MovieChat Forums > Enterprise (2001) Discussion > Was Star Trek Enterprise Really That Bad...

Was Star Trek Enterprise Really That Bad?


I agree. Seasons 3 and 4 were extremely good. It's a pity it was cancelled.

However, it's easier to see that now. Back then, they had had a decade filled with Star Trek franchises. Literally hundreds of episodes. People were saturated. Like Firefly, ST Enterprise is one of those series that has increased its prestige after being cancelled.


That's cool, but I'm still trying to finishing the 176 episodes of ST:TNG with about 55 to go. And then I have to get through DS9 and VOY before even arriving at Enterprise (of course I've seen a handful of DS9 & VOY episodes).



Not after hearing about "Shitscovery." At least Enterprise TRIED to be consistent with Star Trek canon and stick to the lore, but it wasn't the best spin-off ever made.


No way it's an awesome show


No, it was pretty good and it actually feels like Star Trek unlike Discovery and most of Picard.


It's been a LONG time but I remember liking the show but I don't remember one plot line.

Didn't they have troubles with the new invention, transporters?

Seriously, forgot this show almost completely.

Oh boy.


The whole thing was just the hot vulcan oiling up in sauna over and over again.




Nope - but.
I watched the first 3 series years ago and now I'm watching the last one. I cannot remember if the other series were similarly structured but what's annoying me with season 4 in the 3 episodes per story. It just seems to drag it out too much.
But I always liked the 'accuracy' of this series. For me it feels very consistent with Star Trek TOS - except perhaps for the lumpy faced Klingons (I'm sure there is lore to explain this but I think it would have been better if they matched the ones Kirk and Co. faced).
EDIT: S4ep16 Lumpy Face => Smooth Face, I stand corrected (again).


Bad? No. Boring? To put it mildly.
