum once and Ichi the killer once and Eden lake and THe girl next door

The most harrowing and disturbing film ever is (Drum role please)

...Watership down.

Watched it when I was 7 and it *beep* me for life which these films didn't.

No just kidding the MOst disturbing film of all time from someone that really knows is 'Martyrs' for every conceivable reason. This is grim stuff this film and the best...and the best made.

Also my favourite film of all time as well.




A baby getting raped straight from a woman's bloody vagina after giving birth is less shocking (NEWBORN PORN)than a girl finding out there is no afterlife after death?

**********END SPOILERS!*********************************************


I cannot believe that you found Martyrs more disturbing than a Serbian Film. Martyrs doesn't even make my top 10 list for most shocking films I've ever seen. Hell, Gummo's more shocking than Martyrs and Gummo's for p*ssies.


Watched Matyrs yesterday, not disturbing in the least; not even that good of a film. The bit when the girl is skinned was spoiled as you could blatantly see it was a full body suit, and in my opinion bad effects spoil any movie

Sethghecko Out!


Watched Matyrs yesterday, not disturbing in the least; not even that good of a film. The bit when the girl is skinned was spoiled as you could blatantly see it was a full body suit, and in my opinion bad effects spoil any movie

Sethghecko Out!


The only one that ive seen that i can say is truely disturbing is "A Serbian Film", it is without the shadow of a doubt most *beep* up, most horrific movie i have ever seen, PERIOD!!!


Eraserhead did it for me. Good god I will never watch that again! Irresversible was extreme as hell, that rape scene was in my head for a few days. I'd say those two, though I have many more to check out. I'm interested in "I Stand Alone", same guy who did Irreversible, that dude likes to disturb people.


This movie wasnt even distrubing ... it was a piece of junk and a joke.


The most disturbing movie I see where Gigli with Jay Lo and Afflict. Simply disturbing. I could not sleep for days.


Kim Jin-won's The Butcher is a recent sick movie on the lines of Mordum. For some reason this movie is not listed on imdb.



Yes, A Serbian Film is definitely in the top three of most disturbing films ever. As for now it may even come on the first place. But come on, it wasn't all THAT gory and bloody. There isn't a lot of gore in that film, but they way the violent scenes are handled coupled with the perverse sexual atrocities and the insanely haunting style in which the film is filmed make A Serbian Film a serious contender.



I recommend you some french stuff in case you missed it:

Haute tension (Cécile de France)
Frontières (De Xavier gens)
A l'intérieur (Inside, avec Béatrice Dalle)
Sheitan ( De Kim Chapiron) reaaaal good film!

and now my list: (top 10 but without any order)

- A serbian Film
- Cannibal Ferox
- Sheitan
- Aftermath (de Nacho Cerda)
- Guinea Pig II
- Tokyo Gore Police

I'm waiting to see:

- Salo or the 120 days of Sodome
- August Underground Mordum
- Snuff 102 (somebody saw this one????)

Last thing, i recommend you NOT to watch OSTERMONTAG, it's a german sick snuff like...


I think when people watch Salo to be disturbed, when you've watched A Serbian film and the others you've put down there, it'll be laughable material for you. Honestly, if you want to be disturbed, read the book! 120 days of Sodomy by Marquis De Sade is a brilliant book, and very brutal. Not with violence though, with sex, and lots of it. I think the movie is shocking, but unfortunately i read the book before i watched the film so I have one of those opinions.
Yeah i know it has underage teens with adults blah blah but it's all acting so it really doesn't bother me.

Haute tension, Frontières (De Xavier gens), A l'intérieur, and Sheitan are all pretty average, with just alot of gore, plus Frontières had shoddy french acting. Inside got my nerve a bit, because I'm a female and anything child birth related wierds me a bit. I'd rather be disturbed then watch gore. Have you watched Criminal Lovers or A Fat girl? (sorry can't remember the french titles) now they were interesting! I also watched Baise moi which i heard was one of the only french films to be banned in Australia for some time and "so called omg controvercial". It's CRAP. It just has (real) sex scenes in it. Ugh!

August Mordum, theres a few of them well besides the terrible video quality and shakey constant camera, i suppose it goes for that grainy realistic kudos to if for that, but honestly, like Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, i fast forwarded really bored me!

Snuff 102, haven't watched it, I will definitely look into it.


I've seen all the august undergrounds, all of takashi miike's most *beep* up *beep* several cannibal movies, a few french horror films and none of them bothered me. Only one film freaks me out; Se7en. I know, I know. *beep* that movie just makes me nauseous. I don't know if it's the dreary atmosphere, the flashy editing, or just all the *beep* up ways he kills people.

you're not important,
being unique is a concept
