MovieChat Forums > Immortel (ad vitam) (2004) Discussion > Could Be One Of The Worst Films Ever Mad...

Could Be One Of The Worst Films Ever Made!

When I came to this section of IMDB, I fully expected this movie to be panned, but I was wrong. Now, not to deny anyone else their opinion, but what the hell? This was one of the worst acted, worst written, worst directed, poorly cast, badly conceived films ever made. I can't fathom how anyone...I mean anyone could like this movie. To be fair, I try to find something to enjoy in even the worst of films, but this movie lowered the IQs of everyone I know who watched it. I want my IQ points back!!!


Agreed. This film was badly made, poorly acted, terribly directed and misconceived on many levels. It was, however, visually amazing in places. As the first scenes played out before the credits I thought that perhaps this film was going to live up to the hype of the cover – a dream movie, free from plot, combining the best of French and Japanese animation.

Unfortunately the director’s decision to combine actors with poorly rendered CGI characters was mystifying at best, incredibly distracting at worst. It was ugly and jarring. Perhaps with a lot more money it could have been better, but the plot was so ridiculously convoluted and boring I just gave up caring at about the point the main character starts ruminating over his need to rape the character of Jill. Ok, so comic strips and crap CGI movies like this are generally tasteless, but there was so little to justify such crass ugliness I wondered what on earth the director thought he was doing.

This film deserved to go straight to DVD where it will die a justified death.


If you thought *this* lowered your IQ, i'd hate to think what the TRULY bad ones would to do you. Go watch Manos, the Hands of Fate. I suspect you might melt.


I thought it was very intriguing. The use of rendered characters and real ones was convincing to me given the dreamlike world. Perfect immortality would be a virtual copy of yourself. Nothing was conventional. It wasn't a story that allowed you to really feel for the characters but the images made it feel like you were looking at creatures that were playthings of the gods. There was a lot of classical mythology references.


Although I didn't get the full story and all before reading comments and explanations, when I saw the movie for the first time - and I had no idea about it, except from the cover- I found the story interesting, teh acting not bad and the animated city amazing plus I liked Jills whole styling, it just looked amazing. I like most movies, so maybe I am easy to please, but I liked it a lot.


Ha, I wasn't suprised reading some of the comments here. Some people obviously need their film experience to be 'spoon fed' to them, preferably in very mushy Apple Pie flavour if you get my meaning!

You shouldn't take offence at certain peoples reaction to this very fine example of offbeat Sci-fi, you should find it VERY reassuring that they are flabberghasted by what it's all about, and their only critisism seems to be pointless nit-picking about certain elements of the film.

It's A cult classic in my book! :-)


After reading much of this thread, I can say that the most consistent complaint about this movie is that it leaves a lot unexplained.

That, to me, was the best part.

The best stories don't hand you everything in a neat, shiny plastic container, like cell phone accessories come in. Neat delineations, "this is the story, this is the whole story, this is nothing but the story", that leave nothing for the mind of the audience to contribute, are the signs of the McDonald's of storytelling. Sure, they'll fill you up, and you'll go away with that satisfied feeling that enough MSG and fat can give you, but talk about unhealthy!

Personally, I liked the incompleteness of the story. The jarring contrast of CGI and real people. The lack of background for the characters.

It's like stretching exercises for the mind.

I don't expect many people to understand that, much less agree with it.



It actually would have been better if they blew sh!t up...

I think it must be a cultural thing... liking this movie that is... a cult movie? I'll give you that. So was Rocky Horror Picture Show (perhaps a little weed would've made this one better too, hee hee). Sad, sad...

The story was so disjointed and characters unfulfilling that I didn't care about filling in any of the plot holes.




Of course it sucked, I don't get how you even can bother to debate it. Another thing that sucks is nerds who think movies with random pretentious references to mythology, religion and philosophy are automatically intelligent movies. Nerdy people who are into technology and sci-fi are also perceived as intelligent, which of course is *beep* considering they like movies like this, the matrix 2 & 3, final fantasy and akira. And yes, I do understand these movies, I just happen to find an average Family Guy episode far more intelligent than any "epic" piece of garbage like this.


