MovieChat Forums > The Italian Job (2003) Discussion > AMERICA. LEAVE OUR FILMS ALONE!!!


Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks "i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see."


If you don't like American Hollywood remakes, then don't watch them. And ESPECIALLY don't complain about them on these forums, have some respect, please. I respect British movies and don't put them down even when I don't understand them (different culture, dude!).



Good grief. When I first came to this message board to ask a question about possible easter eggs on the DVD, I saw this thread and thought, 'What a #@$!'

Does anyone really think that people commenting on movies on this message board have any influence over which movies are made, or how they're put together??? Come on...

"Those who define themselves by hatred will never be productive, interesting to talk to, or happy."


"Does anyone really think that people commenting on movies on this message board have any influence over which movies are made, or how they're put together??? Come on..."

I know, but it's so fun. Stir the pot, improve internation relations, etc.


I'm not about to read all the hundreds of replies to this message but I must admit that American remakes are crap. I loved the original I just watched it actually and it's got so much more charm, wit and even better camera work than the remake. One thing that almost all american films suffer from is the lets take an interesting concept and add an attractive leading lady, a lot of explosions and stupid helicopter special effects. older movies rely on a good soundtrack, interesting dialogue, character development and a few scenes with a certain panasche (however you spell that) anyways yes I hope my fellow americans leave your movies alone as long as you keep letting us appreciate them.


Oh, stop arguing, seriously.
Everyone has their own taste, right?
To each, their own.


Wow. Are people still replying to this?

I quite like the remake now.

"Corneto!"-Ed (Shaun of the Dead)



I'm more annoyed at the people on the boards who are always like "OMG Remake!" for every good movie and then when a remake is made they go "omg, what jerks!" not saying you guys are those people...but it's so annoying.

Check me out on Youtube


UK movies need more explosions dude.

Get over it.



Do you realize that in order for a remake to be made, the original creator has to allow it. So complain to the owner of the original Italian Job you Brit.


...there's a reason why Hollywood's in America...?


Don't u just think that America thought, hey this is a GREAT film, but why dont we remake it so it appeals to the YOUNGER generation. Jesus, if u dont like, dont waste ur time watching it.

