MovieChat Forums > Space: 1999 (1975) Discussion > Why is it called 1999 if it's set in the...

Why is it called 1999 if it's set in the future



It was set 24 years in the future from when the show was produced in 1975. That’s why.


You really had no idea this show debuted in 1975?


I had to do a doubletake. I thought that was Millsey when I first read the headline.


The difference is that millsey would have been kidding. Not so sure about the OP..



Realize there are people who are so eager to correct others that they overlook the most obvious troll post...

I salute you, sir, for this tiny masterpiece.


Back in 1974/75 1999 was SO far off that we really did think we'd be living in a better, fairer society which was almost ready to thrust out into space with a permanent base on the moon with regular flights to and from the earth! How wrong we were...
Shut the door, Mary


I don't know about you, but I see so much ignorance and bizarre ideation on the internet that it really is never totally obvious when someone is trolling.


I don't think the OP is trolling. People in 1975 apparently thought we'd be living in outer space in 1999. It boggles the mind. But futurists always get the dates wrong.


Its not only the dates they're getting wrong. For example I don't believe in interstellar space travel no matter how far in the future they predict it to happen.


Interstellar space travel is impossible now. And I agree with you, it will probably never happen. But if they set their sci-fi 100 years in the future, not 25, it's at least conceivable there could be some amazing breakthrough in physics and engineering which makes it possible.

Another good example of this misdating: the original "Blade Runner" was set in 2019, 4 years ago. Where are the replicants? 🀣


> Where are the replicants?

We're all around you.






Not impossible, just extremely slow.


Because this came out in the 70's and 1999 technically would be the future.. Same goes for "Escape from New York" that story took place in 1999




It did seem very futuristic back then.


When I was in grammar school in the 1960s, we were talking in science class that the year 2000 would feature life like the Jetsons - flying cars, robot servants, cogs of supreme quality, etc. I wondered if I would still be able to enjoy the utopia that the year 2000 would provide when I was in my advanced age of 43s. I'm 66 now and still waiting for a sentient device to have a conversation with.


There was a joke on Futurama that Star Trek was a vision of the future set 800 years in the past.
