MovieChat Forums > Immortel (ad vitam) (2004) Discussion > Could Be One Of The Worst Films Ever Mad...

Could Be One Of The Worst Films Ever Made!

When I came to this section of IMDB, I fully expected this movie to be panned, but I was wrong. Now, not to deny anyone else their opinion, but what the hell? This was one of the worst acted, worst written, worst directed, poorly cast, badly conceived films ever made. I can't fathom how anyone...I mean anyone could like this movie. To be fair, I try to find something to enjoy in even the worst of films, but this movie lowered the IQs of everyone I know who watched it. I want my IQ points back!!!


This movie is indeed not great. I was sad to hear they spent 3 years working on it. The CG characters were poorly rendered, the plot was juvenile, and the main characters used horrible, trite, shallow dialogue.


I usually look for the worst reviews of the movies I haven't seen... why do I do that? Don't know, to give me an idea, I guess...
But when I check the background of the person who posted the comment and see that he thinks that The Lost Boys, 8mm, A Time to Kill, Phone Booth, etc. are "Credential movies" for Joel Schumacher... I just get disappointed.
With all due respect, you should stick to Hollywood and leave european movies for people with a "normal" I.Q. We don't mind if you like what you like, just clarify your point of view for the benefit of the rest of us "mortals".


It's not,in my opinion that COULD BE one of the worse movie I've ever seen......IT IS the worse movie I've ever end...what's the meaning of this movie???...none!!

You won't'll DO it !!!!


Story = 7.5
Acting = 8
CGI/Virtual Worlds = 9.6
Originality = 10
Intensity/suspense = First half of movie is 5, second half is 7.5

Would I recommend it? I "bought" the DVD and copied it on my 40gig harddrive with no compression so that the picture/sound would be DVD quality. I really liked the movie and anyone that doesn't is not capable of appreciating originality.


Two questions:

1 - What was going on with "Intrusion" and what did Jill do there?

2 - Has anyone read the comic books? Any insight from them that might give some background information?


I saw this movie with an open mind (after having just watched Danger Diabolik - now there's a cool stylish flick). Immortel does not fall into the "pretty good non-Hollywood movie" - although it is decidedly NON Hollywood.

The acting was actually OK. And I enjoy a movie that makes you think and has a few "holes" to let you fill in the blanks, but.....

Jill - I don't care if she was blue, yellow, green whatever. I don't even care if they explain if she's human or alien. The film, however makes a VERY big deal about the fact that she is "secial", and makes NO attempt to say or even suggest how, except that she can bear Horus' child and is required to swallow some "dangerous" blue pill every so often to lose her mind (sic). Dr. Turner Turner is absolutely astounded at her body, but we don't know why.

"The Intrusion" - Huh? Who or what was "intruding" in Central Park (bums and muggers excluded) that would cause the ambient temperature of New York City drop so drastically. And why would the boundary of said intrusion spit back the skeletonized remains of all those who attempt to cross. - BTW according to John, Jill can (presumably) cross that barrier "when she is ready". Moreover, why should we care about any of this, since the writers of the movie obviously don't - it has no impact whatsoever on the "plot" of the movie.

Anubis and Bastet - surely two all-powerful egyptian gods (we won't even speculate why they are bothering to show up at all in New York - not exactly part of the ancient Egyptian world - circa 2095) can find something better to do with their eternity than play Monopoly.

The Bar - Does every fine establishment of spiritous beverages have their very own "space lounge" in the back room where divine beings can float in space while maintianing the comfort of their very own easy chair?

Spacesuits - Why do Nikopol & Jill don spacesuits in this movie at all? The only scene remotely dealing with the outer limits are the above mentioned Psycho bar. Surely a divine room like that wouldn't require its welcome visitors to obey the clearly broken laws of nature.

The Red Dyad (sp?) - This was a really cool character. Really. I wanted to see it more... know more about it. Where did it come from? Why was it so proficient in tracking? Why does Eugenics have it in the first place? Just when it confronts Horus (and thinks he's Anubis - I guess Dyads are kinda dumb) and you think you may learn SOMETHING... Bam!.... he's dead.

Do I really need to go on?

This was a movie with great potential that just plain floundered.
When you write and direct your own movie, ask someone to proofread. JMHO.


I have to agree with you on almost all points. Yeah the lounge at the back of the bar? What's that?
I think that it was stylized in an interesting way and the story wasn't that bad at all (i mean the idea), though there were some major holes in it. Or am I missing a point? Is it some kind of symbolicism? I don't know.

The only thing that bothered me a lot and which made really bad impression on me was that some characters were acted and others rendered. I don't know, I think it was really big distraction and some of theme weren't even well rendered, looked-like vector graphic!
Whatever, if i had to give it a points (although i don't like doing it) it'd be 4/10... maybe 3/10 for the acting and characters.



eh, the film is full of esoteric symbols and occult images. If you don't understand all that, then you probably would think the film sucked.


Regarding the very first original post of manwithpez:

Thank you, I couldn't have said it better myself.

