MovieChat Forums > The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) Discussion > I Still Don't Understand Why This Bombed...

I Still Don't Understand Why This Bombed!

- Great action sequences
- Intense plot
- A funny/fun script by Shane Black
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Geena Davis

I love this film !




- Great action sequences
- Intense plot
- A funny/fun script by Shane Black
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Geena Davis

Like Demolition Man, this is one that doesn't quite get the attention it deserves. As far as action movies go, it's better than most. In fact I'd take this one over 90% of the action movies released in 2012. This one has actual characters and humor, something you can't find in Battleship or John Carter or the dismal remake of Total Recall.

As to why it bombed as badly as it did, I think there are a few possible reasons. The confusing title may have had something to do with it. It's also possible that after Twister, The Rock, Earser and Independence Day, not to mention the latest Van Damme and Seagal mediocrities, audiences were action movied out by the time. There's also this possiblity, which I think is the most likely reason.

I've observed previously that the aforementioned Demolition Man got overlooked on account of being released just as the tropes of 80s action movies were starting to fade. By 1996, those tropes, which Shane Black had helped invent, were pretty much a thing of the past. Most of the action films Black wrote were focused primarily on the characters and The Long Kiss Goodnight is no exception. But in 1996 the Bruckheimerization of action movies was in full effect and the tropes of those are bigger, louder and faster. The Long Kiss Goodnight seemed out of date to much of the multiplex crowd in 1996.

Luckily, it has found its audience. To me it holds up way better than the more commercially successful and remembered likes of Top Gun and Armageddon.


good points. I think the main problem was gina davis was not that big of a star. if this had been done with Sandra bullock in the lead a year or 2 after speed (or j-law now), it would've been a huge hit, I think. Gina did a fantastic job, she just was not big enough to launch the film (which seems more important than how good the film is, sadly).


Unfortunately the Action Girl phenomenon hadn't really taken off in the mainstream just yet. Buffy hadn't started yet (though the movie had come out) and Xena was more of a cult thing. The public just wasn't used to an action movie with a female lead. And Geena Davis was known mainly for romcoms and dramas. So fans of her might have been put off by a genre so different to what she's known for, and action movie fans would have been put off by her being the lead. Likewise at that time Samuel L Jackson wasn't as notable a star as he is today. While he was recognisable, he was going through a hype backlash period after Pulp Fiction. He wouldn't rebound until Die Hard With A Vengeance.


Die Hard With A Vengeance came out a year before this. Jackson was red hot at this time.


It bombed because it's absolute garbage, like most of Renny Harlin's attempts at movies.


Hahahahaha. No one cares.


There's no box office draw here.

Geena Davis and Rene Harlin were poison at this point because of all the negative publicity, failure and diva like attitude from Cutthroat Island.

Sam Jackson wasn't a box office draw as the romantic lead. He's always been more of a male sidekick or in his later years old wise leader type. He's never really been able to draw on his own without an A list draw like Bruce Willis or Travolta, and is better as part of an ensemble cast usually.


The reason is that there's a lot of misogyny on the part of young males who've been more and more the target audience for filmmakers in the past twenty years. For example, look at the ire online against the all female remake of Ghostbusters. I just read an astounding article about that in The Atlantic.

Young men don't want women as the leads in their movies. Especially action or suspense films. It's the reason the entertaining Cutthroat Island didn't amass an audience a year before this one and that this one didn't do any better. Female lead.

Another example: In 1995 a film came out called Seven. Huge box-office hit. A month later an equally entertaining and similarly themed film came out called Copycat. It was largely ignored by audiences. Why? Female leads. Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman weren't the leads in it, but rather Sigourney Weaver and Holly Hunter. Where Seven made $100 million, Copycat made $32 million.

The mostly young male audiences are very misogynistic. They're afraid of strong women leads. It's why their favorite films are The Godfather's and Martin Scorcese films. Look at how the women are treated in all those films.

Think I'm wrong? Have you seen a lot of the misogyny involved in the Hillary Clinton bashing online?

Here's that Atlantic article if you need more proof:

And be warned: these misogynists will come up with all sorts of refutations against this idea. It will be about anything else than that. Anything.


They are not “young men.” They are little boys, and they jerk off on the internet.


The mostly young male audiences are very misogynistic. They're afraid of strong women leads.

‘Afraid’ 🤣



I agree, it's a great movie. One of my guilty pleasures that I watch all the time.


Not for me. Felt generous giving it a 5.

Poor acting, cliche scenes and situations, predictable plot.


maybe cutthroat island?
