MovieChat Forums > The Italian Job (2003) Discussion > AMERICA. LEAVE OUR FILMS ALONE!!!


Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks "i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see."



Dealwithit_1: best comment on this whole thread - completely cracked me up...(and I don't even know what country you come from lol)


The guy who started this post is right, the Yanks can't take the fact we have made better films than them! Alfie was remade! Why? So was Four Feathers! Why? Just don't bother, we gave you independance, and how do you return the favour? You remake the Wicker Man! Absolute jackasses!



Not all Brits are like this *beep*

The first film was great apart for the stupid end

I am watching the remake on film 4 at the mo and so far its been good

relax folks this movie has kept a few people in Cowley in a job at least

chaingang-life you are a dick


Yes it's on film 4 where as the 1969 classic gets shown on BBC1 at prime time almost every Christmas.

Oh and yes it's nice that a few people have jobs in Cowley, pity the same can't be said for the thousands who lost theirs at Longbridge.

Anyway the UK and the USA are united on the fight against terror and don't forget we got attacked in 2005, not to mention the many failed attempts too. But then we've suffered terrorism for decades in the UK.

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"




You are a bloody hooligan. England is the worst place on earth coz its filled with pub yobs like you. Go *beep* yourself, your Americas Arse kisser!!

I'm not sure if its art, but I like it!


I'm from England and i didn't mined the remake of TIJ but here are some films that shouldn't have been remade or messed about with.

Cape Fear - original better
It's A Wonderful Life - Leave it in Black and White
Casablanca - As Above
Godfather Part 3 - WHY


"Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks 'i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see.' "

here here, spot on. The original was brilliant, this new one is a joke. And they're planning another money-spinning sequel. Americans...


Every hollywood remake of brillant british films ends up being <crap>!!!!!

Heres what happens.

Bad director can't think of a film to make so he goes and finds a good british film and thinks "i'll put more guns and explosions in it and change the script enough that it makes no sence and the get some crappy actors, oh yeah and set it in the USA. That'll make a good film that millions of tastless people will go and see."

I'm English, & personally enjoyed the Italian Job (2003), but having watched all the extras on the DVD, someone said they didn't look at it as a remake, more of a tribute to the original. Still, it wouldn't have had the same impact if it was called "The LA Job", coz then people would just complain "that it ripped off the Italian Job". So they weren't gonna win either way!
But regardless, I enjoyed it anyway.


i watched this film again 4 the first time in years 2nite as a hiest movie its quite gud as a remake of the italian job its gash. hardly ne of its set in Italy! i get it. The movies called the italian job coz the FIRST robbery takes place in Italy. but cum on they may have well called it the LA job. or jst not called it the nefing job. 1 english actor, not 1 door blown of donald sutherland as mister bridger and were woz the self preservasion society. yanks need 2 stop TRYING 2 remake British tv and cinema or start gettin better @ it.

1 fing id like 2 c more of Mos Def ive only seen him in this and 16 blocs ive sed all i need 2 about this film 16 blocs sucked. but he woz gud.


Remakes and more Remakes! movies of series from 70's and 80's! all the freaking comic books! spin offs! Cute CGI animals dancing and talking with voices of an incredible cast!(the kids really matter who da' hell is talking thru a raccoon?!?) Old actors making sequels of movies from their glory days like "terminator 3" and 4! "rocky 6" "Rambo 4" "Die Hard 4" "Indiana Jones 4" "Beverly hills cop 4" Etc....
Also the damn prequels! Most of them screwing the original movie (George Lucas Did It and later they all start to do it")
Oh! and the "Versus" thing!!! "Freddy Vs. Jason" "AlĂ­en Vs. Predator" and of course the sequels!! What's next?! "Alf Vs. ET"!!!??
The worst thing is.... 15$ the movie, We go to the theaters any way!!! and of corse the Box office is great for them! and they think this crappy things are good movies
and continuing doing bad movies and sequels of bad movies.... so sad!

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Aguante Argentina!!!

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Can't we all just get along?


That's cute. I second that motion. I'm not going to say the new TIJ was better than the original, or vice versa because I have only seen the remake (as I am American). But I really just want to say that people need to stop taking so much offense to these things. If you like the original TIJ better, that's great! I don't think that the new one was particularly impressive, but I'm saying that as an independent movie, not as a remake. By itself it just wasn't very interesting (sans exploding things and the like). But that's just my opinion. I think that really it doesn't matter.


I'm American and I agree. I never saw any need to remake ANY film or song for that matter. We don't need more special effect extravaganzas that substitute good dialogs and plot. I could rattle off 50 films that should have never been remade. I'm willing to bet 80% of them would be European/foreign in origin. I enjoy foreign AND American cinema. I have no problem watching a foreign film with subtitles. There are people on this service that spend their entire days coming up with "dream casts" for some silly remake. It's like traveling to the Louvre to look at a repainting of the Mona Lisa. Makes no sense.

I'm not saying all original films are masterpieces, but they are a snapshot of the time in which they were made. It's interesting to me watching a period piece and the actors all have current hairstyles/morality. I see no need to "update" these.

There are notable exceptions but those are purely for special effects. Eye candy.

Titanic and King Kong come to mind.


I say, if someone has a problem with the remaking or "updating" of films then write an original script so that film makers wouldnt have to remake any old movies. Oh, and get over the whole America steals everything from Europe, its old and it makes you look like a tosser.


haha, ok the golden age of U.S. films may be over, but they are still better than the majority of british offense


In you're dreams and you're own little world perhaps. Oh and none taken.

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


Remakes are exactly what their name implies- something made my someone who saw/watched/heard something and went "I like that... but I think it would look/be/sound better with *this* (pull out an electric guitar)"

Take Phantom of the Opera for a prime example. A) Andrew Lloyd Webber flipped through a book by Gaston Leroux and decided it would be fun to put on a song'n'play about a mad, society-rejected musical genius. B) then they made a movie C) and another movie D) and another and another and an Italian gore version movie of it too!! Frankly the newest one is the best in my opinion, except that Raoul is a ponce...

I happened to really enjoy this version of The Italian Job and then I watched the original and hated it. Mostly because about the only link between the two were a couple of Minis and a guy called Charlie. Also, this version has much better quotes and appeals to my aesthetic values that have been nutured by the ever-invasive media of today's society.

Just thought I'd vent frustration and affection at once, thank you for listening (well, reading) my opinion, you're welcome for it.

*Proud Member of the Sirius Black Curtain Awareness Association*


But being mainstream also makes it boring and the 1969 original was, like the original Mini, quite unique too.

Anyway as someone posted on another thread,

"One mans poison is another mans passion"


"Bottom line, either a movie rocks your boat, or it doesn't. Trying to explain why you like a movie or not is like trying to explain why you like or don't like a particular person".

Enough said then really, but if you're from the UK or are one of the 5,387,862 who owned an original Mini, then chances are you prefer the 1969 original version.

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"



I am used to it baby, but that doesn't mean I have to always like it.

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"