I'll tell you what's really f ucking ridiculous, when people give 'their opinion' and think it's lore, they deem something to be crap, then from that moment on anyone who says otherwise is questioning what is layed down in stone in 'their' eyes! RIDICULOUS!!!

'I think' the film is a great piece of sci-fi, if you think otherwise then that's your loss :-p






I'm pretty neutral on this movie. I'm pretty forgiving of low-budget FX. I understand not every studio can afford a $100 million dollar Pixar studio or some such. The live acting was good enough. My problems were the characters that were a waste of time. Several characters pop up hear and there and they seem to serve no other purpose than a momentary plot explanation.

A lot of people like to say things like "oh, you must like everything wrapped up in a nice little box, you're such a Hollywood whore!" Whatever. It's a pretty pretentious thing to say as well as misguided. The "Hollywood" formula is pretty much the same formula the Greeks created. The same formula Shakespeare used. The same formula Dickens used. I guess they're all just "McDonalds" fast food.

Seriously, I find if funny that people have to insult each other to pump up their own egos. If you liked it, fine. If you didn't like it, fine. Liking or disliking a movie does not prove or disprove intelligence. If people are so eager to prove your intelligence, try using coherent arguments rather than empty boasts and name calling.


Thank you man,for enlighten these people. I must agree. Strech your minds you conformist narrow minded retards. dont just devour what the give you.

Europe rules! ...once least there ir a bit of culture here.


im not one to force my opinions on others, and i hardly ever consider a movie "Bad" because its all subjective. But this movie was one that was seriously flawed in so many aspects, and it amazes me that some people actually stick up for this rotten apple, rationalizing and justifying some of the most glaring flaws...

the one thing i can't get around is how people can say the CG characters were passable. Had this been a fully CG movie, it would have failed miserably amongst other movies of its kind. The full CGI characters were badly rendered and animated. The least they could have done was motion capture. The CG characters looked incredibly stiff. Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, flawed but still enjoyable, was amazing and that was made years EARLIER!! Then there is Advent Children (which was god awful in my opinion) where the CG, though spotchy and inconsistent, achieved greater believabilty. And that Tom Hanks movie, the Polar Express? At least the CG was consistant. Same goes with the CG short in the Animatrix. There is absolutely NO excuse for putting POORLY rendered AND animated human characters alongside human actors. It breaks the continuity of the world it sets and looks like a badly put together collage. And no one should be arguing budget constraints like "they couldn't afford to pay actors" either because it costs more to create, render, and animate full CG humanoids. The makeup route or partial CG route would have been much cheaper.

On the otherside of things, the CG for the backgrounds and the design of the world was amazing. Its a shame they did not apply the same amount of Love and Care into the CG characters.

The plot had such an interesting concept, but failed to go anywhere interesting, and the screenplay left a lot of things unanswered or brought the viewers to several dead ends. "Leaving things to the imagination of the Audience" is no excuse for poor writing. Open ends should be scarce and not detract from the flow of the storytelling. There were pointless charactarizations, such as the senator and his assistant Liang... The inspector with the mutilated face... They merely show up as means of exposition, if even for that at all!

all said and done, i have taken into consideration the fact that it was based off a comic which had a more fleshed out world. This movie would have been better off as a TV series or a serial. As it is, this is one serious mess of a movie.


I thought it was a great movie! For many reasons.


This movie was definitely original. The atmosphere the film sets up is extraordinary despite some poor CGI at times. The first half of this movie kept me interested. The basic premise of an Egyptian god returning to Earth for seven days with the goal of procreating was interesting. I thought Nikopol was an interesting character and I thought the idea that the God lives through him was creative. Unforunately in the end I was disappointed and my overall position is that it is not brilliant (but could have been) however because of the visuals it is worth adding to your collection.

+++---++ SPOILERS AHEAD ++---+++


- The last half of the movie is a pseudo sexual triangle involving rape and arguments with a poorly executed CGI god in a hotel room. These scenes were very boring and you basically watched Nikopol and Jill have sex 3 seperate times within a 30 minute period. That in itself isn't bad however the story really didn't progress... Nikopol is forced to rape Jill by Horus, then Nikopol and Horus talk, Jill then forgets, Jill walks around, Jill comes back and is raped again, Horus talks to Nikopol again. That cycle repeated for a good 30 minutes and the scenes didn't differ much. Maybe if their was more nudity it wouldn't have been as boring but you don't see much and the story stalled. ;/

- Some of the more interesting characters are introduced but by the end of the film are shown to play a very small role in the film. I thought Inspector Freobe was the most interesting character in the god damn movie. In the end he's meaningless and could have been any "Tom, Dick, or Harry".

- The basic premise like I said was creative, however their wasn't much in the way of action, surprises, or twists. Most of the characters aside from Jill/Nikopol/Horus and John are quite minor.

I could go on but in the interest of wrapping this up: The film was highly original and creative but in the end left me disappointed because the basic story was developed much and what was there was long, drawn out, highly cryptic (while I understand from the posts here more of the story I still find it to be rather dull. While I like art I don't think this story needed to be a purely simple story shrouded in randomly added cryptic/symbolic messages) ...the books sound even worse.

I very much agree with what one poster said, "This was the best waste of time ever spent watching a film" (or something to that affect.)


The thing about this movie is that it is non-linear.
From the posted comments, it appears as if most of the people who didn't like it are linear thinkers - they like a beginning, a middle, and an end.
To appreciate this film you have to think outside the conventional structure.
Why can't a movie start in the middle and go nowhere?
Rimbaud was writing non-linear prose poetry back in the nineteenth century.
French writers and artists and philosophers have given us a lot of original thought - Surrealism and Existentialism started in France. (Some people say Existentialism started with Nietschze, but the real action was in France.)
Sorry for rambling, but to appreciate this film you have to throw out all your conventional expectations about what a film should be and what it should do.
We need linear thought, we can't live without it.
But it is a great adventure when we can step outside it.


I agree, I just watched this movie and realy enjoyed it.

BTW, genius is 144 not 130 or 150. I will not post my IQ because as some others said, there realy is no point and it isnt like anyone would believe me anyway.


ehuhh...What's an IQ?


It's a beautiful movie, a masterpice both of science fiction and fantasy where humans, aliens and Gods are credible just for be. A dark future which seems like our present world with some elements of the fantastic, and the quest of a God for true inmortality in his offspring as well the weird relationship between two people (Jill and Alcides) who initially hate each other, but later learn to be a complement of the other. Whoever didn't understand this movie is a moron wiht a IQ of 45


Oh my gosh!!! I've been hit where it hurts!

Heading back to the original comment I made here...I saw no comment that would lead anyone to believe that I think higher of my intelligence than anyone else. If it was interpreted that be it. I stand by what I had to say about this movie. What I have found disturbing in the mean time is the assumption that because I didn't enjoy this movie, there must be something wrong with me...and by wrong, I mean American. Yes, I am an American...I'm not going to stoop to thinking that movies are good simply because they come from here. The action genre is not necessarily my favorite.

I'm also not going to backpedal on the films I like or dislike. I like some foreign films. Not because they're foreign, but because they happen to be good. This one was a big, steaming pile of...well...fill in your own blank. I never said I didn't understand this movie. Not liking it, however, does not make me stupid, ignorant, or bigoted against moviemaking abroad. It would seem that there are plenty of people here making the presumption that I am some neanderthalithic trogolodyte because I thought this movie was crap. If you wish to think that way, that's your business. If you wish to make that opinion known...that's also your business. I'm not going to lean to personal attacks because some people like this movie, and others don't.

Again, though...I would rather have my testicles hammered flat with a wooden mallet...I would rather be set on fire...I would rather floss my ass with barbed wire than ever...ever, ever, ever see this movie again.

And, for the record, I have seen it more than once.


Do you realise that you started this thopic a year ago? Time to start thinking about something else.


Never mind the starting date. Interesting movie. Worth watching.


Never mind the starting date. Interesting movie. Worth watching.


This movie was very strange. The CG wasn't very good at all, but I wasn't really worried about it. What bothered me is the fact that they used live action filming combined with CG. That was a curveball that couldn't be recovered from. This movie didn't really hold my interest that much. I would have rather watched something else.
