MovieChat Forums > The Outer Limits (1995) Discussion > YOUR FAVORITE EPISODE OF ALL TIMES??


I was about 12 in 1995, when the series sttared so I was pretty young when I began watching The Outer Limits. I didn't even know it was a Canadian series until a few years ago, but I remember alot of the old ones like Heist with a young pre-Saving Private Ryan Barry Pepper and that pretty freaky epsiode with Brent Spiner who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also remember there was another epsiode where aliens had abducted a street block or something, can't remember precisly. But of all my absolulte favorite of all times is Abduction. Not only because I'm in love with Meghan Ory (SP) but because it is a very, very good lession about school shootings that I think all people adults and kids alike should watch. Heck why not even show it to a high school class and get then to discuss the topics that the epsiode presents. Anyways, I like sharing, so what's yours? Another one I also liked stared John Spencer from the West Wing and Micheal Ironside it was called "Summit".



My favorite is Tribunal. I ordered the "Time Traval & Infinity" collection from amazon mainly for that episode.

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mine was "quality of mercy"

Major John Skokes (Robert Patrick) has been captured by the seemingly unbeatable aliens currently warring on Earth. His companion is a young Cadet captured on a training flight, Bree Tristan (Nicole de Boer). Skokes must find a way out of the dank prison for himself and his fellow prisoner before the aliens succeed in converting her to one of their own speciesality of mercy"

excelent episode.............


Essence Of Life



My updated list:

1. Tribunal
2. Final Appeal
3. The New Breed
4. A Stitch in Time
5. Simon Says
6. Trial by Fire
7. Feasibility Study
8. Final Exam
9. Quality of Mercy
10. Gettysburg




excellent metaphor an society

"Give it your all, It's all you've got"


What's the name of the one where aliens are coming to earth and all the "important" people in government are in some bunker and they're trying to decide if they should treat the aliens hostile...turns out after already attacking aliens they learn the aliens initial message was "we come in peace" or something like that? Anyone know the name? I think the aliens only like water or something too, so they landed in the ocean..


Stitch in Time with Michelle Forbes and Amanda Plummer was the all time best episode.


"Trial by fire" - season 2. Robert Foxworth as the new President.


hopefully someone else has said "the new breed." if so, i concur. if not, i'm the first!


"A Stitch in Time" is far and away the best episode, Amanda Plummer is amazing in it. I think she won an Emmy or something for that role.


The Other Side
Caught in the Act
Dead Man's Switch
Virtual Future
The Refuge
First Anniversary
From Within
Valerie 23
Quality of Mercy

"What's dead should stay dead" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural
