MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > Martin Lawrence is a Racist person

Martin Lawrence is a Racist person

I have alot of respect for black people because I am not racist. I normally wouldnt get offended with "white jokes" because alot of black comics are just so funny when they say it. But Martin Lawrence's constant degradation of white people in this movie was just not humorous. Every other line in the movie was "is it because im black?." I would be like "no it's because you're a stupid racist bigot" then i would beat him to the ground. I have no tolerance for racist people, and that goes both ways. Just as a white person has no right to be racist to a black person, a black person has no right to be racist against a white person. Im honestly growing sick of some African Americans using the slavery issue as a means of saying how evil white people are. Slavery ended 140 some years ago, get over it already. I guarantee that if a movie were made poking fun at black people and making them look evil, the NAACP would be suing everybody. And notice in this movie how all of the bad people were WHITE. This movie was not funny in the least and if you found this humor to be funny, you are racist against whites or you are a white person that wishes he/she were black. I dont care if this is just a movie, it was made with obvious racist themes and obvious input from the racist Martin Lawrence, who is usually funny in his films with his racism, but in this film, he just offended white people and if he acted to me in person like he did in the movie i would beat him severely.



This film was a load of balls.............Theres no need to start on with the whole race thing. It is known that black people can make jokes about themselves being the minority and they can be funny "Chris Rock" for example, and a couple of cases in Bad Boys......but this film totally took the jokes to a whole new level....i am a white guy, and i like hip-hop & rap music. I also like black films in which there are always jokes about the race of the black people. None of the films i've seen or songs i have heard are anywhere near as ridculous as this movie....the odd joke would have been fine, but every line Martin hae he mentiones something to do with the fact that he is black, everytime i heard him say something i cringed....and as for the other guy, i dont even no what his name is, and couldnt be bothered looking it this film he...actually i can't even find the words for it, all the actors in this film were absolutely sh1te, and i do not reccommend this movie to anyone, i would like to say this is in the top 5 of the worst films i have ever watched, but for some strange reason i was still entertained a little with this move, but i can't put my finger on what it could be the fact that it is soo damn easy to get into, and you dont really have to pay much attnetion, and probably becaue i wasnt in a normal frame of mind at the time. (if you know what i mean) but it definately reaches my top 7 wost movies ever..


It's not just this movie it's all Martin Lawrence movies -it becomes very tiresome
and totally irrelevant to the movie. Whoopi Goldberg used to do it in all her movies too.
Incidentally I know a cast member from 'Black Knight' and he says ML adlibs most of the time anyway.

Remember, you don't
have to be smart if you can pretend to be someone else who is. ...


And if your response to the line "is it because I'm black" would be "no, it's becuase you are a racist bigot", you would not have starred in this movie. Think about it.


People just need to shut the fu*k up about Martin. A large percentage of the people who think he is unfunny or not deserving of large sums of money have obviously not viewed his television show. That show is so freakin funny you'd have to be brain dead to not laugh. Most of all, the caucasion people who state that they are not racist but say that African Americans are "bitching" about the past and need to stop cracking jokes about caucasion people need to just go to shut the fu*k up. First of all Slavery DOES effect our lives today, certain companies would not exist today if it weren't for slavery, and those companies need to pay up all the millions that they obtained from slavery. Why do racists fu*ks like George Washington get recognition for their so called "contributions" when slaves are merely ignored and considered apart of the past that caucasion people(not 100% of caucasions) try to ignore. Your ancestors claimed every other motherfuc*ing thing in this world why not claim the fact that you once enslaved a race of people? People of color live in a caucasion world that will eventually change, but for the moment as Chris Rock once said "For white people the sky's the limit, but for black people the limit is the sky". I would just like to point out that I am of a mixed racial background and I am fimiliar with both views on the subject of racism, and for people to consider each other inferior is a great example on how stupid and illogical this world is, and everyone is responsible. Slavery will never be simply forgotten, nor will any person of color "get over it". For someone to say "get over it" about slavery that is one of the most ignorant and racist things that anyone could EVER say. I'm so mad right now this whole thing probably doesn't make sense and I'm probably jumping all over the place with bad grammar and sentence structure, but I hope people will just learn to respect each other.

"Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees"-Klingon Proverb


I agree with u 100%


i'm just glad i don't live in america. At least I could switch this pathetic movie off half way through and not have to put up with it anymore. Guess i'll wait and watch america destroy itself from a safe distance on my tv.


So what do you want me to do? You want to whip me and beg me for mercy or what?What re we supposed to do about the past? My grandfather died in a german concentraition camp and that was 60 years ago not 200 years ago. My other grandfather was also in a concentration camp but survived and died in the early 80's.My grandmothers tell me stories about 2nd world war and how they suffered, were downgraded and barely survived. So it has a direct affect on me. Now what should I do about this? Should I hate all the Germans now? Should I blaim everything on todays German youth? She I make them feel guilty about it?


Personally, I think this is one of the funniest comments i've ever read. "i would beat him severely?" Hilarious. Samuraiguy is quite clearly a deadpan comic genius. And anyway, we're missing the whole point - what about Eric Roberts? The true master turning in another awe inspiring performance.

Dreadful film by the way


"People just need to shut the fu*k up about Martin. A large percentage of the people who think he is unfunny or not deserving of large sums of money have obviously not viewed his television show. That show is so freakin funny you'd have to be brain dead to not laugh. Most of all, the caucasion people who state that they are not racist but say that African Americans are "bitching" about the past and need to stop cracking jokes about caucasion people need to just go to shut the fu*k up. First of all Slavery DOES effect our lives today, certain companies would not exist today if it weren't for slavery, and those companies need to pay up all the millions that they obtained from slavery. Why do racists fu*ks like George Washington get recognition for their so called "contributions" when slaves are merely ignored and considered apart of the past that caucasion people(not 100% of caucasions) try to ignore. Your ancestors claimed every other motherfuc*ing thing in this world why not claim the fact that you once enslaved a race of people? People of color live in a caucasion world that will eventually change, but for the moment as Chris Rock once said "For white people the sky's the limit, but for black people the limit is the sky". I would just like to point out that I am of a mixed racial background and I am fimiliar with both views on the subject of racism, and for people to consider each other inferior is a great example on how stupid and illogical this world is, and everyone is responsible. Slavery will never be simply forgotten, nor will any person of color "get over it". For someone to say "get over it" about slavery that is one of the most ignorant and racist things that anyone could EVER say. I'm so mad right now this whole thing probably doesn't make sense and I'm probably jumping all over the place with bad grammar and sentence structure, but I hope people will just learn to respect each other.

I partially agree with you, but saying someone is braindead cause they don't find him funny is ignorant.

I could go on, but if it wasn't for Washington, the USA wouldn't have been a country. And remember, it was the blacks who conquered each other, sold there people to the hispanics (portragueese) who then sold them to europe and the usa. So don't make it sound like it's all whites who caused slavery. And I disagree about slavery being an issue, it's been done for 200 years, and with afrimative action and getting out of crimes by saying "I'm arrested because i'm black" (aka oj simpson) pretty much evens it out. I also hope that people will learn to respect each other, but it prouble won't happen, cause even the irish for instance are fighting over religion, so people will always find a way to fight, one should be judged by being an individual.



Lawrence is racist??? No No you missed the point,Charton Heston and John Wayne are racist M@#$*ers actors period


"Charton Heston and John Wayne are racist M@#$*ers actors period "

No there not. BUt eddie murphy is a racist.



"Hey Ion Storm, Full Blooded Italian agrees with you. And so do I. " I might have said racist out of anger, but I wouldn't know if Martin Lawerence really is, I know woopi goldberg and Eddie murphy are though.



"I am sorry that the liberal mafia and minorities make it so hard to be white in this country. The usurpation of the basic rights and privileges of white americans and the social double standards that have been thrust upon society to uplift the spirits of shiftless minorities is truly disgusting. I realize that the incessant espousal of victimology and the "blame game" employed by racial terrorists such as Jackson and Sharpton are more harmful to white americans than slavery and Jim Crow laws ever were to blacks. I would like to know what I, as a black man, can do to ease some of the suffering of the white people of america."

