MovieChat Forums > The Outer Limits (1995) Discussion > YOUR FAVORITE EPISODE OF ALL TIMES??


I was about 12 in 1995, when the series sttared so I was pretty young when I began watching The Outer Limits. I didn't even know it was a Canadian series until a few years ago, but I remember alot of the old ones like Heist with a young pre-Saving Private Ryan Barry Pepper and that pretty freaky epsiode with Brent Spiner who played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also remember there was another epsiode where aliens had abducted a street block or something, can't remember precisly. But of all my absolulte favorite of all times is Abduction. Not only because I'm in love with Meghan Ory (SP) but because it is a very, very good lession about school shootings that I think all people adults and kids alike should watch. Heck why not even show it to a high school class and get then to discuss the topics that the epsiode presents. Anyways, I like sharing, so what's yours? Another one I also liked stared John Spencer from the West Wing and Micheal Ironside it was called "Summit".



Simon Says really freaked me out. It seems almost possible too. When the robot was petting the cat but actually mutalated it with its metal hands and didn't even realize... man, that got to me.


My two favorite episodes were Quality of Mercy and The Light Brigade...these episodes just made my jaw drop at the like...there is no way that just happend.



Heh, yeah. Quality of mercy really pissed me off. I was like WTF, what a B***** . Then when I saw light brigade, I just knew that dude was an alien. Yeah, the light brigade completely shocked me. I actually thought we might win for once... NOPE, bye bye earth.

I never really watched Outer Limits till about 3 years ago. I saw " Trial by fire" and I couldn't stop thinking and talking about it for days. I never miss an episode now, and I own all the dvd box sets. Outer Limits is by far the best television I have ever watched. I probebly have about 200 favorate episodes cause 95 percent of them are really great.

The ones I really liked were:

-Trial by fire
-Dead mans switch ( you gotta love the end when the president is being controlled and washington DC is in ruins.)
- Quality of mercy/Light brigade
- The one with the nano bots... ( That sh** is just crazy )
- esophogus ( That one is pretty cool, the ending is awsome)
- The sentance ( Great acting, awsome concept, when I was finished watching that episode I was like "holly *beep* that was some crazy sh***"
- the camp
- Fesability study
- The one where humans are probing a planet for life and kill some young aliens and then thier parents come to the planet and kick some ass

I cant think of them all but OUTER LIMITS ownz, I really hope they make more because there is nothing like a "first time watch" where you are in suspence and then the end is an absolute shocker and you are left there thinking ( damn that was far out and freaky ) You cant really get that feeling when watching an episode for the second time.


I liked the episode where the college kid creates a cold fusion bomb and holds his class hostage. Looking back on the episode it didn't make a lot of sense (holding people hostage with a cold fusion bomb? huh?) but I've always been fascinated by the possibilites of cold fussion.


Definitely Sandkings and Stitch In Time.


Trail by Fire


My favorite episode of all time is Patient Zero with Michael Rooker. I just love that one and will watch it any time it's on. Great concept and execution, with a much-appreciated twist ending.


Oh by the way, this has probably already been covered, since the topic thread began so long ago, but the episode about the "replacement" of one city block onto another planet was a remake of an episode from the original series, though it didn't have a lot in common with it. The title is Feasibility Study.


Trial by Fire

Quality of Mercy

And one no one has mentioned yet: "Tempest", with Eric McCormick of Will and Grace fame. People have seen that episode right?! Now that was truly heartbreaking for a man who loved his family so much that...

Well... I won't give it away.


You're right about Tempest, that episode just messed with your head so badly.


second thoughts - best out of nowhere ending(though i think they may hint at it with her boyfriend at one point).

little correction - the man communicating with ben,katya, a general. not the president. also, the "movie scene" ben and katya watch is from the episode "paradise".

light brigade - i love that they covered all the bases from "quality of mercy"(the price john paid for trying to rescue bree. thats b4 he opened his big mouth about the military plans) its hard to miss when youre waiting for something to happen, and you get a lot of talk. that was a gruesome way for him to die.

quality of mercy - the look on johns face(bree reveals her secret) is ok. but the look on her face(s) is priceless.

episodes i hated the most - human trials(finale), and "ripper" saw that one coming a mile away.


My favorite is "The Conversion." I liked how it was a good story with a good ending.


I was so happy reading this thread, thought I was the only person that would name 'The Conversion' as their favorite Outer Limits episode. There's a lot of other great ones that people have listed on here as well. It's a great series that hasn't been given its due on DVD yet!

In other words, Steven Segal is too strong for you and you give up.
-- Topoz





Corner of the eye.

