MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > How long until conservatives realize tha...

How long until conservatives realize that she is not as "based" as they think she is?

She is not much of a conservative either. Non-religious, supports trans and gay rights, etc so just like with JK Rowling the conservatives are missing the bigger picture with her and will end up cancelling her when things catch up with them.


I don't mind if she isn't a conservative. As long as she isn't a liberal. Liberals are insane. They are the ones who seek to cancel.


She is not a left wing lunatic but represents the progressive degradation of conservatism as they keep adopting liberal values over time.


Well, conservatives SHOULD adopt liberal values - the European liberal values, not the fucked up progressive leftism. Conservatorism is, or should be, dead already.

At least in Europe liberalism is the right wing, or center right, not the joke that liberalism in US is (which I don't think it can even pinpoint itself on the diagram ... or it would have to occupy the whole spectrum from center right to extreme left ...)

Imho I would call my self an anti-progressive liberal ...


There are plenty of non-religious conservatives who support trans and gay rights, in fact, most conservatives (myself included) support rights for ALL people. I don't know a single conservative who doesn't support gay and trans rights. What we don't support is men kicking women's asses in sports because they "identify as a women" or going into whatever restroom they feel like. Why? Because those aren't "rights". Those are infringements on other people's rights. Conservatives support the rights of ALL people, not just a political, flavor of the week.


OP, like most ppl on moviechat, is trying to start shit by spouting nonsense.


I know this may come as a shock to you, but not every person holds the same views about every single subject that other people do.

It's ok to disagree with other people. It really is.


Forgive him. He's part of the leftist hivemind and dont realize that republicans and other non-democraps are allowed (and inclined) to have personal thoughts and opinions about things that might not match with their political partys stance on the matter.


Unlike leftists, I don't require everyone to agree with me.

Question though, what rights do gays and trannies not already have? Was there a "chicks with dicks" clause in the Constitution that I missed?


I always though Gina was a liberal during her fight days. Although Gina never really talked politics back then so hard to know. This whole freedom and conservative came out of nowhere during the BLM protesting.


So...she has a mind of her own? Good.


does it really fucking matter?
do we all have to either be far left or far right on every issue under the sun?


Unlike leftists, I support everyone's right to speak their mind without fear of reprisal. Even leftists.
