Most Disturbing Films

What are the most disturbing films you've seen?



Not bad for a 15 year old, you remind me a tiny bit of me two years ago. 'Cept I had seen a few more =P

Anyway, I've yet to see a film that truly disturbs me. I've seen different Cannibal films, all 3 AUs (which I absolutely adore), Guinea Pig films, Irreversible, Silence of the Lambs (not violent, but very well made and pertaining to psychosis), and too many more to name. I've seen the most disgusting annals of humanity, including genuine murder footage. But none of these have ever disturbed me. Perhaps I just think life is too cheap, I can't even find myself sympathizing too much to a man I've seen getting his face bashed by a sledgehammer (real video). I'm sure a psychiatrist would probably diagnose me as sociopathic, symptoms of schizophrenia, mild psychosis and a whole lot more, but I couldn't care less. I love cinema (not just the gore films), and have seen most of the most violent stuff in existence, and though it entertains me greatly, none of it has ever TRULY disturbed me.

Maybe I'm just crazy though.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!


My top five; "Requiem for a Dream," "Cannibal Holocaust," "À l'intérieur, (fun)," "Irreversible," and my first watch of "Eden Lake."


why the hell does everyone say they think requiem for a dream is disturbing, its laughable compared to say August Underground's Mordum.


requiem is horrifying. hardest film to watch i can think of. butterfly effect is a tough one too


is that a joke? ive seen both of those and they're like Care Bears compared to Salo which is about children getting raped and tortured. Jeeze, Requiem isnt hard to watch at all, in fact i found it to be quite stupid. Especially the guy injecting his arm which was obviously in need of immediate medical treatment. There's no reason for an addict to inject the same place so many times that it gets horribly infected



He is an ADDICT for a reason. If there are addicts who will steal off their own grandmother, I'm sure there are addicts who will inject anwhere even at the risk of infection. Addicts will do anything to get a hit, and this is not just the case with heroin but alcohol as well. It's actually very sad

Fitter, happier, more productive




There's no reason for an addict to inject the same place so many times that it gets horribly infected

but they do, seen this often enough. People often do things without any need, or with better alternatives available, its just how people are.

btw, don't think Requiem for a Dream to be disturbing, but a good movie nonetheless.

Movies disturbing me to a point I can't stand watching them to the end are those starring Madonna. Its beyond gore or depravity.


Im a recovering heroin addict an people always say my fasciatomy or skingraph reminds them of reqiuem.I didnt keep shooting in the affected area i was just stupid in not getting antibiotics an the whole siuation couldve been avoided.It was a combination of stupidity an still wanting to get high oh an of course not tellin momma.

But the infection started near where you take your pulse.Then started to get red an rock hard up to my elbow.I shot up near a vein near my pulse.My doctor told me if i didnt get help for it in the next day it wouldve been amputated.He said it spreads quicker an quicker everyday.

But requiem really captures the horror of what the heroin addict is feeling.Cause your so out of it until hard consequences are at your door you dont understand reality..Whether its jail or abscesses..


You need to learn the difference between an and and.

Just trying to be helpful.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


There's no reason for an addict to inject the same place so many times that it gets horribly infected

Trying to apply reason to junkies!!! LOL!!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!



It's disturbing in an entirely different way...What I wanna know is why everyone says Eden Lake is so disturbing!!!! It really was not to me. I have been disturbed by many movies, but Eden Lake is one of the bottom of the list.


But you can tell August Underground Mordum was made just to be murder porn, Requiem for a Dream covers real issues and events that actually happen to people.


I couldn't agree more about both movies. Requiem didn't bother me at all, I needed therapy after MORDUM


I love cinema (not just the gore films), and have seen most of the most violent stuff in existence, and though it entertains me greatly, none of it has ever TRULY disturbed me.

Wow, you are such a bamf.


maybe you could post a link to this sledgehammer video?


surfnikolai - I'm not sure if it's the same thing I'm thinking of, but from what I've heard there's a video on the net showing 2 guys murdering a guy with a hammer (or sledgehammer). I've never watched it (too chicken), but I think you might be able to google 2 guys, 1 hammer (or something similar to that).

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people ~ Blue October


It is 3 guys 1 hammer and its crazy disturbing. And Real!

I just Love Film.


