Favourite Quotes

What are your favourite quotes from the movie? I need to watch it again to get some but at the moment i can't think of any.....


Colt: "What are you doing here?"
Destiny: "Waiting for you."
Colt: "No. What brought you here?"
Destiny: "A cab."
Colt: "Why?"
Destiny: "My car's in the shop."
Colt: "No. I mean (drags out a sign reading...), 'why the hell did you come here?'."


I always crack up when we enter the police station and a woman is describing a man, the police officer is using putty to match the offender.
Then later on, you see a life size putty man getting dragged in to the staion yelling "I'm innocent"


two parts

when the woman is giving a description of someone and the guy in making a giant mr potatoe head... then later on when you see the cops arresting him in the background


That was supposed to be Mr. Potato head.

A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have.


when the csi investigator say "this loser has taken the chicken *beep* way out and punched her own ticket" turns body over and victim has stricken look of terror on her face
luger "must have caught herself by surprise"

gen. mortars "sea monkeys?"
mike "pirahna"

i also like when they exchange cliches until mike says "life is very short and theres no time for fussing and fighting my friend"
mortars after consulting cliche book "sorry no good mike"

This Bellini is starting to look like a real Kapuchnik.


As a fan of silence of the lambs my favourite quote is:

Leecher: Quid pro quo officer colt

Colt: What does that mean?

Leecher: It means I'm pretentious!

I was in tears laughing


colt talking to dr. leecher: "oom pappa?"

This Bellini is starting to look like a real Kapuchnik.


When they go into beckers apartment

Jack Colt: Give me a name!

Becker: Isn't that a job for your parents?



Police shrink: Don't stick him with Colt.He's crazy,a loose cannon...and worst of all hes gun happy

Colt:(pointing gun) Where do you get off saying that???



Surprised this one hasnt been said:

When they go to see Dr. Leecher and the guy from night court gives them the instructions "....stay to the left of the hall all the way down its the last cell"

After he lets them in he gets this horrified look on hid face and screams "THE RIGHT!!!! I MEANT STAY TO THE RIGHT and one of the prisoners has grabbed slj through the bars and emilio is pistol whipping the guy

A very funny scene in a way UNDERRATTED MOVIE

That's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic. Sir, the pills go in your mouth.


The scene where the guy's foot is on fire, I love it.

"I have this itching, burning sensation."

"Well, what the hell do you expect, your foot's on fire."

I sincerely want to fvck the taste out of your mouth


The best part is seeing Tim Curry through the peephole with that costume on saying "ah-Wilderness Girrrrlzzz!"

A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have.



this has to be one of the oldest treads there is..?.. Or..


Some I like that haven't been mentioned yet...

Luger: "York left me a message. She'd uncovered a drug running operation. I think that's what got her killed".
Captain: "You don't think it was the bullets?"

Dr.Leacher: "Mortars was once a patient of mine. I taught him not to internalise his rage, to express his anger".
Colt: "You taught him well".
Dr.Leacher: "Quite. After our last session he started the Vietnamese War".

The scene where Luger uses the megaphone and it's made in Japan, so everything he says gets translated into Japanese.

Irv: "Something just doesn't add up. My wife and I haven't had sex for two years, and I have a six-month old daughter".
Luger: "You're getting too suspicious, this job will do that to you".

"You're a funny guy Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last".


Nice weather? You think we're having... nice weather? I guess you didn't lose the only one that meant anything in your life. I guess you don't feel burned out by the human misery and despair perpetrated by the criminal vermin that infest every pore of this decaying city, forcing you to guzzle cheap wine and cheaper whiskey to dull the pain that shatters your heart, rips at your soul, and keeps your days forever gray -- What flavor Ice you got today

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.


dr. leecher: quid pro quo mr colt.
colt: what's that mean?
dr. leecher: it means i'm pretentious.


Liberals are fun to laugh at.



LUGER: "I'm driving!"COLT: "I'm driving!" Luger punches colt in the face.COLT: Ok.



what have you got sarge?

"nothing solid" (with his hand full of slime)

well since you're naked you might as well f___ a friend of mine. Paul come in here!

