MovieChat Forums > The Outer Limits (1995) Discussion > YOUR FAVORITE EPISODE OF ALL TIMES??


I was about 12 in 1995, when the series sttared so I was pretty young when I began watching The Outer Limits. I didn't even know it was a Canadian series until a few years ago, but I remember alot of the old ones like Heist with a young pre-Saving Private Ryan Barry Pepper and that pretty freaky epsiode with Brent Spiner who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also remember there was another epsiode where aliens had abducted a street block or something, can't remember precisly. But of all my absolulte favorite of all times is Abduction. Not only because I'm in love with Meghan Ory (SP) but because it is a very, very good lession about school shootings that I think all people adults and kids alike should watch. Heck why not even show it to a high school class and get then to discuss the topics that the epsiode presents. Anyways, I like sharing, so what's yours? Another one I also liked stared John Spencer from the West Wing and Micheal Ironside it was called "Summit".



Mary 25 and Manifest Destiny mainly because I love Michael Shanks(Daniel Jackson on Stargate) and I LOVED his last scene in Mary 25.


I loved the twist in Tempests, didn't see it coming :-)

Wierd saying Will from Will & Grace in a serious role, quite obscure lol



Could somebody tell me what was the name of this episode and which season it is? There were three (or four, can't remember) guys who were on a mission in outer space and then some kind of alien took over their bodies and turned them against each other. And I recall the whole ship was blown to bits in the end.


^Some of your details are wrong. but that episode is called "The Voyage Home" and from the first season. It is one of my favorites as well.


Could somebody tell me what was the name of this episode and which season it is? There were three (or four, can't remember) guys who were on a mission in outer space and then some kind of alien took over their bodies and turned them against each other. And I recall the whole ship was blown to bits in the end.

That almost sounds like Manifest Destiny.


Basically, for me, the finest episode of the New Outer Limits was "A Stitch in Time". Compelling story+excellent acting+top notch script= a winner! After that, pretty much any episode written by Alan Brennert (Second Soul, Dark Matters, the one with the alien in the Old West, etc). You just can't go wrong with him!


"The Sandkings," with its built-in lesson concerning hubris and how succumbing to it can lead one to destruction by clouding one's moral and intellectual vision.

"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo) The Outer Limits


Season 7 episode 8: Think like a dinosaur

I thought the acting by Enrico Colantoni was top notch and I saw a master at work the whole time during that episode. Unfortunately he isn't that big of an actor but maybe in the future...


Season 2, Episode 22: The Sentence

The sad portrayal of a scientist subjected to his own device and finding it cruel resonated with me, as well as one of David Hyde Pierce's best performances.



their all good


Vanishing Act is my favorite one of all times, and I was so happy when it came on today because it only seems to come on every once and a full moon or blue moon whatever


Great topic! I'm having trouble remembering a few of the episodes mentioned here so I'll be checking them out.


I've recently started to watch outer limits again, all from the start. I used to sneak to the TV late night when I was a kid and watch this, with some episodes possibly scarring me for life (most disturbing episode was probably "the sentence" as I still remember bits of it).

Some favourites I can recall right now:

- Hearts and Minds
This one just blew me right off my seat. Especially the ending. Also, very imaginative episode.

- The Grell
Portrays just what is and always will be wrong about us humans. We cant accept that someone might be different from us.

- Quality of Mercy & The Light Brigade
Oh hell, the agony. I remember seeing the first one as a kid, this one really got into me. Outer Limits episodes excel in very, VERY apathetic endings. These episodes are top notch if you want to have a puzzled and dismal mind for the next couple of days.

- The Conversion
Kind of "a christmas carol"-adaption. One of the only episodes I've seen that has a truly happy ending.


"I used to sneak to the TV late night when I was a kid and watch this". This is exactly what I did when the original Outer Limits from the 60s was first aired. Obviously, I'm older generation than you (I didn't have to do this with new Outer Limits), but just goes to show the universal appeal of both the original and the new Outer Limits to all generations. There are so many great episodes (and some not so great ones), but my favourites would have to be "A Stitch in Time" and "Patient Zero".


^Gmvil, this is a little off topic, but its cool but its cool to hear from people who grew up with the original series and are able to enjoy both series. I am the opposite since I grew up with the 90s series, but I like the 60s series a lot as well.



My favorite episode is "Human Operators" I really liked it.

I also like one that I cant remember all too well because I havent seen it in awhile- its with Laura Harris and its like her neighborhood gets abducted and there are these infected aliens and then she gets infected. I think everyone dies at the end? Because I remember it being very sad and depressing. But enjoyable.


relativity theory was my favourite because that could easily happen
,since it has sorta happened in the past and now that we live in a world of dwindling resources its a frightlingly real possiblity.Mind over matter is also a classic my fav since i originally saw it more than a decade ago and have manged to watch it many times recently.summit,stitch in time,hearts desire are also very good
There are no absolutetes no right,no wrong just choices -- Jasmine
