My theories for the huge backlash of "Titanic"
As we all know, Titanic is simply remembered and labeled for being a huge phenomenon and success. But also for it`s backlash. And it seems like the majority of the users here (without my intention to attack anyone) are labeling this movie for it`s huge backlash. But regardless of that statement, I`ve wanted to mention my theories for why the backlash eventually came about.
1. The first reason for Titanic`s backlash was simply due to it`s success. Titanic`s faced a backlash because it was too successful. Even James Cameron briefly mentioned it on the Reflections on Titanic-documentary on the Blu Ray release. And while it may be a simple reason, the truth is that many popular properties faces backlash when they`re too successful.
2. The second reason was how the elements and components of Titanic`s was working against it. People were essentially seeing through the story and realizing how James Cameron used one of the great tragedies of history to tell a simplistic and conventional fairy tale romance. And frankly making the characters too archetypical, simplistic and conventional (especially Jack). And frankly, it`s been a thing that the movie has been criticized for in hindsight.
3. The third reason was also for it`s genre: That Titanic was first and foremost a romance (despite it`s action-part on the third act). Which gave the film a bad reputation and also the bad impression how the movie`s success was built on how teenage girls who were crushing on Leonardo DiCaprio. And while it was a part of the success, the truth is that it wasn`t the only part for why the movie was successful. Sure, the romance was cheesy and hackneyed. But Titanic was also badly labeled for it`s genre.
So these are my reasons for it`s backlash. What are your thoughts?