I understand that in the past, blacks have been opressed, and by all means, deserve and equal shot at anything, it should go by qualification, not race or ethnicity. However there's no need to be sarcastic. I could write and essay on Sharpton but I won't. All I'm saying is that though it should be remembered, slavery shouldn't be an excuse for this or that, inless you were a slave, then due to what you've been through, you are owed big time. But since it's unlikely that many former slaves are still around, I think it's now time to stress equality, and not double standards. Whites aren't opressed persey, but there's alot of racial injustice towards both sides, not just whites, not just blacks, to say it's just blacks is being ignorant.

And I'm not mafia hooked up, that's very racial of you to say that, so I assume your a racist, but I won't stoop to a low level as that for this isn't real life, this is a message board.

The point its, a movie like this that put down the black guy wouldn't be made, or if it was would be banned, but a movie that puts down the white guy (like this one) is allowed, THAT's why I call this movie racist. Equality= equal for everyone, but how is that equal when a white complains he's a racist, but when a black complains he's right. What happened 60-100 years ago didn't happen today, Italians were prosecuted and alot of us had our names changed to avoid persecution from the irish and the british, and even the irish before us had there proublems when comming to the usa, so when you say "whites opress" that dosn't mean we all did, the same way I know as a fact not all blacks are racist hypocrites who where jewelery and listen to rap, do dope, and kill. But if I was like you, I could assume that.

If a double standard didn't exist, I would have just said this movie used the race game to much and stoped there, but because it does, and people label me a racist, which is why I'm even in this debate.




My point was that other ethicities that are considerd white have suffered as well, however, if we were to meet in person, we'd proubly get along real well for I understand what your saying and for the most part I agree. And no, whites aren't opressed so to say, but they do suffer from the double standard, and not all whites agreed with the jim crow laws and the like. Since you dislike Sharpton we might become good friend ;). but on a serious note, sorry about the hispanic comment, I figured that was a pc term to use, but my point was, it wasn't just whites that were involved with slavery, the portraguise, whites and blacks all took part, for the blacks sold there people to begin with. But overall, we seem to think alike, we just grew up differently so we say simular stuff from different viewpoints, or so it seems.


Oh I ment to tell you that I got offended by being called a mob guy because to me, there the italian equlivent to a black thug, a lowlife scum which make my people seem like dirt. If I had already explained that I apologise.


He's not racist. Her's just doing his job, saying the script and acting. D-U-H




No I didn't watch it, but at least Heston dosn't star in like 5 movies in a row which demote whites. I'm not saying martin is a racist, but there's a chance he can be.


white directors, white producers, white owned production companies, and white co-stars seem to have no problem making movies with him. Exactly how racist can Lawrence be?

Also, in National Security the white co-star is not actually shown to be a white stereotype (he just a guy who gets caught up in the mess of racial tension that we know is innocent). Martin Lawrence (as usual) is playing the fool as the silly black man who complains about white all the time( from what I've read on many posts is what some white people feel is true about most blacks).


"Also, in National Security the white co-star is not actually shown to be a white stereotype "

No, but seeing a white guy go through that is racist in my oppion since theirs no movies like that in reverse where the black guy is being put down and the white guy not, in a comedy.

and i wouldn't know if martin lawerence is a racist.


"No, but seeing a white guy go through that is racist in my oppion since theirs no movies like that in reverse where the black guy is being put down and the white guy not, in a comedy."

Is is racist if a white man or white woman writes a movie about a white man going through this situation? Is it racist if a black actor is directed by a white person to say these jokes? According to the definition of racism.. that would be a big fat NO.

The real issue is some people can't stand to have the image of a black man saying such things about a white man and getting away from it. In the history of cinema there are many more films with white people and committing racist actions against other races and still living happily ever after.

For starters, lets look at westerns. How many times have native americans been perceived as savage blood thirsty killers when history has shows it is was almost the exact opposite situation. And Mexicans were dirty theiving subhuman creatures in those movies.

The old black and white movies perceived blacks as lazy barefoot simpleminded folk who were childlike and submissive to their "superior" white counterparts.

And Asians in movies... I've lost count at all the asian jokes I see on TV and in movies in the last few years. Both blacks and whites (but mostly whites)can't seem to have an asian in a comedy without them being sneaky, martial artists with no regard for the lives of others or the nerdy guy with glasses who craves busty blond American strippers.

The point to my post.... don't trick yourself into thinking it's one-sided. In reality white movie goers have it much better than other Americans.


