I was indeed talking about that, but there are other posts on this board by the simp generation about how they do no like the tone of this movie because it's overly militaristic, and such. And I did not get overly sensitive about the disclaimer that this movie received. I simply stated that with their attitudes and self righteous behavior that they would not have lasted a few minutes in 1988 without getting their assess handed to them. That's the way it was in a lot of places back then. If you grew up somewhere where it was okay to complain about every little thing that you didn't like then good for you, but it wasn't like that in most places.
What's really funny is that the second person who replied to this thread said that someone (like you) would come out of the wood work, and call me insensitive for pointing out the truth. Well, here you are. So, I can't say that it's been nice chatting with you. I'm sure you'll keep this going though. You know, you gotta get the last word in no matter what. It's what people of your ilk do...