136 pounds = overweight?

In the movie didn't she say her weight was 136 pounds?

136 pounds = overweight?!

How tall is Briget supposed to be?

Renee Z the actress is 5'4 - a person at 5'4 and weighing 136 pounds is at a healthy/normal/ideal weight according to the Body Mass Index (http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/).

I was a little sad seeing Bridget be so upset at being 136 pounds because I'm exactly 136 pounds and my BMI is 22.6 (I'm 5'5). A healthy/normal/ideal BMI is between 18.5 - 24.9.

Your thoughts...


Of course it's not overweight.


Yeah 135 is nothing and she didn't look big or fat in the first movie. I thought she looked better than ever, especially in that bunny costume. She did look a little heavier in the second movie but she still looked good. Nowhere near obese or even overweight.


Women just weigh wayyyy more in current times than ever before so they get mad that someone dares say it's overweight. People would rather be in denial and keep up this "everything is ok" mentality that is being pushed. Then to top that off they skinny shame women who are actually good weights, such as Emma Roberts. lol.



There has been a shift toward curves. In 2001, thin was still in as the only beauty standard. Like the stick insect girlfriend in the bathroom, all boney limbs and gaunt faced. “Heroin chic” was a thing around then too. Then came Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian who ushered in an appreciation for other body types.


It's only "movie overweight". In reality, she looked great and (apart from the constant smoking) was probably healthy. She was much more attractive than the "American stick insect".
