MovieChat Forums > The Italian Job (2003) Discussion > AMERICA. LEAVE OUR FILMS ALONE!!!


Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks "i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see."


British doesn't even have the budget to make a good movie. So if anything did happen, its just that the US made their film even more better..

A ship sank at the end of the movie Titanic



Uh no, they made it flashier, and put MOAR explosions in, oh and added a love interest and -EVIL VILLIAN WHO LOOKS EVIL, BECAUSE HE IS EVIL! (and he has a mansion!) -

Whereas the original Italian job didn't need fast paced action with explosions every five minutes. Oh and it didn't need or have any boring love interest storyline.


Nah, we're all just cinematic trolls.


have you ever thought that maybe one filmmaker was so inspired by another's that he wished he was part of the film, in turn causing him to create his own rendition of the film? Some remakes are great, and some are terrible. Just as some originally scripted films are good and some are terrible. The british make great films as do the americans, and the fench and the indian and so on. Why do you have to choose which country makes better films? If you love movies you won't care where they are made and who is behind the camera. If a movie is good, that is the end of it!


"have you ever thought that maybe one filmmaker was so inspired by another's that he wished he was part of the film, in turn causing him to create his own rendition of the film? Some remakes are great, and some are terrible. Just as some originally scripted films are good and some are terrible. The british make great films as do the americans, and the fench and the indian and so on. Why do you have to choose which country makes better films? If you love movies you won't care where they are made and who is behind the camera. If a movie is good, that is the end of it! "
This argument was over long before it really got started. The OP took a generalization about a subjective topic and baited people into arguing over what not even he/she believes.

"Yes, I know how self serving this makes me look... and I'm fine with it."


Norton a crappy actor? I don;t think so


Don't like them, don't watch them, quit whinging.



Hi there everyone im british (just putting that out there). upon reading these many obscene comments (Brits and Yanks) i feel quite disgusted. Yes there are some good remakes and some bad. but there are certain films (TIJ) that are renowned for where there are made. Its a british film end of story. I personally would not watch a british remake of The Shawshank Redemtion or Scarface. and the fact is we would never try it. I understand that some if not loads f americans may take what i say as offensive but i assure you all it is not meant to offend, but to be honest i feel rather offended myself (from both sides of the coin)

BTW im watching The Italian Job(1969) as i type this, and the car chase is about to start so i bid you all fairwell.




Piss off, wanker.


Why not, if they put American cars in it, or cars from other euro countries, it will be better than the original pussbox glorifying italian job.

Eat the Neocons.
