MovieChat Forums > Johanesse

Johanesse (503)


My theories for the huge backlash of "Titanic" The one thing Michelle did right at Disney World. It really made no sense why Sarabi and Scar thought that Simba was Mufasa as an adult Anyone who actually likes Meeko? Kent Mansley was a huge idiot because of his final decision One thing that annoys me with the Bob/Syndrome conflict is Syndrome`s motivation and how Bob was responsible for it Do you think she has charisma? Anyone else loved Prince Naveen as a character? I feel genuinely sorry for Moses because of the task that`s he was given Sasha was such a little bitch View all posts >


Well said, op. And I agree with you. Agreed. <i>Frozen</i> is so removed from the original <i>Snow Queen</i> that it`s hardly the same adaptation. But at least the abscence of love interest was a deliberate choice in <i>Brave</i>. As Brenda Chapman wanted to not include a love interest from the get-go. But as for the sequel of <i>Frozen</i>, I found the tone of the movie way more consistent, as the first <i>Frozen</i> was quite dramatically uneven. Fair enough, but I felt the sequel was better as a whole. Mainly because the sequel was more focused to tell a cohesive story and the subplots were just subplots. My main gripes with the first <i>Frozen</i> is essentially Elsa`s purpose and placement in her story. She`s the catalyst of the events and is the character with the most compelling struggle. But is ultimately reduced as a secondary character, when the plot clearly needed her to be a more active. Instead, <i>Frozen</i> shoehorned in a completely gratituous love triangle and scrutinized the fairy tale tropes, when the story didn`t needed that angle at all. <blockquote>It's pretty much the same kind of situation as other big blockbusters of the late 90s/early 2000s: people were crazy about it at the time it came out, and the craze lasted a few years, and then, after 5 years, all anyone could do was complain about it, most notably people who didn't enjoy it when it first came out, but their voices were drowned out by fans for the first 5 years.</blockquote> Well, the same has happened with properties from our times: People were crazy about <i>Frozen</i> when it first came out and afterwards, people were beginning to turn against it. Since it was overexposed and people realized that it wasn`t that great after all (which I agree with). And how it was massively overrated. <blockquote>Yes too mature for him, but also not the correct type. If you look at Di Crapio's personal life, he only pumps airheads, not upper crust looking chicks like Winslet. No doubt Jack would be the same. </blockquote> Yup, that`s true. Okay, fair enough. <blockquote>What backlash?</blockquote> I don`t want to sound condescending, but there was a backlash of this movie after it`s release. <blockquote>No, the backlash came from the fact that mostly women enjoyed the film and drove everyone else nuts by watching the movie many times, and listening to the soundtrack until nobody could stand the theme song anymore. That, and a lot of girls got mad when they found out Leo DiCaprio might have been a closet case after that interview with him and Kate. (Incidentally, there has been very little criticism of the costumes, considering they were 98% accurate for the time period). Basically, the backlash came years after the film came out (similar story to the Star Wars Prequels), basically from Titanic fatigue. People also argue that Rose and Jack could have survived on that floating door piece if they'd balanced their weight better, and then gone off to live happily ever after. Titanic nerds also found a number of inaccuracies regarding what rooms were used for different scenes, some of the ways the people behaved, and how some things were far more dramatized than they actually were when the ship sank in real life, including the concept of the ship "sucking down" people after it finally disappeared under the waves. It's pretty much the same kind of situation as other big blockbusters of the late 90s/early 2000s: people were crazy about it at the time it came out, and the craze lasted a few years, and then, after 5 years, all anyone could do was complain about it, most notably people who didn't enjoy it when it first came out, but their voices were drowned out by fans for the first 5 years. </blockquote> Alright, fair enough But Leo dismissed the rumors of being in the closet at the time. Even Kate stated that she couldn`t stand the song afterwards. <blockquote>Also, the casting of Kate Winslet and Leo Di Crapio was an issue since both are mediocre actors. </blockquote> Well, the thing is that they`re not mediocre actors, but their acting in <i>Titanic </i> was fairly mediocre. I know that I`ve previously defended Kate`s acting. But looking back, her acting was really lackluster, too. I know they wanted Gwyneth Paltrow and Claire Danes to Rose. And both are more attractive than Winslet, but that`s not the biggest problem. The problem is that Kate looked way too mature for Leo and looked like she was twice his age (despite being barely a year younger than him). Oh, you`ve regressed to your mold of repeating yourself? Good luck. View all replies >