Yeah, that's what it's called. I knew it was something like that, but I didn't want to google it in fear that I might accidentally see something I didn't want to see lol. I've heard it's pretty disturbing and definitely real. I think the guys were prosecuted or something?

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people ~ Blue October


Yeah its in the Ukraine. And the 3 boys were sent to jail. Even though only 2 were in the video the 3rd boy still killed some people but he stopped half way through.

I just Love Film.


Okay - thanks for the info ... I read about it awhile back, but I couldn't remember what I read lol.

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people ~ Blue October


I hope you wouldnt ever hurt someone.But ive seen that video of those 3 kids murdering that guy an if that didnt bother you then theres something wrong with you,thats a fact.I just asked my shrink dad.

Its not your fault theres something in your brain that doesnt trigger sympathy.In that country those kids wont even get life.I believe they got like 5 years jail an there families still deny they did it were capable of it.

Thats the eastern bloc for you.Life over there is worthless,an in alot of countries it is.Its not a wonderfull world.Its a cruel cruel world.Im the opposite of you im sensitive to the world.Thats part of why i struggled with heroin addiction or still do..Ill always be a heroin addict.But seriously i would see someone if i were you,it helps.



I can't believe people are able to watch the entire video. I could hardly watch any of it, and regret what I saw. I enjoy films like MORDUM but there is a world of difference that was an artistic endeavor that a lot of people with a lot of talent spent a lot of time making- they are artists, not like the people they portray (though similar); this is completely different than the prolonged real suffering of another human being, killed for no reason other than sadistic thrills. As for heroin, I have always thought The Basketball Diaries portrayed it very accurately, Mark Wahlberg looked like he was on the nod for real and Abel Ferrara and Larry Clarke have also made very realistic difficult to watch heroin movies. There was a decent HBO documentary about heroin and crack in Lowell, MA (half an hour from my house) called High on Crack Street: Lost Lives in Lowell. They got it right in Pulp Fiction and that Scorsese ambulance driver film. My favorite line is from RUSH, when the dealer makes Jennifer Jason Leigh shoot up dope, and he compares it to 'floating on a cloud of titties". Killing Zoe (from Pulp Fiction co-writer Roger Avery) had some pretty grim and realistic heroin use- including a guy (SPOILER) stopping to shoot up in the middle of a violent bank robbery gone wrong.

Check out my column on the weird and sick at


I have to say this movie really disturbed me.I consider myself a fan of horror an just felt like a scumbag that it came to me watching this.It just made me really deppressed that people want to watch this,that the movie was even made.It just makes me sad.I wish i never watched this movie is all.Just deppressed.

I dont think people should like or even watch this stuff.its good for the human race.


You say you adore August Underground movies and that you love cinema. If you think the crap that is August Underground is cinema, then I find it hard to take your opinion seriously. Irreversible is practically a lifetime anyways. You've got a tough guy internet persona (many people do) and that's probably why you aren't affected by seeing a murder (usually beheadings or firing squads) on the internet. You know who sees the most violent stuff in existence? Most violent war criminals...and I doubt you are one.


Requiem for a dream is disturbing, solely on the fact that it IS a reality that we people in society dont ever realize exists. Or we know that it exists, but choose/chose to ignore it. Addiction is real. RFAD portrays that addiction comes in many forms. Whether it be someone whom is addicted to drugs, tv, food, working out, computers, video games, etc. This movie just shows you what happens when people with addictions let it take over their life.

And that, my friends, is REAL. And quite honestly disturbing.

There's my two cents with that argument.

And some of the most disturbing vidyas?? Inside was pretty spectacular. Cannibal Holocaust is just a straight classic. Butterfly Effect (1, not 2) is definitely a genius concept and really should make people THINK about the choices they make. "The girl next door", people say is disturbing. I thought it was retarded to be quite honest... Every gore scene was cut out, and didnt show you the actual killing scenes which SUCKED.

However, I own 3 August Underground movies. The original "Fred Vogel's", Mordum (signed/numbered)and Penance. I think these films are straight up BORING. They do nothing for me. HOWEVER, I do appreciate them for doing this type of cinema when no one else does (at least that I know of) so they get my respect.

