Its just the fact with films i feel differently, with plays to me they are works of art that are mean't to be reproduced and played around the world. A film is something that is done once and captured on film, video, dvd etc and then it goes into cinema history to be viewed my many audiences over again and again. With a novel it would be seen a plaugerism e.g. the fiasco with Dan browns Da Vinci Code against the holy grail holy blood (or whatever it is called)
With my blood made up of seven countries (all of which in the past 150years, hope this sounds right) irish, french, italien, english, spanish, welsh, nordic, scottish I am nowhere near a nationalist. Don't really give a hoot (i'm quite lucky rooting for the teams in the six nations rugby championships, anyway thats besides the point)
I don't like any remake of any film from any era or country, to me its set in stone and with new directors wanting to try adding extra scenes to build the story of the original further, it just doesn't need tampering with. I'm not saying that british films are better (sorry if i put that across), i love a lot of american films godfather trilogy, taxi driver, aliens, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, being john malkovich there are so many great titles. Its just quite a few brit films have been remade and i think why? (and since I am a citizen of the u.k born here instantly you think they don't like the original since its not american made etc) whats the point all that money and creative genious could be spent on producing yet another blockbuster e.g. interesting one i've heard about 'little miss sunshine'
With remakes you always get this 'its not going to be as good as the original' and they can it before its released its because reviewers will always compare to the original because thats the original source. Plays on the whole are mean't to be reproduced with its original text and passion, exceptions with modernised versions to me this is different. To me remade films have the great story already there, less money spent to create a new plot its easy with material there to work from.
I'm really enjoying this healthy debate with you (although many of my words may be flawed since my mate thinks people who did not take philosophy at A- level cannot argue and have not been trainned, boo sucks to him)
Looking forward to your reply :)