MovieChat Forums > Pretty Woman (1990) Discussion > A photo of Julia Roberts' body double fr...

A photo of Julia Roberts' body double from the poster


wth are you talking about. They didn't use a body double.


Uh, yes they did:


Damn, that's disappointing.


So is it Donna's body with Julia's head pasted on? Or just Donna's legs? And I agree, really disappointing. It's such an iconic poster. I wonder if they thought Julia's ass was too big, at the time, since that was before huge asses were in. Not that hers was Kardashian-esq but I remember it being quite nice in Mystic Pizza. She lost a lot of weight in the 90s.



I always wonder why they did that. There's nothing wrong with the picture in the poster and Julia Roberts actually wore that outfit in the movie.

PS: The link from the OP is dead.


I read somewhere years ago that the use of body doubles for movie posters is actually quite common, sometimes it's from necessity -- such as an actress being visibly pregnant by the time they need to shoot the pictures that will be used for the poster, for example -- but usually because stars want big money for their time, even just the hour or so they'd take to snap a few photos. So it's cheaper to use a body double, and then paste the star's head on the picture.


She also had a double in the film whose body is so good that Julia wanted her for Flatliners but got turned down. Her name is Shelley Michelle.

More about her:


omg .
the 'charms' pic , half way down.


I'm surprised that she's not dead. Similar women have met a gruesome fate.


JR still looks great though - I must admit. Truth is.... she did not need a body double in the sense that her body was just as great on its own - I suspect this was a money issue above all else.


Given the thigh high boots it makes me wonder what the point was, Julia's legs are long anyway. So all you have is some thigh on display.
