When I came to this section of IMDB, I fully expected this movie to be panned, but I was wrong. Now, not to deny anyone else their opinion, but what the hell? This was one of the worst acted, worst written, worst directed, poorly cast, badly conceived films ever made. I can't fathom how anyone...I mean anyone could like this movie. To be fair, I try to find something to enjoy in even the worst of films, but this movie lowered the IQs of everyone I know who watched it. I want my IQ points back!!!
I'm sorry but i've played xbox 360 games with better cg models (gears of war anyone?) and the acting is about on par with a video game cg... which is horrible. i'm trying to enjoy it. i've been turned off of french action movies after i suffered through that brotherhood fo the wolves flick.
The direction and script were a huge mess. I'm a seasoned film watcher and figured out most of what was going on, but no thanks to Enki Bilal, who wrote the thing like a series finale, only without the series. The rape subplot was pretty offensive, as well.
Basically, it comes down to the fact that Bilal was too in love with his own source material to be an objective screenwriter, and tried to cram in everything and the kitchen sink, leaving us with a film that has no beginning or middle, and 102 minutes of ending.
I still am in shock over the rantings of resident 12-year-olds saying things like "OMG u need 2 be Michel Bay spoon fed u idiot 2 not like tis movie." I loathe Bay, I distance myself from Hollywood, I adore French Cinema (most notably the old FNW, but some recent films as well), and love mystical works. Despite the constant hatred of Renaissance, I somewhat enjoyed it. I also like "Blueberry."
This film, however, is not good. Not even remotely within the realm of good, in all honesty. I can forgive translation errors, bad acting, and weird editing. I cannot, however, forgive poorly conceived stories, idiotic situations, nonsensical action scenes, and silly plot devices.
This may be one of the worst films I've ever seen--at least one of the worst films with a large amount of work put into it.
i love how there's a 'worst movie ever' thread for nearly every film on IMDB. It quite plainly isn't the worst movie ever, or 'attack of the 50 ft woman'and 'hot bubblegum' just somehow got elevated to good. Seriously, enough with the 'worst movie' stuff.
Yes, yes, opinions vary, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc etc. Everyone's free to love and hate this movie lol, it's been years since i've seen it but i've half a mind to watch it again, this thread sparks my curiosity xD i gotta see all this wonderful poetry and atrocious acting. One thing to add, sorry if someone already said this, i started getting impatient around the half of the thread: if you boast about your immensely giant intelligence, for God's sake... don't say another word. You will embarrass yourself. If you will bash something, give relevant references and appropriate similes. For instance, before you say this is the worst movie ever, have a go at one of Uwe Boll's creations (so sorry for using the most generic example but it just springs to mind so quickly xD i'm sure there's much worse!). You might feel elevated by putting other things down, but really you just appear mean and stoopid. Use appropriate, creative and fun new phrases! :D "oh my god so awful"-or"absolutely amazing!!!!!!^^"-comments are not fun to read! (nor is my post. lol)
I've seen worse but I'm stunned at the support for this movie.
The first 40 minutes were interesting ( particularly the medical dictatorship concept ) but the latter half of the movie degrades into some cheesey, sci-fi writer's, masturbatory, rape fantasy.
This movie was right up there with End of Days (1999):
I think the movie was quite good. The reason why many people hated it might be the gaps that are left to be filled in by the spectator. I enjoyed a lot the atmosphere of the movie. the film aesthetically and rather sincerely conveys the loneliness and confused nature of an emotional woman. That is how I read it.
Right, not the worst movie ever made, but couldn't we do better than this in 2004? Holy cow! I've seen more realistic CGI cut scenes in video games from the late 1990s.
Immortel…..A Fascinating, Intriguing, Artful, Stylish and Wonderfully Weird Film. It pushes the envelope of what the art form can be in all the right places. What a bunch of clues morons who trashed this film. Especially those that commented on the acting…which by the way is top notch. You armchair quarterbacks who don’t know a thing about the craft ought to stick to the Steven Segal films. Better yet….television’s mindless, endless reality TV.
All i can say is that this movie is far from the worst ever. not necessarily a terrible movie, but this may be one of the only films i've ever seen that was hard to finish. and i'm pretty liberal with movies and its hard for me to find a movie that i absolutely hate, but this movie lacks some substance. i mean the first 40 minutes or so are just different scenes of people and we rarely get a name or why/what they are doing. french movies are some of my all time favorites, but this movie missed the mark.
DrTankMC, I don't understand why you had a problem getting through this film. I don't even understand why this film only gets a 5.9 from IMDB members. Considering the high ratings to which people give crappy films, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this film didn't get a higher rating.
Maybe if you try watching it again and giving it another chance, it may come across better.
-------------------------------------- America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".
Well done and said,my Friend!!! Those stupid Idiots are to Watch Godzilla or some other Hollywood Trash where is ,,good`` acting with some ,,great,, effects!!!
I chose to view this movie as a piece of art, similar to Andy Warhol films, and i think it was a fantastic movie. If you've seen any Warhol movies you can tell they're very hard to enjoy. the acting is bad, you don't get any good backgrounds on any characters, and so on. but once your able to see past and see the movie as a work of art, it is easy to see the what Andy is trying to portray. Now i'm not the biggest fan of Andy Warhol or anything, but i think this movie was marvelous, i loved the mix of CGI graphics and real life characters. As for the story line, i like how it didn't explain much about what was going on. I could use my imagination to fill in the rest. It actually made me think, unlike most movies, i.e Indiana Jones (not to put it down or anything). As for the character's i have learned they are based on characters from a comic book series, which doesn't change anything for me, i just want to buy the comic book now. In not my best written response it think when manwithsmallpez actually watches the movie as a work of art, like Taxi Driver or any other classic, he will give this movie a higher rating, maybe not 10/10 or even a 8/10 but an 6or7/10. like what it has now.
While I have never read the comic book that I guess this was based on I just caught this on cable last night I was up late looking for something different to watch and I was just glued to the images again I have no previous experience with either the story or the film but I don't mind saying I liked it I loved the look of the film and wondered how I missed it years ago. I will admit having fallen asleep on it but I plan to record it or go search it out so I can see the whole movie so far I went as far as looking it up online as I coould not remeber the title but quickly found it. Again a very cool looking movie with an interesting mix of animation and live action something I don't get to see very often.
Ive seen most of Andy Worhol's fils and still think this movie was CRAP. You have very generously given this film the title of ART when even the creators did not release it as an "art" film. It was intended as a mainstream film for the masses. It fell far short.