MovieChat Forums > Ariana Grande Discussion > First new song in three years is a joke

First new song in three years is a joke

Boring and derivative, is this what she returns with when the likes of Dua Lipa, Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift are dominating the scene? Please.

Song is just flat.


It's supposed to be "inspired by" Paula Abdul's Cold Hearted, which in this case really does mean it's a rip off, but frankly it doesn't measure up imo. I don't care if a singer doesn't compare to who's at the top, as long as they're doing what they do well or continue staying in their lane, and this is not that. I wouldn't listen to it more than once.


Dua Lipa, Olivia Rodrigo??

Never heard of them . Dominating the music scene? Are you joking?

What music scene is that? The pre-teen clickbait charts? Oh sorry, should I say the "adult contemporary"?
Isn't that the chart that Taylor swift is #1 on?

I don't know why I'm wasting time responding to someone who looks to the pop charts for their queues on musical integrity.


No one will dethrone Taylor Swift from that top for a very long time. Ariana nor anyone else stands a chance.


Taylor Swift is not the top of anything. Just because you have #1 hits on Billboard charts doesn't mean you are a great musician, or even talented. Robin Thicke had a #1 hit. Rick Astley was #1 in 25 different countries. That doesn't mean they are the best music of their time. They are no-talent assclowns.

These are three things you should keep in mind:

#1 Making a lot of money doesn't mean you're making good music.

#2 Selling a lot of records doesn't mean you make good music.

#3 Making music that actually SOUNDS GOOD = Making good music.

Taylor swift does #1 and #2 but not #3.

She's not in the business of making good music that is creative or artistic, or even original. She is in the business of making money and selling out stadiums.

She is a completely soulless, devoid of strong opinions about anything, a corporate CEO of a record company's dream. Someone who can make alot of money and never have her own thoughts, because there aren't any.

All someone like Taylor Swift wants to do is stand in front of sold out football stadiums, wear her ridiculous tights and bathing suits with diamonds on them. She just wants to be half naked in front of people. She has nothing to say, about any of the endless crises happening in the world.

We don't know if Taylor Swift is a democrat or republican, because she isn't anything. She has no strong opinions either way because if she did, that would hurt her ticket sales and her bottom line.
Taylor Swift is neither liberal or conservative - she is an empty corporate shell of a person.

She wants to be included in rockstar royalty, I'm sure, remembered alongside Amy Winehouse, and Kurt Cobain, or Jim Morrison.
The problem is, Taylor Swift has none of the tortured angst or depth of character of either of them, or the talent.
The only thing Taylor Swift ever got upset about was her own relationships. Because that's all she cares about at the end of the day. Herself.


Don’t be dissin’ Rick Astley now, otherwise I will Rickroll you 😉


You wrote paragraphs slandering an artist you don’t like and that you don’t listen to yet sound triggered and it sounds personal. If you aren’t the target audience why does it bother you. It’s not that serious pal.


Because I actually care about music ? I'm sure you have you never cared about anything in your life so you wouldn't get it...


Nope, sounds more like you’re projecting your opinions and assuming what you think opposed to how she is or what she feels/ wants, especially your last paragraph.

Like I said, if you don’t care about listen to “her” music, this should bother you.


Never heard of Dua Lipa? She’s pretty

Olivia looks like she’s 12 years old, but her current tour has the been the biggest tour this year, I believe. It’s the highest grossing tour for any artist who debuted since 2014


more generic bubble gum music that is radio friendly = easy paycheck


Can't be that surprised. It's not like she ever any good.


She tried to branch out doing movies and makeup stuff and now she is not focused on her music, and it shows in the poor quality.


The song is about licking donuts.


thank god there was subtitles. I couldn't understand a word she was whisper mumbling the whole time.
