MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > Martin Lawrence is a Racist person

Martin Lawrence is a Racist person

I have alot of respect for black people because I am not racist. I normally wouldnt get offended with "white jokes" because alot of black comics are just so funny when they say it. But Martin Lawrence's constant degradation of white people in this movie was just not humorous. Every other line in the movie was "is it because im black?." I would be like "no it's because you're a stupid racist bigot" then i would beat him to the ground. I have no tolerance for racist people, and that goes both ways. Just as a white person has no right to be racist to a black person, a black person has no right to be racist against a white person. Im honestly growing sick of some African Americans using the slavery issue as a means of saying how evil white people are. Slavery ended 140 some years ago, get over it already. I guarantee that if a movie were made poking fun at black people and making them look evil, the NAACP would be suing everybody. And notice in this movie how all of the bad people were WHITE. This movie was not funny in the least and if you found this humor to be funny, you are racist against whites or you are a white person that wishes he/she were black. I dont care if this is just a movie, it was made with obvious racist themes and obvious input from the racist Martin Lawrence, who is usually funny in his films with his racism, but in this film, he just offended white people and if he acted to me in person like he did in the movie i would beat him severely.


I agree. I'm bored of lines in movies like.
"You white people don't know what good music is."
you white people this.. that...

It's boring and equally racist.


if it isnt racial or sexist humour, it isnt funny. Martin was *beep* hilarious in this movie. people need to relax with caring about racism. Racism is such a *beep* joke now.


We weren't supposed to agree or admire Lawrence's racism. He's set up to be an extreme example to exploit the humor (we laugh because we see thru his routine) and for his character to change his attitudes by the end of the movie. It's not unlike Lakeview Terrace, where Samuel L Jackson plays the racist cop. Neither the movie nor the actor necessarily support the character's attitudes. Just an actor playing a role, the character's attitudes are exaggerated to make them funnier. That's the plan, anyway. Better the actor the funnier the results.


Being a black man myself, I 100% agree with the topic creator. I just found it all unnecessary and quite stupid. I can tolrate racist jokes, whether they are on white people, black people, etc. But that's the keyword: joke. This film, was not funny at all and it made the racism look straight up racist.

I like Martin Lawrence, but this film I have to not recommend to people.


He is very racist. I will tell you a little story about when he was filming Black Knight in Wilmington, NC which is were I live. They filmed the movie at Screen Gems studios here, I had some work to be done on some of the wiring and sound there. You know the trailers the big actors get when on location? He and his black entourage setup their trailers at the studio in a big circle from trailer head to toe to block anyone from coming and going but them. Then they put signs up outside the circle that said "blacks only". He acted like a horses arse the entire time on location here. He harrased the rent a cops at the studio every chance he could get, which were all elderly white men. He fired one of his makeup ladies the first day on set because she was white, and demanded only black makeup artists from then on while filming.


please stop with the fake outrage. martin's character was annoying, because he kept playing the race card for no reason, i agree. but saying that because all the villians were whites makes the movie racist, is freaking stupid. one of the freaking heros in the movie were WHITE. blacks cannot be racist the way whites are racist. blacks have little to no standing power when it comes to racism, because they do not have the power to economically keep whites out of power, the way whites can do to blacks. i'm so freaking sick of crybaby white people bitching about a black person for every little reason. you're doing exactly what you accuse blacks of doing. STFU
them haterz cant tell me nothin


I hope you do realize that it's the character Earl Montgomery that's racist, and not the actor?


He's playing a characters who's racist, that doesn't mean that Martin Lawrence is racist, as an adult (which I assume you are) you should be able to seperate the 2.

Somedays you just can't dispose of a bomb.
