Funniest line?

Gary: What the *beep* are you doing here?
Barry the Baptist: What the *beep* are YOU doing here?

Gian Marco Maffei


if the milk turns out to be sour, then im not the kind of pussy that wanna drink it. you know what i mean?


I don't know what's more worrying. The job or your past.


Bacon`s lines at the begining, "they`re not stolen, they just havent been paid for" and "treat your wife, treat somebody elses wife, its a lot better when you dont get caught" etc


-armed? armed with what?
-bad breath, colorful language, feather duster..


I love the quotes when Nick the Greek is bargining with Tom and Ed and puts out his Money pack.

Ed:Jeeezzz could choke a dozen donkeys with that.
Tom:Yes Nick what do you do in with your spare time...Finance revolutions?

Than later on

Nick:Can i get a phone with that.
Tom:You can get a stereo hi-fi set with that if you pay for it.
Nick :Oh come on
Ed:Why are you wining...Escpecially with the Whole Gross national product of Liberia in your pocket.(Or something like it,don't know if ypu say gross National product in english)

anyways that cracks me up every time.


I love that same sequence between Tom, Ed and Nick. Though I believe it goes something like this:

Nick: What else do I get with it?
Tom: You get a gold-plated Rolls Royce, as long as you pay for it.
Nick: Oh come on.
Tom: No you come on. It's a deal. It's a steal. It's sale of the ****ing century. In fact, ***k it Nick, I think I'll keep it.
Nick: All right, all right, keep your allans on.
*pulls out wad*
Nick: Here's a ton.
Tom and Ed: Jeeeesus
Ed: You could choke a dozen donkeys on that! And you're haggling over a hundred pounds? What do you do when you're not buying stereos, Nick, finance revolutions?
Nick: One hundred pounds is still one hundred pounds!
Tom: Not when the price is two hundred pounds it's not. And certainly not when you've got Liberia's deficit in your skyrocket. Now come on Nick; let me feel the fibre of your fabric.

You could say I've seen the film a time or two. ;)


"I don't ****ing believe this... all of you stop getting shot!"


The "stop getting shot" line has to be my favourite from any film ever, but I also like:

"Charles, get the rifles... We're being f____ed."


this is mine just they why willi says chill winston is he best

Winston: Charles, why have we got that cage?
Charles: Uh, security.
Winston: That's right, that's right, security. So what's the point in having it if we're not goin' *beep* use it?
Charles: Well, I would've used it but this is Willie and Willie lives here.
Winston: Yes, but you didn't know it was Willie until you opened the door, did you?
Willie: Chill, Winston, it's me. Charlie knows it's me. What's the problem?
Winston: The problem, Willie, is that Charles and yourself are not the quickest of cats at the best of times. So just do as I say and keep *the *beep* cage locked!* What is that?
Willie: That's Gloria.
Winston: Yes I know that's Gloria, what's that?
Willie: Fertilizer.
Winston: You went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a bag of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing, Willie.
Willie: We need fertilizer Winston.
Winston: Mmmhmm. We also need a money counter. This money's got to be out by Thursday, I'm buggered if I'm gonna count it. Just make sure if you do need to buy sodding fertilizer you could be a bit more subtle.
Willie: What do you mean?
Winston: We grow copious amounts of ganja, yah? And you're carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertilizer. You don't look like your average *beep* culturalist! That's what I mean Willie.

I am a memeber of the Dr.Gordon Army

Saw V: The Doctors In


Yea I remember watching it on a plane once on my laptop and realizing that while Barry the Babtist and Hatchet Harry were conversing in the latter gent's club, everybody behind me could see a stripper and fake dongs all over the computer screen. Good thing it's such a mainstream movie, I'm sure nobody mistook it for hardcore porn.


It was "deficit of Liberia", but yeah funny as hell all the same.


"Chill Winston....."

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination


Charles... get the rifle out... we're being f u cked!

Can't believe that one has only been mentioned once on this thread.


Yeah I love that bit especially but don't forget the end part 'What do u think they're gonna be armed with?! Guns, you tit! BRILLIANT!

'Yo. Like I said before, it's all about the evolution of the POKEMON!'


Is this some sort of white coonts joke that black coonts don't get??


The look on Rory's face...kills me..


They're not exactly quotes but they're the bits where I layghed the moist anyway :

_In the drug den, behind in cage where Plank's gang is getting shot and Dog says : "I don't *beep* believe it, will everyone stop getting shot !"

_When Soap en Eddie are talking about knives:
Eddie : Couldn't you get anything bigger ?
Soap (pulling out a huge machete) : How about this ?


Tom: "No's all been replaced by a pile of corpses!"

my teacher said that beauty is what's on the inside.
that's just something ugly people say.


"Never, ever in my life, has anyone been as *beep* rude to me, as you, Dog! *beep* bastard!"
It's the line that Big Chris screams at Dog when he is slamming his head in the car door. The intensity in which Vinnie Jones delivers that line reminds me of what one of the commentators said about Bobby Boucher in The Waterboy, "There's a lot of pain and anger in that man's eyes."


Bacon: What's that?

Samoan Joes Barman: It's a cocktail. You asked for a cocktail.

Bacon: : No. I asked you to give me a refreshing drink! I didn't expect a *beep* rainforest! You could fall in love with an orangutan in there! Bring me a pint.

Samoan Joes Barman: You want a pint, you go to the pub.

Bacon: I thought this was a pub!

Samoan Joes Barman: It's a Samoan pub.


Jesus Christ, You could choke a dozen donkeys with that.

Love the accents.
(I'm an Aussie, so it's funny.)


Eddie: Oh, and if Tom or anyone else for that matter feels like givin' them a bit of a kickin', I'm sure it won't do any harm.

Soap: Yeah, little bit of pain never hurt anybody. If you know what I mean. Also, I think knives are a good idea. Big, *beep*-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. *beep* 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro.

Tom: Soap, is there something we should know about you?

Bacon: I'm not sure what's more worrying. The job or your past


Dog: "I can't believe this, can everyone stop getting shot?"

Card game loser: "WANKERS! WANKERS!"

Little Chris: "Piss of ya nonce!"