Oh I understand in the past movies were racist.

But just because a white guy wrote it dosn't make it not racist, the film is peroid, the white guy wouldn't have been allowed to write it in reverse and THAT"S what I complain about, what's happened in the past has happened, but if minorities about equality, then I feel movies should be made for every side, only then is it equal, otherwise you have reverse racism.


"But just because a white guy wrote it dosn't make it not racist, the film is peroid, the white guy wouldn't have been allowed to write it in reverse and THAT"S what I complain about, what's happened in the past has happened, but if minorities about equality, then I feel movies should be made for every side, only then is it equal, otherwise you have reverse racism."

Basically I gather you think movies from now on should be made not to have racism at all. I also gather from your post that racism in movies of the past have happened. So it has happened it has no relevence to today? Well, National Security was created last year. That's the past so there is no point in complaining about its content.

I disagree with your quote a white person would not be allowed to write a movie in the reverse. If a white person wrote a movie about a african american cop who allegedly beat a white man and was unjustly sent to jail.. probably no white producer or the few black producers would want to touch it, but it sure would be allowed to be written.
The stereotype is white people are the ones in power and minorities are the ones being oppressed (statically that's more of a fact based on the FBI crime statics). A movie where the black man has the power and is he tells racial jokes is comical to people, because the stereotype is perceived the other way. Reverse racism a joke to many in hollywood and to many across the nation, because it happens far less than white on black, white on latino, white on who ever.
From my personal experience white people I know tell far more racial jokes or racial comments than my latino and black friends. So I totally understand where the white stereotype comes from.


"I disagree with your quote a white person would not be allowed to write a movie in the reverse. If a white person wrote a movie about a african american cop who allegedly beat a white man and was unjustly sent to jail.. probably no white producer or the few black producers would want to touch it, but it sure would be allowed to be written"

that' exactly my point, it's not allowed. Which isn't right, I understand their were injustice in the past, but if civil rights was for equality, well how is it equal with everything in the reverse? And yes, I feel either make it for both sides, or don't have it at all. Cause when you have it for both sides, THAT'S EQUALITY, not the reverse of the injustices of the past.


i think that everyone should understand that martin's character is a stereotype... period. No one said it was ok for said character to make these remarks... the character is a bigot. period.

now as for the racial issues. whenever anyone blames another culture for thier
problems they are a moron. as a black man, whenever I hear someone blame the "WHITE MAN " for something nowadays, I laugh. But.... As far as the
the police and the legal system, there is a problem... period. not only for blacks but latinos as well. cops do seem to take a tougher "no nonsense"
stance towards minorities. and we are a minority no matter how you swing it.


Well, I won't say their aren't racist cops, but being a cops son, I know that alot of the racial complaints you hear are nonsence, for if a white cop arrests a black man, 99 percent of the time the black man will try the race card.

However, their are a few cops who are assholes, and sometimes, a civilian (regardless of race) will meet an *beep* cop, and since it's that civilians only experance with cops, and they think all cops are like that.

But one reason they take a no nonsence with minorities, is because minorities tend to attack them or coop an attitude with them ect, whites will to, but most of the complaints will be from minorities who have attacked the cop, or ran their mouth to one, basicly what I'm saying is, not all cops are that sterotype that you've described, and as a cops son, I'm offended by that.


ok.. so you're telling me that black and latino men are not harrassed without provocation...? you're telling me that there is not a dispropotionate amount of minorities in prison or with a felony record. you're telling me that racial profiling does not exist. is that what you're telling me? you're also telling me that mouthing off to another human being is a reason to be beaten or taken in for 3 days. that in itself is criminal.

I didn't mean to offend you or your father's profession. Law enforcement is an honorable career but all law-men are not honorable. being civil in the face of an unwarranted stop, search, or interrogation is a very hard thing to be. Personnally I have never been bullied by an officer nor have I provoked one.
maybe you're right. maybe the media is wrong. I'm from Los Angeles and there are alot of news stories on both sides of the coin. police brutality. violence against police and alot of unnecessary loss of life. As a black man I do realize that a main problem in inner-city communities are not the police but are the intimidators who make it hard for us to live in peace. so maybe the police bashing a few heads in is a good thing. but then again...