I heard their "Red Sing Tower" (sp?) movie was actually really good. Still haven't checked it out. But for the most part, I really wont be buying anymore from them because it is crap and doesnt interest me at all. I guess I have just seen really shocking, and I need more.

I have also viewed the Ukraine sledgehammer video, and it didn't disturb me one bit. Don't know why but it just did nothing for me, and that is "supposedly" one of the most disturbing pieces of footage to be found...? Ya no. But if I was to see an animal being abused, I would cringe and refuse to watch anything of that nature! THAT is disturbing!!!



To Nauthiz, I think it is funny you say if an animal was being abused you would refuse to watch that, and before that you say Cannibal Holocaust is classic, Unless you watched the cruelty free version. Or is it because its not a domestic animal like a dog or cat?


Maybe cause ones a movie meaning not real,an hearing an animal screaming in pain right in front of you is.Doncha think ??


The animal deaths in Cannibal Holocaust ARE of real animals. I thought it was a weird inconsistency in the other guy's post too.


Yea,but where they were was a real a tribe somewheres.They really eat that *beep*


where can you get those movies from? I've literally searched EVERYWHERE! I live in Virginia and it's more.. conservative about what rating they have so what website can I watch or order them from?


Men Behind The Sun. It's that scene with the deaf kid being autopsied that really gets me; plus the fact that the extent of the atrocities portrayed in that film were way worse in real-life - some of the Japanese soldiers said as much.

"Wow, entertainers AND dancing girls? Is there a buffet as well?"


The "Hannah Montana" movie. I lost my lunch watching that filth.


***The "Hannah Montana" movie. I lost my lunch watching that filth.***


"Sometimes dead is better..."


ha. genius

What happened to BuzzSaw?
He had to split!


I have seen requiem.Its not so disturbing.About a recent post about drugs...its true.You will not get addicted unless you want to.Same with cigarettes.People only get addicted because they have other problems in life and want this as an escape.
Regarding the topic...I will go with Cannibal Holocaust because there is a storyline and the shocking scenes appear to be realistic.Salo is disturbing but it didnt gross me out since the message sent out rather pained me than disgust me.The guinea pig series has been much touted.I only saw one(some samurai guy chopping off pieces of a girl) and it seemed pretty dumb to me.Red Room is pretty disturbing and the images from the 2nd part are very hard to digest.
If I leave out the gore,a film which really freaked me out and not through people slicing up other people or eating them,is Spoorloos.It was a hell of a shocker and a very intelligent film.I would recommend it to everybody.One more is Koroshiya 1/Ichi the killer.I adore the film but was also hugely disturbed after watching it.Include Bijita Q in the list too,however I thought the film was just OK.
There goes my list!!



This is one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen!! Not because of the violence, but because of all the fat naked chicks.


I've never found gore or violence in movies to be particularly disturbing, it's always been more about psychological horror. So for me I'd say Michael Haneke's The Piano Teacher was one of the most disturbing films that I've seen. It's an amazing and well made film with some of the best acting you're likely to see, which only adds to the believability.


On average most people will say Salo or Cannibal Holoucast. After that it's Irreversible, Men Behind The Sun. Short films Aftermath, Guinea Pig Flower. Weird stuff Eraserhead, Begotten

You can show all the gore/horrible scenes you want. If they are presented in a movie that does not have "heart & soul" people will not be disturbed. August undergound gets the mood and effects right, but is completely undone by the other aspects of the movie.

PS: The director of Salo was murdered shorty after completion of the film.



Some of mine are
1) Irreversible
2) three extremes - the japanese short film one about the aborted children
3) audition in parts
4) Cannibal hollocaust.


Watch Klass sometime. If you're desensitized to simulated violence (as most people are), this will get to you on a psychological level.


I'll check it out sometime, thanks. I feel I've reached that level of being desensitized that I just scratch my head sometimes and wonder why people get disturbed by certain movies nowadays.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)



I personally though The Girl Next Door (Jack Ketchum's version) was incredibly disturbing. The whole movie was basically about a 16 year old girl being tourtured for no reason what so ever. The worse part is that it's loosely based off of a true story that happened in the United States with a teenage girl named Silvia Likens. They made another movie with Ellen Page in it called An American Crime which is disturbing at some parts but not as much as The Girl Next Door, although An American Crime stays just about true to the real story that happened with Silvia Likens.
