A few more points about this very good thread, not considering the insulting ones:
Why “trust” a 10-yard old?..I think it’s safe to say John Connor is no ordinary 10-year old....he was raised to be a leader from a young age and he’s smart enough to hack an ATM....he has potential, to say the least....at most, he was aware of his potential, shown when he’s speaking about his mother to the T-800 and saying how she raised him, “spending a lot of time in Nicaragua...“; spending time with a “crazy ex-Green Beret guy, running guns”; finding guys to influence her son so he “could become this great military leader....”. Young John Connor doesn’t sound like a normal kid playing little league and spending summers going to camp with his friends...
And we don’t know if the T-800 did NOT kill anyone from the bar....the dude he threw out the window may have survived, or not; we can say he survives with some injuries and bruises, at best....the dude that was stuck with the knife in the shoulder blade?....if no one pulls it out soon, that dude could bleed out or die of shock or something, we don’t know but we didn’t see anyone run to his aid.....and the biker he threw to the kitchen? We can assume after being disarmed, then surrendering , and then after throwing his keys to the T-800 that he was spared, but we can’t confirm such....it seems, to me at least, that the Cameron may have consciously, or perhaps unconsciously but doubtful because it’s Cameron, avoided showing the T-800 as a murderous machine from the beginning of this movie to potentially make it plausible that even a young John Connor could change it and make it obey his orders....
Just my depreciated two cents...
I respectfully disagree with the notion that a 10-year old making these decisions is not plausible; again, I’m of the belief that Connor is special, even at such a young age....
Nonetheless, great discourse when it respectfully stayed on topic...
Good flick too, I enjoyed it very much....
Cheers....good times!