MovieChat Forums > The Italian Job (2003) Discussion > AMERICA. LEAVE OUR FILMS ALONE!!!


Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks "i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see."



So, obviously you saw it, does that make you tasteless? Really, I'm sick of the British pretending their so damned smart with all their snobbery and sir sir, Oxford, and the like, why can't you prove your intelligence by the words you speak instead of your foolishness? Do you actually take a Hollywood movie as an insult to British culture? If so, then you have a long way to go as a civilization. Films are nothing more than directors' and producers' ideas that are put on a tangible media, nothing more. If you don't like them, you don't have to watch them, but don't judge an entire society by them. Oh yeah, whether British or American, we all have spell checkers now, so why not prove your intelligence by using them? There is no such word as "sence". "Tasteless" has an "e" after the "t" before the suffix. Also, whenever using proper nouns (e.g. British and not "british"), take the time to show your superior intellect and capitalize your sentences properly. Is it true you have higher education paid for, unlike the United States? And you still can't spell? What's wrong with you? All that quiet desperation affecting your judgment?



Hey Mr.Smug Arse Matthew Diamond, these are interesting sentiments coming from an American who makes himself all too openly recognised as one ridden with superiority-complex. Oxford-elegance does exist here in England, but still there is more to our culture than tradition and etiquette. To use the English politesse as a stereotype upon which to model your online enemies doesn't demonstrate much intelligence to me. You Americans hold bloody galas over spelling-bees, for what? So you can log onto this website and brow-beat people who like to use casual online vocabulary? How miniscule are you? Just how superior do you believe you are to us all?
I nearly died laughing at "All that quiet desperation affecting your judgment?" Oh, the irony that an American is asking us this!! You are one Hell of a desperate country; your Government hoodwink and betray you, your culture is founded on your High Schools and their students, and your mission at present seems to be to conquer Iraq, a country far smaller and poorer than you. Here's a metaphor: a loud-mouthed, merciless, gluttonous beast of a man, dressed from head to toe in the stars and stripes, is violating an Iraqi woman-her husband tries to defend her, and the violater shoots him in the head. Thats what you are doing in Iraq. Running out of resources huh? Go suck on it.


I totally agree with the OP

Hollywood often takes Great British, Iconic, Classic films such as this one and turn them into 'Hollywood Movies'.

Thats a term we use in film critic circles in the UK to describe Hollwood's 'American Friendly' films which tend to follow a set of rules:

Good vs Bad: Good Wins
American vs Foreigner: American Wins

Among others.

Don't get me wrong America has produced some brilliant films. I'm just having some trouble trying to think of any from the last 10 years....



From the BBC's review of this movie:

"Let's get one thing straight. Peter Collinson's The Italian Job (1969) is not a great film - it's an average film with a great finale. Oh, and another thing: F Gary Gray's remake blows the bloody doors off it."

4 stars out of 5, same as what the users of the BBC site gave it.

Thanks for playing. See you next time on "Thinly Veiled Nationalist Rants on an Effing Movie Forum!"


I can't think of a remake off the top of my head that I don't like much much more than the original.


Yes well that is a review by a woman who has no taste and is probably no doubt also a woman's libber who finds the 1969 version sexist and therefore bares a grudge against it.

Each to their own, but there is no comparison and the Michael Caine classic wins every time.

The getaway scene in the 2003 version even stalls half way whilst they faff around and it just doesn't do anything for me.

Plus I've watched the 1969 original hundreds of times, where as I could only stomach the 2003 rubbish the one time and that was one time too many in itself.

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


From the BBC's review of this movie:

"Let's get one thing straight. Peter Collinson's The Italian Job (1969) is not a great film - it's an average film with a great finale. Oh, and another thing: F Gary Gray's remake blows the bloody doors off it."

4 stars out of 5, same as what the users of the BBC site gave it. l

I still stand by my earlier response, but read this recent review of the original: -


I think your real problem is that you hate everything about Americans.


Oh God here we go another sad case. You'll be calling me a Muslim bloody Terrorist nutter next!

Anyway you're wrong and I don't have a problem, nor do I hate everything about Americans either.

No, not at all as there's loads of great American made films that I love. Plus American rock bands and stuff.

I just lose the will to live every time a classic film gets remade very badly and it's not only our British classics that are affected.

I love the 1974 original of 'Black Christmas' for instance, but the recent remake was utter rubbish and nowhere near as good as the original.


Get a life.

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.


I've got a life thanks and it's a very nice one too.




I thought the original was great, but I have to say I enjoyed this film too, a real popcorn flick to sit back and not think to hard about.

Besides, it wasn't really a remake, it was inspired by the original, I mean, 'The Italian Job (1969)' was about the Italian job where as, 'The Italian Job (2003)' was about payback over the Italian job, the only similarities really were Gold, Mini's, Charlie Crocker's name and the films name.

If you didn't like it fine, but don't trash it just because you liked the original more, I do too but I see the other has merits for different reasons.

I'm from the UK too btw!
