Mr.Jones: Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the food. All the chitlins... All the pig's feet... All the collard greens... All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs feet.
Smokey:She said she look like Janet Jackson, bitch looked like Freddie Jackson.
Dont nobody go to the bathroom for about 35-45 minutes, and someone open a window around here
Hey Mrs.Parker
Hey BOys
When Can I FUQQ you Mrs.Parker
Wat wuz dat
lmao classic!!!!
i know you don't smoke weed, i know this. but i'm going to get you high today. because it's friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shiit to do!
Fat Girl Rita: Ooooh, wasssup?
Smokey: Not a damn thing!!
Fat Girl Rita: So are you gonna kick it or what?
Smokey: We can kick it, but I forgot I gotta go pick my mom from work, and you know how that is.
Fat Girl Rita: That's alright, I'll take you to get her.
Smokey: Nah! She don't like a lot of people... with me when I go get her.
Smokey: Look, why don't you go across the street and get you something to eat? I know you hungry!
Fat Girl Rita: Uh-uh,'cause, see, I ate twice before I came.
add me!
Plies So Damn Sexii!!!
I Cant Deny It Imma Straight Ridah,You Dont Wanna Fuqq Wit Me!!
Mr.Jones: Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the food. All the chitlins... All the pig's feet... All the collard greens... All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs feet.
Hey Mrs.Parker
Hey BOys
When Can I FUQQ you Mrs.Parker
Wat wuz dat
lmao classic!!!!