"ok.. so you're telling me that black and latino men are not harrassed without provocation...? you're telling me that there is not a dispropotionate amount of minorities in prison or with a felony record. you're telling me that racial profiling does not exist. is that what you're telling me? you're also telling me that mouthing off to another human being is a reason to be beaten or taken in for 3 days. that in itself is criminal.

I didn't mean to offend you or your father's profession. Law enforcement is an honorable career but all law-men are not honorable. being civil in the face of an unwarranted stop, search, or interrogation is a very hard thing to be. Personnally I have never been bullied by an officer nor have I provoked one.
maybe you're right. maybe the media is wrong. I'm from Los Angeles and there are alot of news stories on both sides of the coin. police brutality. violence against police and alot of unnecessary loss of life. As a black man I do realize that a main problem in inner-city communities are not the police but are the intimidators who make it hard for us to live in peace. so maybe the police bashing a few heads in is a good thing. but then again... "

What I'm saying is, not all police do what you hear in the media, and alot of the time, brutality complaints are used as an excuse to get over, HOWEVER, I'd be lieing if I said their weren't cops who don't commit brutality, there are, and cops can be racist even towards whites (which by saying that, I'm trying to say we all suffer from it), so I do know both sides, when I got into an accident, I met an arragont cop, had I not lived with cops my whole life, I would have thought negative of them.

What I'm basicly saying is, brutality exists, and theirs no reason for it, but there's alot (and I mean alot) of false reports from people who assualted the policemen, got his/her ass broke, and made a report. And those are the stories that usually are on the media. The proublem in the cities is the fact that the shitbirds (of every race) pick on the civilians. So the police in certain instances should be allowed to be rough, because if the guy will attack a officer who has the right under certain circumstances to kill, then what chance does a civilian have?

Mouthing off is not a reason to be beaten or brought in, but you can't expect a cop to be officer friendly if the latino and or black or white, or arab, or Native American civilian is mouthing off. Racial profiling does exist, but it's not as promeniate as everyone makes it sound, and as for the prisons being mostly minority pouplated, that is the proublem that should be adressed by not changing police polociey, but going to the root of the proublem of why minority areas have high crime rates, and work with them to change their lifestyles, so that the civilians don't have to worry about the shitbirds.

Newark is doing something about it since my father retired, they actually allow minorities to break the law (as long as it isn't a fellon) to lower the crime rate, ignoring crime might lower the rate, but I feel that isn't going to the root of the proublem, and your allowing civilians (Newark is 90 percent minorities) to get hurt just to keep the crime rate low. Don't get me wrong, I think Ted Kennedy should go to jail for killing his girlfriend, but the media does put a bad light on cops, it's like, if I walked into Harlem and got mugged, does that mean that whenever I run into a black person they'll mugg me? It's the same way with cops, yes, some are bad, but that dosn't mean all are.

If you ever have police trouble, just go to internal affairs (the policemen's police) and they'll help you.


Racial Stereotypes in Hollywood

Blacks: Criminals,Lazy persons,Pimps
Latinos: Drug Dealers,Exotic Foreigns
Italians: Mafia menbers,Gangsters
Asians: Martial Arts Fighters,Guru´s
Whites*: ??? not a minority they rules the cinema industry


Italians are considered white, Irish are also white and portrayed as drunks, and the "white" sterotype is usually a rich wimpy snob.


I Think the italians,like spanish,french and portuguese people for example are latin people (Latin Language) When I Said White I Mean WASP,Arian or Nordic that´s white for me,white is not only skin color,white mean culture and lifestyle...for example you don´t see italians or even irish people in the KKK...I´m spanish (From Spain) but in United States I look like Cuban,Porto Rico,and Mexican descent but not white like "Brad Pitt"

Question: Andy Garcia is White? I´m affraid not....


Andy Garcia is Cuban, he just plays Italians.

But ok that makes more sence now, and no you won't see Italians or Irish in the KKK because mainly they are still hit with prejudice, it's not like it was, but it's still thier, and in dosn't help that minorites tend to clump us with whites as if my ancestor who came here after slavery had slaves?, but you do hold a valid point.

however, society classifies italians and irish as white, but I do get what you are refering to as whites.




