Does anyone like this moive??

Does anyopne actually like this movie?? I used to watch it all the time when I was younger & loved it..

People on this board seem to say its only worth watching for Alyson & Seth.. Rubbish..

Its a good film, its not amazing but its easy to watch cheesey 80's fun.. With a title like 'My Stepmothers an Alien' what did you expect??
And I think the Brother is well funny... but he is in whatever he's in..

Also, people are saying they watched it to see Willow & Oz when they were younger, I was the opposit... when I saw Buffy with them in I was like 'OMG, thats them from My Stepmothers an Alien'

Just wondering anyway x x

'Crazy, Insane, Insane, Crazy!'- Weird Science
(one of many classic lines in a classic film!)


I do.I think its great!One of the better comedies with a sci fi flare.


I do, I used to love it as a kid.


A great movie, for what it is. What's a seth? Anything like a sith?

"They sucked his brains out!"


I love it, although I find it frustrating that it has some minor budget-related problems, because it should be a 10/10, whereas I'm only comfortable giving it a 9/10 with the small flaws.



I love this movie!
I've loved it since I was a little kid....and I remember that this the first thing I ever saw Alyson Hannigan and Seth Green in...but when I first saw Oz in Buffy, I didn't remember he was also in this :P.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



Any movie containing a character who, when accused of laughing her pants off, bends over to check if the accusation is correct, has exceeded, in one scene, the lower boundary of what is entertainment.


I just watched this film and remembered bits of it from when I was younger and it would run on TV. I thought it was really funny, especially the parts with miscommunication or playing on things we as 'earth humans' take for granted haha!

I love the part when she left the house in a robe and flying cap!
