Does Vader already know Leia is his daughter?

Vader knows about Leia in Return of the Jedi, but does he already know about Leia by this movie? Would change the dynamics between him and Han Solo as well if so since he would be torturing him as a way to punish him for being intimate with his daughter.


I always figured he's finding it out at the end of Jedi from reading Luke's thoughts.


That's right.


Vader [surprised voice]: Sister!

Your feelings have now betrayed her, too.
Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete.
If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.

Seems obvious.


Correct. So Vadar did in fact know in his movie that Leia was his daughter


Leia was Vader’s daughter? When was that ever established? All we know is that Vader is Luke’s father and Leia is Luke’s sister. The film never once confirmed that Leia was Vader’s daughter.


Watch episode 3 at the end. Padme gives birth to the twins and names then Luke and Leia. I happen to be an expert on everything Star Wars


That only proves Padme is Leia’s mother, not that Vader is Leia’s father.


Wrong! Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant in episode 3 when Anakin and Obi Wan return from freeing Palpatine. Luke and Leia have the same mother and father. Like I told you, I'm an expert on everything Star Wars


Who's Vadar?


He's a sith lord who breathes very heavy and wears a black helmet and cape. You'd know who he is if you saw a pic


Oh, you must mean Vader. For a moment I thought you were an expert.


Yes, and yes, I am an expert in everything Star Wars. And that includes the Disney movies


Padme never knew she had two babies inside of her. Vader was just Luke’s father. I don’t accept at this point that Vader is Leias father, I would need to see more evidence , for all we know Jar Jar Binks is Leias father.


Watch the end of episode 3 again. Padme names both of her babies before dying. I told you. I happen to be an expert in everything Star Wars


Right but that doesn’t mean Anakin is Leia’s father. Obviously Padme is her mother but I’m still not convinced Jar Jar Binks isn’t Leia’s father.


Don't be silly. There is absolutely no physical resemblance between Jar Jar and Leia. Plus its impossible for a Gungan and a human to reproduce


Maybe the alleles that Jar Jar gave Leia were all recessive to Padme’s?

And if Luke can suck green boob milk out of an alien then I can believe a Gungan can knock up a human.


Just trust me when I tell you that Vader is Leia's father. I know more about Star Wars than most people



I’m going to need a little more than your word. If you knew so much about Star Wars you’d be able to back up your position. Just sayin.


Vader [surprised voice]: Sister!… and you kissed her? EWWW!!


Same, never thought for a second otherwise. Vader sensed Luke's thoughts and feelings for his sister in that moment.




No. He didn't find out until he read Luke's thoughts and feelings in ROTJ. Her Force affinity was heavily buried within her compared to Luke, so that was one of many reasons Vader didn't sense it from her in the first two films. He truly believed she was someone else's daughter.

Based on what little the EU revealed, the official story was that Padmé died with her "baby" still inside her, and the "child" died along with her and both were buried in state on Naboo. (No doubt Vader bought this story and believed it too, considering what he almost did to his own wife). There was a minor incident where Vader secretly went to visit his wife's tomb and was driven away by a secret group of female warriors whose job was to guard the royal tombs of Naboo. (I have a feeling he could have taken them, but he didn't want to draw attention to what he was doing, so he chose to leave quietly).

Vader didn't know anything about his wife giving birth before she died, nor that she was pregnant with fraternal twins, or that they survived and were taken away to different worlds and adopted. It wouldn't surprise me if Obi-Wan and/or Yoda even performed a force ritual that shielded both kids from Vader's powers for a brief time while they were growing up.


Lucas made all of this stuff up while writing the movies. Vader became Luke's father in the third draft of "Empire." I am guessing Leia became Luke's brother during some phase of the writing of "Return."


Pretty much.


[–] johnmiller (3043) 20 days ago
Lucas made all of this stuff up while writing the movies. Vader became Luke's father in the third draft of "Empire." I am guessing Leia became Luke's brother during some phase of the writing of "Return."

I'm pretty sure Leia never became Luke's brother at all.


Yeah, who knows. As I have said elsewhere, I think "Star Wars" fans have almost infinitely more interest in the whole thing than George Lucas. I think he just liked playing around with it, mainly. And, when it came to "Return," it sounded like he was ready to just get the whole thing over with. The fact that he sold the whole thing to Disney confirms his apathy about all of it.


Yes, in Empire Yoda's "there is another one" was not meant to be Leia at all, but some other "Jedi" (e.g. Ahsoka). They just decided during the development of ROTJ that Yoda meant Leia as this fit best into the story. That was likely the same time when they convinced Harrison Ford to return, as with the secret sister plot they stopped all innuendo between Luke and Leia.


Leia still never became Luke's brother.


Maybe you ask Ms Kennedy about her status, who knows? ;)


If were talking about the sequel trilogy, then you may be right. 😂😂


I agree. By the way, I hope when Disney reboots all these movies, they make Luke and Han brothers. Would be a great plot twist from the OT


Yes, then Han can kiss Luke on the bridge of the Millennium Falcon.


Now that sounds ridiculous. It would be better though if Han and Lando maybe shared a kiss


We at least got the Lesiban Kiss in Episode IX, even though I have no idea who those people are I think it was a great scene because it showed inclusion and advanced modern day social justice ideology.


Yeah, the reason why Luke became a brother to Leia was that Lucas didn't want to mess around with a love triangle. The Solo character was a breakout hit with fans and they wanted to give him a larger role in Empire. Then they teamed him up with Leia.

I was disappointed when I saw it as a child. It was obvious in the first film that they wanted Leia and Luke to be end game and it is presented as such. But Empire did a 180. It completely cut off character development.

Also another commentator told me once, that Leia was going to turn into a problematic darker character going forward in the series. Jedi alludes to it with Vader thinking Leia could be a Sith. Those sequels never got made. Shame.
