MovieChat Forums > The Italian Job (2003) Discussion > AMERICA. LEAVE OUR FILMS ALONE!!!


Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks "i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see."


i disagree.. i think this "remake" is a pretty good film!

i aint seen the original yet... but i gave the NEW italian job a 9/10 ;)


Nice to see a boring old "B" list movie updated and set in a plausible location.


I think you've just made a contradiction there and Hollywood actually made a 1960's plausible classic into a boring third rate "B" movie!

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


bascially i feel that remakes are always going to happen, especially in a world where there is little to no creativity coming from it nowadays, I mean look at it this way, how many sequels are coming out this year, and how many films are going to be leading on to sequels.

This new italian job is a good film if you have never watched the original, like most remakes, however when it comes to the new mini there is more of a crime than the film, how stupid can you get, its not even small its bigger than a fair few cars out there at the moment in the uk!

Anyway I am talking about un-important films, I feel its time hollywood really stopped making terrible sequels and poorly made re-makes and started churning out some fantastic fresh ideas, e.g. pans labyrtinh, 28 days later, the descent, lock stock and two smoking barrels, shaun of the dead etc!


We watched "28 Days Later" last night, in readiness for "28 Weeks Later"

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


While Hollywood puts out many good films (some of them remakes), they have the annoying tendency of trying to remake every movie...including classic US movies. While some remakes are superior, or good in a different way, most make you find out first hand that you can't slit your wrist with a ticket stub.


If you don't like a movie genre don't watch it. I don't like european films, so i take the time to watch european films then i get on movie sites and insult the european film industry.

That was sarcasm by the way and if you didn't catch it you have more serious problems than crappy movies, because i was laying it on pretty thick. If you don't like the way "those big-headed, over-stuffed, illiterate americans" make them, don't watch the films!


I enjoyed the new version with Mark Wahlberg.





I agree, my friend. I'm an American, but this movie SUCKED!


Good point! I mean, if an american thinks the movie sucks, then it must suck. I mean, I'm an american and I think you suck too :).

Psi Star Psi the only difference is the sign of the i.


This movie is so much better than the original. I don't know anything about British since I'm not even an American. I'm spanish and American always makes good film. I hate Benny Hill and other BBC movies. British people don't have sense of humor. They are stupid. LOL.

Go Americans!!! And Spaniards!!!!


Yes we must be stupid, since so many of us come to you're lousy country and drink far too much and vomit everywhere and yet you still welcome us with open arms.

Now who's being stupid?

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


Isn't stupid not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"? Nationalism doesn't do us a bit of good Taffy...especially nationalism coupled with bad spelling ;-)



"British people don't have sense of humor. They are stupid"

Well Hollywood obviously thinks differently because they've copied many British sitcoms like Till Death Us Do Part, Steptoe and Son, Fawlty Towers, The Office, Coupling, The Inbetweeners...

Guess you look stupid after this post.


im american and i think that the UK makes better films then the US



Thats very nice of you to say but I don't think that it is nessesarily true ( look at harry potter YEEASH!!) lol anyway I am a brit.

I think that hollywood churns out movie after movie very quickly and will occasionally have an expetional movie, the bourne series comes to mind. However most of them are desiened to make money. How many American Pie's are there now? Twenty three?

However Britan tends to produce FAR fewer movies for money reasons. We don't make many an therefore the quality tends to be higher on average. However it you look at the sheer number of classics the USA FAR outstrips us.

The Italien job remake was a good theif movie. It was nothing like the original. It should not be compared to the origenal in anyway. It does not spoil the original in any way and encorages people to go see it anyway.

I saw the italien job when I was a kid and I loved it. However this argument it completly pointless as America did not steal the movie, they mearly wrote a new one with a completly diffent plot.

Finally a word about remakes. They can improve on the orginal. The bourne identity was a remake.


Go away American Government- go and torture another third world country, go and bully some more innocent, deprived people for oil and fuel, actually DON'T. Just stay where you are and rot because the rest of the world can't stomach your obese, bullying *beep* anymore. Your people are naive and brain washed, you are destroying the world, Oh and another thing, whilst your at it tell these directors to STOP *beep* OUT THEIR OBESE SPLEEN ON OUR FILMS.

I'm not sure if its art, but I like it!


Isn't it nice to be able to come to a free forum?
Say whatever is on your mind?
Not fear that your house will blow up for your actions?
Have a voice in your government, however insignificent that may seem at times?

That is what Americans would like to see worldwide.
Please pardon us for being so inconsiderate.


Trump supporters want free speech banned from the media.


If you rent the DVD watch the special features.
The Directer and cast watched the original version and loved it.
They tried not to make a remake of a classic film but to give a different story while useing some of the same ideas and simularitys.
They pay homage to the original.


Excuse me, but what has this got to do with the movie?


I've seen both the original (my dad's British and made me watch it) as well as the remake and I have to say the original SUCKS. It is so boring and meaningless. The remake was so much better.