I think Martin is having a "identity problem". It's more than clear that he's changed in the last couple of years. I mean, check "Big Momma's house", "Blue streak", "Nothing to lose" and you'll see a comedian (doesn't matter the colour) who make's people laugh throughout the whole movie. Now, I've already seen "Black night" and noticed Martin's tendency to make trash homour race-related. It goes WAY deep in this movie. But hey, why do good humour when you can do this...? It's soooo much easier to take a prejudice and use it... Would you imagine if someone suddenly remembers to make fat movies? Or dwarf movies? Hey, handicap movies... Mr Martin, let's not get trashy and so some REAL comedy that you've already done in the past...

btw, i stopped this DVD at exactly 24 minutes... It's not worth the rest of my time...

oh, and i'm black...


Berney Very true.

Lopiadx, your the first black I've heard actually put down the movie. But I agree with you as well.


Most black people realize that though Lawrene makes racial comments in a movie is just plain silly to assume he's a racist. Is Edward Norton a racist for playing a murderous neo-Nazi in American Histoy X or a racist for going off on Italians, Asians, Latinos and Black people in 25th Hour? Of course you'll say no. My recommendation is go watch a "white comedy" like EuroTrip where they make fun of everyone except white americans (unless there silly actions can be considered the joke).


European Ethnicities are what makes up the white pouplation, so they do make fun of everyone in that film.


in american history x you are supposed to hate edward norton in the beginning for being a racist and having such blind hate, and start to like him as he learns the errors of his ways. in this movie you are supposed to laugh at martin lawrence making these bland and unfunny racist jokes. now i'm an avid fan of those kind of jokes as long as they are funny and pulled off well. in this movie it just says since martin lawrence is black he can get away with any racist act or comment he makes, but steve zahn can't do anything except kiss lawrence's ass or else he gets put back in jail. i would've liked to have laughed, but it was just pulled off poorly. to add i just plain didn't like the characters. they both have done good movies, this was just a low point for them.


I'm a black person and I think this movie is racist. But I think it's racist against black people.

Take the part when Martin Lawrence's character is training to join the police.
He is so heavily caricatured and is set against a backdrop of average acting sane white trainees. Later he is set against the backdrop of Steve Zahn's average white guy character.

Martin Lawrence is playing the worst stereotype of black people. He's wild, unintelligent, illogical, childlike, inhuman and overly virile. His gross facial contortions don't help either.

I don't know if the movie meant to be this way or if it's just the way it became due to Martin Lawrence's one note acting.

"What the problem is?"
Martin Lawrence continues to work.



Full Blooded Italian, my point is that at least in the movie Hank was made to look like a nice sane guy. We were supposed to be sorry for him. All his suffering was at the hands of the insanely cruel bumbling black guy.

Also all the crazy antiwhite statements were made by Martin Lawrences character. This was another stereotype of black people. That we are always scapegoating our problems on white people and accusing them of crazy claims. It is true in alot of cases but not with most black people. It's just the ones the media decides to show on TV.



omg this movie is so funny and so not racist... I cant believe you guys are such whinners ( OHH DID I SPELL THAT WRONG WHO CARES !!) even if i didn't whatever... My point is that it was supposed to be funny which it was and it was not racist.. IT ALSO deserves better then a 4.5 and there are movies that show how bad the blacks are ... WATCH TEARS OF THE SUN!!! but i enjoyed the movie and that it wasn't racist .. because i heard or seemed partially true,.. but the fact of the idea was kindi a bit.... racist... not much just a bit..... the promblem with tears of the sun is that it was kindi a serious film... but no harm intented..., THIS FIlm is funny not racist no movies are racist anymore really... maybe a bit offending but not meant to be racist.... And there are some tiny bits of slavery in africa... my teacher told me this not sure if its true.. i mean some whites actually go over there and have it.... and slaver in the u.s did end in 1865.. there was very little after that but discrimination and segregation and racistness ended about 1969


pS. Im white and i dont think it is,, neither is white chicks



pistol it dosn't matter if your white, this film was racist, Lawerences character was a racist who didn't even get his in the end, meanwhile hank, the white guy, was put through hell, the alternate ending was even more racist by having lawerance in charge of the new security group by saying "i'm in charge to make the black civil service groups happy" a nonracist responce would have been, "I'm in charge because I'ts my idea" if it was the latter, then the alternate ending wouldn't have bothered me for the fact that it was filmed.


