"She would be greater than any male capt.
What's the Janeway legacy now? Just one of the worst captains. "
Why would females always have to be 'GREATER than any male'? Why?
What happened to equality? Why can't they be equal?
Furthermore, women always have power over men, why can't men sometimes have power over women, even if it means being a captain? It's ridiculous to put women to compete in the masculine field, like 'being a leader', because men are better suited for it, so it suits and fits men.
There's also the fact that women have multiple advantages socially, sexually, and in the field of mating and attraction, and men have -nothing-. Therefore, if men could at least have something, some kind of power, it would only be fair, it would only be equalizing the situation.
Women's social-sexual power has gotten out of hand, I think it's TIME for ACTUAL EQUALITY.
Why can't women be women, good at what women are naturally good at, and men be men, good at what men are naturally good at, and then there could be humans, without clear or obvious sexual or genderial discernment or identification, that use both energies in equality; we all have masculine and feminine energy in us, we are also all basically genderless human beings that are capable of expressing and living in (or as) either gender (the temporary body type changes, we remain).
We are, however, always more than any bodily definition, including gender - humanity, the self, the soul is always more important.
Why couldn't these agenda-ridden TV shows reflect that for once?