136 pounds = overweight?

In the movie didn't she say her weight was 136 pounds?

136 pounds = overweight?!

How tall is Briget supposed to be?

Renee Z the actress is 5'4 - a person at 5'4 and weighing 136 pounds is at a healthy/normal/ideal weight according to the Body Mass Index (http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/).

I was a little sad seeing Bridget be so upset at being 136 pounds because I'm exactly 136 pounds and my BMI is 22.6 (I'm 5'5). A healthy/normal/ideal BMI is between 18.5 - 24.9.

Your thoughts...


she looks better with some extra pounds.


Even if she was 160lbs (which i dont for one second believe...more like 140 at most) she would still only be a UK size 14-16 at most (the national average!!). Im 5ft 1.5 and Im currently 148lbs size 12-14 (even though my BMI is almost a stone overweight I dont think a size 12-14 is fat at all and I go to the gym 4-6 times a week) so I just think Bridget (like most if not all women) wants to be thinner because hey who wouldn't like to be a few pounds thinner whether your 120 or 170??

The media shows us that in order to be attractive you have to be 100-115 and if your not your doomed, but B.J proves this is not the case and if you are an interesting and funny person men will like you no matter how "fat" or "skinny" you are.


Bridget is not overweight any way!! She look exactley perfekt. Maybe i like womans with more meat ;-)
I like imagining Bridget in small skirt and coat and it make me HOT as LOCOMOTIVE

If I have chance I would do untold things with this woman!! ABsolutely perfekt woman with sign of wealth

Thank you for your answer, good humans
Sincerely Daniel


The difference is exercise. You can be 136lbs and tone and look great, but if you're a couch potato you probably will look flabby. Honestly though, I thought BJ looks good.

~When you came in, the air went out


Well, we all have different standards for ourselves! And Bridget's character felt she was overweight and I don't see that as being untrue or unhealthy! Personally I'm 5'3 and I would be upset if I was over 115 (which occasionally happens). You shouldn't take things too personally we are all very different!


It was ridiculous to say the Bridget Jones was over weight


136 pounds?! In the Italian version of the movie, near the end, at Christmas (the second one), Bridget says she's 70 kilos (154 pounds)...


According to what I've read, Rene gained 30 pounds for this part to look authentically overfat. She's normally a sinewy little gal, what with all the running and gym work she loves to do. I prefer women to look like that, and yet...Rene looks fine here. She has a shapely body that goes well with her famously sexy legs, which STILL look very hard and silky. Oh, about the BMI, it's not universally accepted nowadays. Like its precedent, those old charts with columns for "large frame" and the others, it's been taking more and more criticism. Forget your weight: find out how much of it is fat, Ms. Tassoula.



She wasn't overweight. When the movie came out, the doctors were saying that she was at a healthy weight for her height.

JIM HUTTON: talented gorgeous HOT; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


I think Renee looked much better in the film, than she usually does. She is way too skinny usually and she looked so healthy and sexy with her figure. There is this idiocy in our Western culture, that girls are supposed to be skinny, which usually turns out to be unhealthy. Renee looked absolutely beautiful and stunning with her weight in the film, and she was fit too. But on the other hand, in the film we are to understand that the reason Bridget feels overweight, is because guys she has dated, just like Daniel, tend to want skinny women, so they can brag to other men about the skinny top model looking chicks they're banging. It's not about a man's preference, it's about how he can brag about it to his friends or people who see him in public. Daniel in fact leaves Bridget for Lara, even though he has more fun with Bridget, because she doesn't look like the girl every other guy dreams to be with. Lara looked like a top model, and every man who would see Daniel with her would feel jeaolus, so that's the whole point. Bridget dated *beep* like him, because, let's face it, they are the majority; that's why she felt inadequate, she felt she had to change.

Yet, the beauty of the film is that Bridget finally finds the man who likes her just the way she is, who doesn't think she should change, and that is a good lesson for all women. We don't really see that much in films nowadays. How many healthy looking, regular looking women are the heroine of a romantic film nowadays. Most of them are skinny, unhealthy, unorexic looking.