I was laughing my head off at times because everything was sooo ridiculous, the plot had more holes than anything else and everyone was saying the most stupid things all the time. All the characters behaved totally not like anyone or anything with half a brain would behave, they were so implausible!!!

That said, everyone can insult me now for not sharing the opinion that everything that can't be understood by anyone and is french to boot must automatically be art.


Oh for pete's sake!!! No wonder the Michael Bay crap movies are so popular, with this type of mentality around.

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


I reaally have no problem with CGI in this film. It was somewhat dissapointing that final result appears unfinished and rather flat. Perhaps the idea was to make the images seem like a live action comic book story, which it resembles...I was a big fan of original strip published in Heavy Metal, but in the areas where strip was exciting and original, movie fails badly. Perhaps it wasn't a wise decision to let an author of the comic strip to direct the screen version? Bilal is one of my favorite artists, but as a director, film could have used a more seasoned choice....Luke Besson ?
Why not make a movie with human actors? Why not make it all CGI?
Combing human actors with CGI is a very tricky process and in this film it was not always on the mark...


Oh my... this is the biggest pile of horsesh*t Ive ever read. This movie is pure poetry and mu5t seem crap for those who cant read. To say this movie is pure crap without intelligence is the perfect evidence for the lack of intelligence of those who claim this "opinions". And you can take your opinions, dress yourself with a pink dress and stick it up your a$$


So far when I look at all the positive comments about this movie you all just seem to be saying the same thing, "If you like Hollywood then you won't understand this." I find that a sad misjudgement. I enjoy hollywood movies that are well done or entertaining, but I also am the kind of person who scours NYC for independent gems that have fallen through the cracks. This movie was not one of those gems. The box cover intrigued me, and the concept has great potential, but in the end the movie had an excruciatingly bad presentation. The directing to the acting and the lackluster, sub par videogame CG all left a bad taste in my mouth. The problem is for low budget films to shine and be seen among the profusion of hollywood trash (which I don't deny there is an ever increasing amount of) they need at least three things: to have an engaging story, a director with at least a tiny scrap of talent or vision, and actors that can actually act. There is a plethora of independent and foreign non-Hollywood movies out there that are outstanding, but this movie falls far short of those.


You are not fooling anybody, sunshine.

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


"Could Be One Of The Worst Films Ever Made!"

Another Michael Bay fan speaks his mind. God forbid people enjoying a movie that is out of the shallow ass big ass explosions blockbuster box and does have true ambitions others then making big ass explosions !

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


I liked the film, but honestly, don't fool yourselves, the film had three major flaws:

1) The acting is near awful. Only the actors who played Jill and John really did a great job. The rest were bad.

2) The CG. On landscapes, it was the best I have ever seen, but in close ups it was lame. If all had been CG that woul dnot be a problem, but since there are real humans there the flaw is more notorious.

3) The awful edition in the last scene. The famous "jump" when John dies. Was the director not careful? It's a HUGE mistake.

Overall the film is very good but pelase, to call it the best french film is just plain ignorant.

My collection


The acting is near awful. Only the actors who played Jill and John really did a great job. The rest were bad.

They were bad simply because they were CGIs?... if you're looking for facial expressions... you won't find any... because, as explained by the scene with an old woman having her face done, there woulnd't be anything much the doctor can do about it... also, it is explained by Horus, that everyone on the planet have mejor medical overhaul and that he can't find anyone 'compatible' anymore... this explains why only Jill and Nikopol are the only one not CG.


I watched this film last night. I usually enjoy movies that are departing from the realm of hollywood's common grounds, but not just because they are "not hollywood". Being "not hollywood" does not alone lift a story in terms of quality. If one leaves the CGI question to the side (in parts it was awful), the film was poorly acted and poorly adapted. I can see the thoughts and witticisms collected in this movie, but they are just arrayed one next to the other. The story is bitty and somehow a collection of scenes, which are "cool", "intelligent", "witty" or "funny", but they don't seem to fit well with the rest.

To say this film is full of esoteric and occult symbolism and that only one that understands those symbols can also understand this movie is a silly argument and gives me two options:

1. Either the film was made for a very select crowd, which means that the filmmakers miss the whole point of a publicly viewable movie, thus making this a bad specimen or
2. The film does not have any serious symbolism and some people are misinterpreting and overinterpreting this.

I have the impression it is option nr. 2.

To summarize: Being non hollywood, out of the box and "esoteric" does not equal good. If some filmmakers think that is the case then they have missed the point of filmmaking and acting, as is the case with this one.

PS: I enjoyed the monopoly scene. Sadly, that was the only one.
PS2: Excuse my english.


I just finished watching this film and I rather enjoyed it.

I read Heavy metal back when I was younger (but haven't in years) and it reminded me of the stories I'd see in that.

While the storyline had holes, I just took it as more of a symbolic story and let my own mind fill in the blanks.

The CGI was a bit distracting at first, how some characters were rendered and some weren't, however as someone who plays adventure games (IE Syberia, The longest journey, still life, etc) I got used to them and didn't find them that distracting after watching a bit more.
