MovieChat Forums > Der Untergang (2005) Discussion > Did you watch this film on the back of t...

Did you watch this film on the back of the YouTube parodies?

Quick question.

Did anyone watch this film based ON the circulation of all the Downfall parodies, or had you watched it already? Would the YouTube parodies make you more or less inclined to watch it?


I watched this movie after becoming a fan of Ganz due to his role in Wings Of Desire. I became aware of the youtube parodies later on and to this day, have no interest in viewing any of them.

" See, the thing about the old days.....they the old days. "


I have not watched these Youtube parodies at all, i first learned about these when some one started to spam for them here.
I watched the movie on DVD for the first time back in 2005, the year it was released on DVD in my country.


They were better when they first started. Now they don't even make sense and often don't involve actual scenes from the movie.


I saw the film first and I like it a lot.

The youtube parodies are great - I can't think of anything more fitting for Hitler's 'legacy'.

though they obviously don't work if you can understand German.


I agree with Lyndhen- It's the perfect Hitler legacy. I saw the movie first and enjoyed it and stumbled upon the parodies later. I CAN WATCH HITLER PARODIES ALL DAY on my down time!


I saw the parodies first and laughed my ass off. You Tubers make them faster than you can watch them. I'd never heard of the movie before but got curious and watched it. Excellent film, except I don't think Traudl is being 100% honest with us or herself. Can't really blame her though.


You Tubers make them faster than you can watch them.


They work great, even if you don't understand German. I enjoyed them before I ever watched this movie. I don't watch war movies. This was an exception to that pattern. The meme isn't more or less funny after knowing the exact context and words from the movie.


I was lucky enough to see this movie in the theatre back in 2004 or 2005. Enjoyed it so much that I got it on DVD once it came out. Only a few years after that in 2008 did I first see any of the parodies and thought they were hilarious. Made a few myself back then too, actually.


Yes, the YouTube parodies inspired me to watch the film (I first saw a parody in 2009). Also, the movie having an 8.3 on IMDb helps. :)

If I told you cretins, your feeble brains would fail to comprehend it. - The Shredder


Haven't seen the movie yet! But I know for sure I want to watch it thanks to the parodies.




nope saw it beforehand. WW2 is a fascinating period in our history so I watched it based on my interest in the subject.

While some of the parodies are funny I do think people would get a wrong idea of what the movie is aboutor is trying to say. Especially if they don't know German.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


LOL, definitely became aware of and watched this movie because of the YouTube parodies!

In fact the main reason I spent the time was because I'd seen several parodies and was so curious to know what the source was that I would've watched only the crucial parody scene if the movie hadn't been so good.

I think the parodies are great. Countless scenes of Hitler going nuts for often hilarious reasons adds another insult to the legacy he would've hated, upsets the twisted neo-NAZIs, and encourages at least a few to watch a good movie about an important event.


That's me!

I watched a dozen parodies, then got curious. I put it off because it's 1 1/2 hours, but I just saw Downfall at 2 AM. I said :"okay, I'm only wasting a couple of hours, WTF." It is now 2 PM and I just finished (I hope) reading sites about the bunker and the battle of Berlin.

It was cool when in the wikipedia map, I saw "Stiener's forces" in the northwest!

It was weird to see some Nazis as compassionate humans, like the professor. But that's how people are: contradictory. It is so easy to tag someone with a descriptor like ("evil") and then forget that the person is a person and not just the descriptor.

The movie gave me great insight into these people.

I'm going to read Trudy's book, too. It's probably cheap used on Amazon. I think she should NOT have felt guilty like she says in the end, because she really DIDN'T know what was going on.

I also just spent a lot of time reading about Russian solders raping German women because I think it's sexy. (Google me; you'll see I'm serious).

My own rape in 2001 transformed my life forever. It was like a religious experience because I had been afraid of boys and sex my whole life. REAL shy. Pathologically so. But it forced me to acknowledge to myself what I feel because I LIKED it. (It may have helped to know that no way that particular guy was going to kill me).

BTW, rape is by FAR the most common female masturbation fantasy (per research you can look up), and 40% of raped women had orgasms (I read that in a serious academic paper). You should see how the feminists bend over backwards to explain THAT away!

I figure another 40% almost did, but the guy cummed first. The same paper says that a HUGE problem in post-rape psychiatry is guilt because the girl liked it and masturbates to the memory.

God knows I do.

It was in the Clinical Journal of Forensic Medicine

Like seeing the Nazis in "Downfall" as humans, people aren't always what you decide they have to be. Neither are experiences... particularly when it's someone else's experience.
