I read from the trivia that The Empire Strikes Back was shot overseas in some unknown land. The Empire Strikes Back Have always felt like a foreign production and not shooting it in America takes away from the production quality.
Hoth is full of ice and snow, so naturally they had to go somewhere with the mountainous icy terrain they were looking for, so Scandinavia seemed the best place.
"The Empire Strikes Back Have always felt like a foreign production and not shooting it in America takes away from the production quality."
I've never heard so much stupid, ignorant and xenophobic bullshit in one sentence.
EDIT: And for your information, OP, a lot of the interior shots of the OT and the first PT movie were shot outside of America, too, namely England for the OT and that exotic place on Naboo in Phantom Menace, which was Spain or Italy I believe. Even Indiana Jones had a lot of shots done in England, too, and definitely abroad in Egypt and elsewhere for location shooting!
Clearly we have snow in New Jersey or Montana or someplace equally cold. I just don’t see the value add in shooting overseas. I was not aware that many Star Wars movies was shot in the country of London.
Well, we desperately try at least. We have a mandatory Swedish, which only 5% of the population speaks, but everybody has to study it from elementary school to university.
I was being a tad sarcastic. It's true that Finland isn't Scandinavian and that Finns are a little genetically different not only from Scandinavians/Swedes but also from Europe in general, but some point out that Finland is not Scandinavian almost as if it's offensive to suggest that the country has anything remotely in common with the Scandinavian countries.
I can imagine its much cheaper to shoot overseas. I have never been but can imagine the cost of living is much much lower in places like Europe or Australia then here in America. Just imagine bringing a big fat wad of American dollars $$ in cash and watch the locals with slacked jawed admiration swarm over all that money. Live like a king for a buck a day in London.
In Mexico US dollars will carry you a long way. Europe is deemed like "the Mexico of overseas" anything goes there. Its very poor, dirty and underdeveloped compared to here.
"Its very poor, dirty and underdeveloped compared to here."
YOU WHAT? Europe is also much, much older and cultured, with a much richer history than America.