Horror or not ?

Everyone seems to put Jaws on their list of best horror movies. I don't think it qualifies as a horror film.


There is nothing to be ashamed of by being labeled "horror." It definitely has that element and lots of others. I even consider it one of the great comedies, the interaction on the Orca is hilarious at times.

 That's right! You're about to be killed by a zamboni! ⛄


Jaws has all the tropes of a slasher horror movie. Replace the shark with a monster like Michael Meyers or Jason and no one would question if it's horror.


Action/suspense/thriller movies don’t create a primal fear that lasts for decades. JAWS is a horror movie, but it incorporates several elements that help round it out: action, suspense, and even comedy. The definition of horror calls for dread, which JAWS has in spades. I also find it interesting that the shark almost - almost - takes on supernatural tones. It’s bigger, stronger, and apparently smarter than anything Quint and Hooper have seen. It may sound odd, but the shark in JAWS is similar to The Shape in Halloween.


I would not say horror either. First half is a suspense thriller with an ecological bent. Its a shark, its a real thing but its a formidable beast.

The deaths are not gory and would not fit into the horror category either.

And the second half is pure high adventure mixed with suspense and tension. Save for Quints death maybe

I remember when Jaws was released in UK, it was touted as the scariest film since The Exorcist. And only really because it came out a year after Exorcist and was gaining a reputation for scaring people.

But when it was released in UK and was certified the equivalent of a PG, I knew something was odd. Horror movies never got such certificates in the UK
And I think that supports the idea that it is not a horror movie per se.


You may not believe in a great white of that size, but they do grow to that size and more. They may not prey and feed on humans like that, but we know they have attacked humans. It's not unreasonable to think that a great white of that size to attack humans and cause great fear and disturbance in the area. OTOH, one can be like the townspeople and not take it seriously.

Surely, it's horror at its peak. Some people do not get it until they experience it and then it may be too late.


Or the truck in Duel.


It’s a monster movie, much like Jurassic Park. I’d go with adventure-horror.


Jump out of a boat by yourself out in the ocean or Gulf of Mexico when your 20 or so miles off shore and float dangling your feet straight down for a while. Start thinking of Jaws and tell me if you think it’s a horror movie or not.


Creature Feature. Falls right into horror but is so damn good that it transcends it.