FBI, I can see where you're coming from but I still don't completely agree.
Hank does go through alot of sh*t but its made clear in the film (if it can even be considered a film) that Martin Lawrence is the cause of the sh*t.

It's like that show "Perfect Strangers". Larry suffers alot but its always at the hands of bumbling Belky. Obviously this show wasn't made to make fun of Larry. It's point was to poke fun at Belky.

Sorry for the obscure reference


But because lawernce didn't get his at the end, makes the film racist, if Lawerence got his, after putting hank through that, then the film wouldn't be racist.


Hi everyone, this is the first time, so apologizes in advance if I did not follow the proper net-etiquette.

I have read the entire thread and a few things come up. Since I majored in sociology and minor in media studies, perhaps I can add a few ideas, which have been tangentially mentioned.

I think the word racism is overused and does not describe the intended meaning, since many people of different races can look white or non-white or ‘colored’ as it was known in the 1950s. I think a better word would be discrimination against color.

In the a society where the majority are of Caucasian origin, the socio-ecomo-industro political machinery will be driven by the majority and a ‘status quo’ will result, in which the economic position will be maintained at the expense of a morally-driven equalitarianism.

The whole issue about slavery paradoxically is not that the slave-owners were ‘racist’ or ‘hated blacks’, because if we read their journals, diaries, we understand that they did not ‘hate blacks’, but thought of them in economic terms as commodities and exploited them for economic gains. This was black exploitation for economic gain rather than ‘hating blacks’. On the contrary, the owners knew that if a slave was mistreated, he/she couldn’t work at 100%, if he could not work at 100%, productivity would decrease and their profit would decrease. Their objection to giving blacks the vote was that the status quo would change and their economic position would deteriorate, because unlike the northern states, their primary industry was agrarian-based, which required manual intervention in the form of slave labor. Paying them would lower their profit margin. In addition to this main argument, another argument was fostered that the blacks would not ‘survive in the real world, because they were inferior intellectually but superior athletically and hence the best for both societies was blacks do the manual heavy work, because genetically they could not handle the intellectual rigors. Obviously hand-in-hand with this argument was the fact that blacks were forbidden to educate themselves except in ways that would make them fit and ready for manual labor. Intercultural association was forbidden because the offspring would fit neither camp and again the status quo would be disturbed am sure we cal all think what the consequences can be of a society where one is told, one is good at manual labor and nothing else and where one cannot enjoy the benefits of one’s labor and is told who he/she can associate with. The people, who did know own slaves, were afraid of blacks because of the propaganda, which the rules of society would break down, if they were allowed ‘free will’. The facts that society did not break down, proves how erroneous these arguments were based factually and morally, but their legacy still lingers like a moon-lit shadow reflecting on a lake. If we were descended from slaves, this unfairness would still linger in our souls because of the inherit hurt, such a system would enforce. If blacks chose to do manual labor and got a decent wage, the hurt would be less, but they were never given that position, a position to decide. Ironically after slavery was abolished, a bulk of former slaves worked for their former ‘owner’s for a wage, so their was not the racism we think of today, but their was black economic exploitation and enforced cultural and institutional –discrimination on a vast scale.
The point that BET is racist because it has black in the title is a illogical, because the ‘B’ in BET stands for more than B. ‘Black’ is not a literal explanation of the color black, but a metaphor of what the channel serves, which is music, politics, sports that is culturally tailored and for lack of a better expression, they use black. We do not have a WET, because the status quo that favors the majority, serves the needs and desires of this majority. The needs that cater for the majority are everywhere and so no ‘specialization’ is required, but where one has a minority, then specialization does make sense, to cater to that minority because they have limited supply from outside, but also to encourage the majority to sample the wares of this specialization, just like non-Chinese people go to a Chinese restaurant, say in Texas. One does not think why don’t they have the phrase Texas Restaurant. It is because the bulk of food courts serve food that approximates to what the majority eat, lack of a better phrase ‘Texan cuisine’, whereas a Chinese restaurant serves two roles. One to cater to people of Chinese descent who would appreciate ‘home cooking’ and one to native Texans, who have not come across this type of food before. No one would think that as offensive and neither should anyone view any organization that has ‘black’ in the title, unless their explicitly manifest is anti-majority.

