Does anyone like this moive??

Does anyopne actually like this movie?? I used to watch it all the time when I was younger & loved it..

People on this board seem to say its only worth watching for Alyson & Seth.. Rubbish..

Its a good film, its not amazing but its easy to watch cheesey 80's fun.. With a title like 'My Stepmothers an Alien' what did you expect??
And I think the Brother is well funny... but he is in whatever he's in..

Also, people are saying they watched it to see Willow & Oz when they were younger, I was the opposit... when I saw Buffy with them in I was like 'OMG, thats them from My Stepmothers an Alien'

Just wondering anyway x x

'Crazy, Insane, Insane, Crazy!'- Weird Science
(one of many classic lines in a classic film!)


Yeah i love it when i was a teenager))) now im 32 and still love it))) Cool and funny 80s movie !

P.S. just dont try to take this movie serious))) Have fun )))))))


it's a cute movie and it has heart. It's silly, and cracked me up then and now. Cool soundtrack too. Too bad no sequel was made...


It has its moments.


-Liking it? I'm loving it!
I'm watching it for first time, yeah, it's 2014, but this it's the first time I'm watching it, and I just think it's awesome, not a deep movie, but it haves a funny and entertaining plot, and the actings are cool.

So yeah, here's your answer, I gave it a 9/10. And to the ones complaining, well I won't read their opinions, IMDB is cool (but sometimes people in here can be "snob"), but well "opinions are like *beep* everybody has one".


I love it! It's one of my childhood favorites and the first thing I ever saw Alyson Hannigan in.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


*Why don't you edit your post and spell the title correctly? All the rest is good spelling and grammar.

And, No-I thought it was poor.


I've just seen it for the first time. I liked the movie. No LOL moments for me. But it kept me quietly amused throughout.


Only just seen this film for the first time even though its quite old.
Was on the More Movies channel for me.
My Stepmother Is an Alien was a very OK film I give it a 6 out of 10.
I also like Mac and Me which many don't to.


Trippy movie. Saw it again last night after 20 years and I love it. Gotta admit though it is a bit corny,but nostalgic.

Dan Aykoyd seems to play the same role from Ghostbusters in this.Not the same character I know but really reminds me of that. I was waiting for Egon and Venkman to pop up at any moment.


I like the movie, still. Rented it on VHS in the beginning of the 90s and thought it was a fun movie, mostly rented it because i knew Dan Aykroyd from Ghost Busters, Spies Like Us and Dragnet.
When it much later was aired on HDTV, i naturally watched and recorded it. Still considers it just as fun to watch as i did back then, so that HD version is a keeper.


I mostly remember this movie for a date I went on with a friend in high school. At the time, it actually was the perfect date movie because it was fun and mostly clean with only the slight amount of sex. We both loved it.


I love this movie. I am obsessed with the 80s so anything that is OVERTLY 80s like this always gets two thumbs up from me. I wish the world was still as cheesy and upbeat as it's made out in these movies.


It's cute.... And it remind me of my teenage years... This film's certainly not "high art", but it was fun.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?
