MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > Martin Lawrence is a Racist person

Martin Lawrence is a Racist person

I have alot of respect for black people because I am not racist. I normally wouldnt get offended with "white jokes" because alot of black comics are just so funny when they say it. But Martin Lawrence's constant degradation of white people in this movie was just not humorous. Every other line in the movie was "is it because im black?." I would be like "no it's because you're a stupid racist bigot" then i would beat him to the ground. I have no tolerance for racist people, and that goes both ways. Just as a white person has no right to be racist to a black person, a black person has no right to be racist against a white person. Im honestly growing sick of some African Americans using the slavery issue as a means of saying how evil white people are. Slavery ended 140 some years ago, get over it already. I guarantee that if a movie were made poking fun at black people and making them look evil, the NAACP would be suing everybody. And notice in this movie how all of the bad people were WHITE. This movie was not funny in the least and if you found this humor to be funny, you are racist against whites or you are a white person that wishes he/she were black. I dont care if this is just a movie, it was made with obvious racist themes and obvious input from the racist Martin Lawrence, who is usually funny in his films with his racism, but in this film, he just offended white people and if he acted to me in person like he did in the movie i would beat him severely.


u r an *beep* ;p HAHAHAHA lol


I understand what your saying that was annoying everytime Martin's character says "is it because I'm black?" but remember ITS JUST A MOVIE!!!! Notice that Martin's Character Earl is one of those people who thinks everything people say about him (and/or do to him) is because of his race! There are people like that in the world (and not just blacks! Every person of every race) Martin didn't write the script! Thats also something you gotta remeber! I'm sure Martin's not racist in real life. He's an actor! He was just acting in this movie! You also notice in the movie when Hank ask's if Earl can pick the lock then Earl looks at him in a fraustrating way Hank says "What? is it because I'm black man what?" in a ignorant, mocking tone. So, don't just blame Martin for any racism in this movie! I wasn't offended but what Hank said to Earl (because I know its just a movie and Steven Zahn who plays Hank isn't really like that) I'm just pointing it out!


Birth of a nation was just a movie, but it still was racist.


yall just a bunch of bored mofos wit nutin better to do then complain and moan, wanna call someone racist, call the writer racist not martin lawrence he is just gettin paid to, and wats the deal with all of youse complainin about him being racist against white people, im white i didnt find any of it racist or offencive, it wasnt a very funny movie, but still do yall gotta go get politcal over bs like this...


if the roles were reversed, blacks would be complaining.


Oh come on. Watching Chris Rock, Dave Chappele and Martin Lawrence diss on white folk is funny. Come one. You know it. I have yet to meet a person who didnt find that funny (well not anymore I guess). Besides, Blacks have only had equal rights for a short period of time, and still we have very racist people in the world against blacks. Back during the 60's they were beaten up, lynched, and (in worst cases) tortured. I can tolerate them throwing insults our way, I actually laugh at them (and im not 1% black). These guys are just trying to make us laugh :)


"Oh come on. Watching Chris Rock, Dave Chappele and Martin Lawrence diss on white folk is funny. Come one. You know it. I have yet to meet a person who didnt find that funny (well not anymore I guess). Besides, Blacks have only had equal rights for a short period of time, and still we have very racist people in the world against blacks. Back during the 60's they were beaten up, lynched, and (in worst cases) tortured. I can tolerate them throwing insults our way, I actually laugh at them (and im not 1% black). These guys are just trying to make us laugh :) "

And italians have been lynched.

BUt again, it's the one sidedness that makes this movie disgusting. Had a reverse been out, it would have gotten a worse reaction.

At least the movie bombed.


Cripes, people. Do you really think it's necessary to get into a race war on a *beep* MOVIE MESSAGE BOARD??

This is just sad. Generalization is just another word for stereotyping. I don't care if you are white, black, yellow, or red. I don't care how many times you've been the victim of some *beep* who mistreated you because of the color of your skin, using that *beep* as a representitive on an entire race is one of the most asinine things I could ever imagine. Like I said, that goes for everyone. I'm sorry, but racism is the sign of a feeble mind.

As for the movie, I know it's already been covered, but Martin Lawrence was supposed to bring up race constantly. That was his character. This movie was playing up stereotypes in order to get people to laugh. It's also making a statement about how retarded racism really is.

Is Martin Lawrence a racist? I haven't a clue. He's never been racist to me or anyone I know. I've heard his standup, along with Rock and others. Yes, they make fun of white people. But wait... they make fun of black people too. Does that mean that Rock and Lawrence are racist against their own race??? Or maybe, just maybe, are they noticing funny things about groups in our society and making fun of them? Just like any other comedian.


I personally thought Martin Lawrence's character was a satire on those certain types of black people who blame all the *beep* they get into "Because they're black". I found it kinda funny.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain


I'm not white or black, but I have seen some of Martins work and I agree that at times he sounds like a racist not just in this movie but in his stand-up as well. There were some jokes he made that made me wanna punch him in the face, and I am no longer a fan of him or his crappy work.


I did laugh during this movie a few times, however I found myself wanting to beat the sh!t out of Martin Lawrence alot. The one thing that pissed me off was when Steve Zahn and Martin Lawrence are going to his ex girlfriends house and Martin says he'll tell her the truth, but upon seeing she's black he makes Steve look even worse. I was so pissed at that, I did not find it remotely funny.


I think the movie would have worked better if Martin Lawrence was a GAY person and kept harping on didcrimination against gays instead of against blacks!



woah! all these arguments about racism, (and it appeard that everyone agrees its *beep* and a homophobe pops its head up. what a prick.


I liked the movie,Lawrence made Zahn's life a living hell,I especially did not like that scene were he introduces him to his girlfriend

I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Batfleck and Gal Gadot will Prevail


i liked the movie for the most part (probably a 6 out of 10) (im white)... but about your general comments ... it does seem like black people can get away with alot of crap nowdays and they constantly use the slavery excuse which is BS!

you said... " Im honestly growing sick of some African Americans using the slavery issue as a means of saying how evil white people are. Slavery ended 140 some years ago, get over it already. I guarantee that if a movie were made poking fun at black people and making them look evil, the NAACP would be suing everybody."

EXACTLY! ... cause your so RIGHT!... if this movie went the other way around (white people making fun of blacks) it would be a huge fuss over it... this is just bs cause it needs to go both way or none at all.

theres alot of crap that black abuse and get away with nowdays... like welfare and all kinds of crap... i dont want to get into it.

i dont have anything against black people in general (as long as there decent people )

just my thoughts ;)


Samuraiguy I agree with you completely, Racism goes both ways and it is amazing how many black people insult white people with things like "White ass" AND IT DOES GET TEDIOUS.


the onliest way why white people dont like the movie is cause its "racist" against white, all yall needs to stop the goddang whining and slap youre selves in the face. PEACE


nice sentence dumba$$.


