MovieChat Forums > Jurassic Park (1993) Discussion > Real life velociraptors were tiny and pa...

Real life velociraptors were tiny and pathetic

I cant believe Michael Crichton, having probably done tons of research for his book, and then the director, writers and the entire movie board havnt looked into this either, but the main antagonists of the book/movie, the Velociraptors were actually a lot smaller than they appeared in the story, and a lot less menacing looking.

I mean holy sh** they were normally not even half the size of a grown man, and they were full of feathers. Grant could have probably killed all 3 of them with a crowbar. In the book Muldoon blows one up with a damn rocket launcher, ever tried to hit a rooster with a granade?



I don’t have thoughts. I’m quite stupid, really.


'Raptor' sounds cool.

It should've been Deinonychus but they used Raptor for creative license (which was a good choice).


He took creative license to make big raptors. Ironically just about when the movie was released, paleontologists actually discovered a species of Raptor that stood about six foot tall.

And just recently they discovered an even larger species.


Utahraptor ostrommaysi, was named by Kirkland, Gaston and Burge in June 1993.


It's true. Fossil records show that real velociraptors were the size of small dogs, and even had feathers! However, the latter part of that wasn't discovered until the late 2000s, so at the time of the 1990s, scientists didn't actually know that.

I read why the movie-makers used larger raptors than what fossil records indicated. It was to create a secondary danger to the T-rex, as well as add to the action in the film. They used a combination of mock-ups, actors in partial costumes, and CGI for the raptor scenes, particularly in the kitchen stalking scene.

I'm not certain what the deal was with Crichton, though I actually have not read his book, and I heard it was different than the film that came out. The least he could have done was write somewhere that some idiot scientist decided to genetically manipulate the velociraptors to make them larger and more interesting for the park. That would have made sense, considering they already were engineering the animals to all be female, and made the mistake of using the DNA of African frogs that could change their sex if need be.


Just to let you know, AmeriGirl26, in the novel the raptors that they originally cloned are in a big cage near the lab. They aren't part of the park cause they discover they are too dangerous to have on tour. Like the movie the raptors killed a workman. Also a big difference between the book and movie is that in the book, they find out durring the tour that some of the dinosaurs are breeding. The premise of them breeding is a larger plot point than the movie where it ends up being kind of pointless.

You should check out both the Jurassic Park books Michael Chrichton wrote. They both are very different from the movies that became really popular. Not that the first 2 movies are bad but the 2nd novel is better than the 2nd movie imo.


I was really annoyed with this film when I saw it in the theater as a dinosaur-obsessed kid. It would have made so much more sense to me to make them Deinonychuses, but I guess the word "Velociraptor" just sounds scarier so that's what they stuck with.


It's funny because the scene where the smart a$$ kid says to Grant they are not scary they are more like turkeys which is actually more accurate to Grant's description of them.