In this movie, a script was tailored to what the primary actor is known best for. At this level with well known stars, many movies are customized to meet the primary actors needs, just like an action movie would make sly or Arnie the hero’s, the roles plays upon their perceived status as a ‘hero’, ‘comedian’. His dialogue is supposed to inflect some antidisestablishmentarism mannerism on what we see. “Is it because I am black’, therefore is a metaphor to say, is this status quo maintained by implantation of radical socio-politics which lead to disenfranchisement of a sect, based upon phenotypic profiling. Although funny in the first instance, repeated usage tends to blunt the ironic comic tendencies. It this reverse-discrimination or simply bad script writing, for it to be reverse-discrimination in the classic sense, it would have to be whereby the status quo is disrobed and some part of the majority become disenfranchised. A classic example is a revolution, where the ruling class becomes the ruler en-mass and ruled in such a manner that they are exploited in a non-equitable manner (e.g. ‘forced labors’). This isn’t reverse racism in the classic sense, but can be viewed as at least bad manners, where joy is taken at someone’s discomfort by placing them in an unfortunate scenario and this placement is motivated by color. In the worst-case scenario, it is discriminative propaganda defamatory.

In any society where one ethnic class rule to maintain the status quo, discrimination is inherit ant, another example is Romania where some portion of the bulk Slav population have negative tendencies towards the ethnic gypsies, even thought they are ‘white’, they are viewed as petty criminals. This is view is widespread enough that a contestant in a ‘pop idol’ contest claimed she was eliminated, for her ‘gypsies appearance’. Although the official policy is everyone is equal, some form of negative discrimination does occur, if it is not based upon economic, political exploitation, then it ought not to be feared.

We ought to for fear this, if it is not economic, let me conclude by citing a trivial example, I am a brunette, some guys prefer redheads or blondes over brunettes, this is a form of discrimination and this form is not an issue, what would be an issue is if someone used their position in authority (the status quo) and barred brunette from having an economic place in society or implemented a policy where they were used as ‘sex-slaves’. That would be forced economic exploitation on an non-equalitarian basis and as such ought to be resisted, however the former, if someone doesn’t like brunette, to me its not a big deal, the latter, where one is discriminated or exploited is a big deal.


"The needs that cater for the majority are everywhere and so no ‘specialization’ is required, but where one has a minority, then specialization does make sense, to cater to that minority because they have limited supply from outside, but also to encourage the majority to sample the wares of this specialization, just like non-Chinese people go to a Chinese restaurant, say in Texas. One does not think why don’t they have the phrase Texas Restaurant. It is because the bulk of food courts serve food that approximates to what the majority eat, lack of a better phrase ‘Texan cuisine’, whereas a Chinese restaurant serves two roles. One to cater to people of Chinese descent who would appreciate ‘home cooking’ and one to native Texans, who have not come across this type of food before. No one would think that as offensive and neither should anyone view any organization that has ‘black’ in the title, unless their explicitly manifest is anti-majority."

Here's where we disagree, see haivng a black resturant is fine, but then don't not serve whites, and the bitch when whites don't let you in. Or have your own channel, but declare an all white channel racist, or have your own padget, then expect to be accepted in the other one. Majority or minority dosn't matter, one can't have their own, and delcare another group having their own racist.


I agree with everything samuraiguy said! As, a white man, I fully condemn racism to both whites and blacks (and asians,latinos, hispanics, islanders, middleeastern people for that matter). I can take a joke against white people, but this movie just blew the "its 'cause im black" line WAY out of proportion to where it was just degrating and stupid. I used to be a big fan of M.L. but that movie made me lose all of my respect for the man. It seems lately that there have been more racist comments and stereotypes against white people but you still hear of these black comedians making millions and still talking about us white people being slave owners and all. If you didn't realize it, Aberham Lincoln was WHITE!!! Have you ever heard of The Civil War??? More than 300 thousand WHITE people died to the country together as well as to end slavery! And now some 140 years later, every white American is a slave owner or racist?
"I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized
I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut up already.
I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you're running from them. I also think they have the right to pull your ass over if you are breaking the law, regardless of what color you are."
-George Carlin
