They should have had Janeway make the Ultimate Sacrifice to save the ship/crew mid series and then made Chokotay Captain and shown him taking a different way of doing things. Janeway would have gone down in history as the best Star Trek Capt ever because she gave her ALL, more than any other Capt. Some would say that it could be perceived as misogynistic to kill the only female Capt. I say "Fah!" She would be greater than any male capt. What's the Janeway legacy now? Just one of the worst captains.
Should have changed Captains mid series image for user spielberto by spielberto » 1 day ago (Mon Jan 2 2017 19:00:07) Flag ▼ | Reply | IMDb member since February 2008 They should have had Janeway make the Ultimate Sacrifice to save the ship/crew mid series and then made Chokotay Captain and shown him taking a different way of doing things. Janeway would have gone down in history as the best Star Trek Capt ever because she gave her ALL, more than any other Capt. Some would say that it could be perceived as misogynistic to kill the only female Capt. I say "Fah!" She would be greater than any male capt. What's the Janeway legacy now? Just one of the worst captains.
Mid of which series? There were 7 in total.
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Re: Should have changed Captains mid series image for user dai_grepher1051 by dai_grepher1051 » 15 hours ago (Wed Jan 4 2017 13:07:44) IMDb member since October 2005 Didn't Sisko sacrifice himself? I thought I read that somewhere.
Voyager is a series that has seven seasons. So mid-series would be the middle of season four.
7 series of Voyager in total. Mid of which is what I asked.
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Re: Should have changed Captains mid series image for user dai_grepher1051 by dai_grepher1051 » 1 day ago (Thu Jan 5 2017 07:56:22) IMDb member since October 2005 Voyager is one series. This series is comprised of seven seasons.
Mid-series would be the middle of season 4.
Voyager has seven series. A season is a period in a year, there are four seasons in a year.
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Taking a wild stab that you are not an American. What you might believe to be a series is called a 'season' on US TV. A series is a set of seasons.....7 in the case of Voyager.
Ignore the stupid Americans, they can't accept things are different in different places. Granted Star Trek shows are the only shows I watch that aren't from the BBC. -an ashamed U.S. Citizen
When I talk about Doctor Who, I use the term series for each year of that show. Voyager was a US production, therefore "season" is the correct terminology, and the term "series" applies to the complete overall show.
>>>Ignore the stupid Americans, they can't accept things are different in different places. Granted Star Trek shows are the only shows I watch that aren't from the BBC. -an ashamed U.S. Citizen<<<
A courtesy you might want to extend to Americans. The fact that there are differences in American and British English is well known and should be respected. It is polilte to speak of a British program as have series; it is equally polite to refer to an American program as having seasons.
so then you go to the country of origin, in the case of Voyager the country is the US, hence SEASON.
I have Series, 5,6 and 7 of Doctor Who and I never to them as Seasons because that is not what they are.
Can I ask you a question Jesters?
For a US Show I can say "I binged the whole series" or I can "In binged seasons 3 and 4".
If I were to binge all 13 series of New Who, is there a one word description for that?
I'm surprised the crew didn't mutiny after Janeway lost the voyager to the fricking Kazans. Or when she was messing with the Ferengi instead focusing on getting into the worm hole.
I think she's a great captain. I also sense misogyny when there is just one woman in something, real or fictional, and suddenly people come up with new standards or activities they are expected to accomplish. Men are forgiven their shortcomings, but women are allowed none. Women must be perfect, and do it grinning like an idiot so males don't get scared or think she's a bitch.
There is nothing great about dying--ask anyone in the military. A hell of a lot is invested in creating a captain--selection, training, experience...that's why real captain's never go on away missions or take unnecessary risks. Besides, Chakotay is not qualified AND was a rebel. And he'd be just another male captain. Blah. Many more scripting opportunities for him as a lower rank crew member not stuck on the ship. And he'd never handle 1st contacts as well. Too ready to fight.
No other captain faced the likelihood they could never return home. I agree the Ferengi episode (was it "False Profits?") kind of lost track at some point, but had she gone through the wormhole, the series would have been over! And you'd be re-watching Next Gen for the 21st time. Great and my favorite but variety is a necessary element of all life, including entertainment.
Voyager crew members were stuck with each other 24/7 year after year. I thought Janeway did a great job maintaining her captain's role in spite of being alone at her level. Yet she had to suffer some negative effects from the isolation. They did a great job of mixing the 2. She never seemed weak, just a bit confused. She kept her demeanor while reacting to lots of crises and challenges. That must have been hard for the actress and the writers. Being first is much more difficult. Male actors have how many role modelos to look to for inspiration?
Worst captain was Sisko--Booorrrriiiinnnnngggggg! There were about 20 great episodes. More just put me to sleep.
For those confused about "series"--in Great Britain, a "series" is a season.
For the record....I would feel the same way about Janeway man or woman. Poorly written to have the captain keep dropping the ball big time. Come' on the fricken Kazons for crying out loud...
I couldn't disagree more. Captain Janeway was the one of the best captains, and a true inspiration to me in science and leadership.... She did give it her all, every single day as she upheld the prime directive. She shaped my childhood/preteen years and therefore my life, especially when she got Voyager home.
I thought it was a waste of potential not exploring how the ship would have run with both of them having a turn at it. I definitely would have spent a season with Chokotay in charge before being like, you know what, you were definitely doing a better job. But the whole affair of the two different crews stuck together was a bungled mess from the getgo.
Sorry but I reject this post on almost every level! Janeway was and always will be an iconic Captain and to have anyone but her steer them back home would have completely diluted her legacy.
For the record, her gender was a very small part of why I rate her so highly among the Starfleet Captains. For me it was entirely more about her strength, compassion, humour and humanity. Just a great character played to perfection by Kate Mulgrew.
It’s one of my great hopes to see her return to the role in a major Star Trek production one day.
Kate Mulgrew was an absolute bad-ass. We couldn't be more fortunate that she got the part when Genevieve Bujold quit the role after only a few days of production.