im not one to force my opinions on others, and i hardly ever consider a movie "Bad" because its all subjective. But this movie was one that was seriously flawed in so many aspects, and it amazes me that some people actually stick up for this rotten apple, rationalizing and justifying some of the most glaring flaws...
the one thing i can't get around is how people can say the CG characters were passable. Had this been a fully CG movie, it would have failed miserably amongst other movies of its kind. The full CGI characters were badly rendered and animated. The least they could have done was motion capture. The CG characters looked incredibly stiff. Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, flawed but still enjoyable, was amazing and that was made years EARLIER!! Then there is Advent Children (which was god awful in my opinion) where the CG, though spotchy and inconsistent, achieved greater believabilty. And that Tom Hanks movie, the Polar Express? At least the CG was consistant. Same goes with the CG short in the Animatrix. There is absolutely NO excuse for putting POORLY rendered AND animated human characters alongside human actors. It breaks the continuity of the world it sets and looks like a badly put together collage. And no one should be arguing budget constraints like "they couldn't afford to pay actors" either because it costs more to create, render, and animate full CG humanoids. The makeup route or partial CG route would have been much cheaper.
On the otherside of things, the CG for the backgrounds and the design of the world was amazing. Its a shame they did not apply the same amount of Love and Care into the CG characters.
The plot had such an interesting concept, but failed to go anywhere interesting, and the screenplay left a lot of things unanswered or brought the viewers to several dead ends. "Leaving things to the imagination of the Audience" is no excuse for poor writing. Open ends should be scarce and not detract from the flow of the storytelling. There were pointless charactarizations, such as the senator and his assistant Liang... The inspector with the mutilated face... They merely show up as means of exposition, if even for that at all!
all said and done, i have taken into consideration the fact that it was based off a comic which had a more fleshed out world. This movie would have been better off as a TV series or a serial. As it is, this is one serious mess of a movie.