Does anyone like this moive??

Does anyopne actually like this movie?? I used to watch it all the time when I was younger & loved it..

People on this board seem to say its only worth watching for Alyson & Seth.. Rubbish..

Its a good film, its not amazing but its easy to watch cheesey 80's fun.. With a title like 'My Stepmothers an Alien' what did you expect??
And I think the Brother is well funny... but he is in whatever he's in..

Also, people are saying they watched it to see Willow & Oz when they were younger, I was the opposit... when I saw Buffy with them in I was like 'OMG, thats them from My Stepmothers an Alien'

Just wondering anyway x x

'Crazy, Insane, Insane, Crazy!'- Weird Science
(one of many classic lines in a classic film!)


I liked it when I was about 10. Actually, one has to wonder why my sweet little auntie living in a small village in Pembrokeshire had a copy of this (right next to Sister Act, which I also loved). I guess nobody paid attention to the 18 sticker. Anyway, when I watched it again a few years back, it was obvious how rubbish this film was but it's still good for a laugh.


i looooove this film!!!!!!



Just picked up the dvd in the bargain bin at the local store for 2 bucks. Pure youth nostalgia. I loved this flic when I was a kid.

if you are reading this signature, it means that i had to have a bitch-session.


Heck Yes! If it has Dan Aykroyd in it Then Yeah i like it=]
"They're Hereeeeee"-Carol Anne Freeling
"They're Backkkkk"-Carol Anne Freeling"


I love it.


it's a great porno for the whole family.


I tell ya I loved this movie since I first saw it and for me it was kinda the reverse effect for me (considering the comments about "Buffy" anyhow)

I was sitting there just watching a few of those episodes and the movie had come on later that evening and I was staring at the daughter going... Where the heck do I know her from? Swear it did not dawn on me until her date comes along and I'm like "WTF!" *flail*

Hit up imdb checked and laughed at myself for being vegged out the whole day. And I thought I was just having a very lazy summer day at the time.

I was happy to know that they kept in touch (so to speak) over the years, and still keep great work together. Still love the music, movie and the characters after all these years. This is just one of those movies, in my opinion that I can't get bored of. Its just the cheese for me X3



This was by far the finest alien stepmother film I have ever seen. Also the worst.


it's entertaining, and that's what movies are supposed to be, so it does it's job unlike a lot of films out there.


scratch that , it's so cheesy and 80's. it rules!


i dont even like alyson and i love this movie.. especially when kim basinger a. eats batteries. b. grocery shops and trys to pay with a diamond and finally c. she makes her own clothes out of magazines!!! how cool is that? i loved it since the 80s when i first watched it..

Whats your damage heather?-veronica sawyer


I love this movie. Had to get it on DVD. Classic 80's, and wow...the spaceship FX looks really good.

Look When I Listen!
