Does anyone like this moive??

Does anyopne actually like this movie?? I used to watch it all the time when I was younger & loved it..

People on this board seem to say its only worth watching for Alyson & Seth.. Rubbish..

Its a good film, its not amazing but its easy to watch cheesey 80's fun.. With a title like 'My Stepmothers an Alien' what did you expect??
And I think the Brother is well funny... but he is in whatever he's in..

Also, people are saying they watched it to see Willow & Oz when they were younger, I was the opposit... when I saw Buffy with them in I was like 'OMG, thats them from My Stepmothers an Alien'

Just wondering anyway x x

'Crazy, Insane, Insane, Crazy!'- Weird Science
(one of many classic lines in a classic film!)


yes..... yes.... yes..... i grew up on this movie and this is how i got my crush on kim basinger, which is my very first movie star crush. this move is cool as hell, and i dont give a flying capitol dubya-tee-ef, what any of these new age "gotta find a plot hole", "gotta find realism", but never ever gonna try to make or know what it means to make a movie m()tH3R fV(k@r$ say about this movie. dan akroyd was funny, willow from buffy was funny and adorable as hell in her young age, and it was a great metaphor for the idea of having a perfect wife. who wouldnt want a woman who wants to know everything about you, but not use it for selfish reasons?

i saw this movie as a kid........ it rules.......... and Kim helped me figure out my young manhood..... :) she gets at least 2 cool points for that. period.


I like this movie a lot. Of course, I used to watch it all the time when I was little and had no idea it was supposed to be a "bad" movie. Just saw it again for the first time in years and I still thought it was cute!


I liked it the first, second and third times I saw it. I think it's cute and sweet! Better than that silly movie Dan Ackroyd did with Demi Moore and Chevy Chase. I think it's called Nothing but Trouble, egads! What crap..


It doesn't surprise me at all that "internet people" didn't like this movie. I'm not even going to waste my time on this message board. This will be the only post as of right now I make on it. This was a childhood favorite of mine, and I love it. I watched the movie last night, and it's still a great film that I enjoy.

Internet "regs" are the most negative people on the planet! They hate everything! And the few things they love are usually crap. Anyone who didn't like this movie can go jump off the Brooklyn bridge!!!!!


Absolutely love it!

And I was the same as you, I saw this first, then started seeing Alyson everywhere years later.

Seth, I think I was BORN adoring (okay so he was only four when I was born). LOL! I seriously don't remember the first time I saw him, he just always... was. ;-)

Just another X-Files nerd.


I like it. Basinger's wardrobe is HOT.


It's ok as a comedy, I remember renting the video back in the 80's & barely remember it, I might watch it again if it were on TV.


Only as an unintentional self parody
