21st Century Hitler
You can't deny it now. He's annexing Ukraine like Hitler did with Austria. This is just the beginning.
shareYou can't deny it now. He's annexing Ukraine like Hitler did with Austria. This is just the beginning.
shareBut annexing Austria was easier for Germany than it'll be for Russia.
Russia will have issues already in its beginning.
The situation is stupid but entirely predictable.
You have to ask yourself why exactly the west was advocating NATO membership for Ukraine when this was always going to be the outcome.
Anyway, there will now be really tough sanctions against these regions apparently. The price of clogs will skyrocket I guess... Oh and gas in Europe.
Funny how Putin always pulls this when a Democrat is in the White House.
share^ Bingo!
shareHow about Georgia in 2008? Bush was in da house.
shareBush is a RINO, but I understand and agree with your sentiment.
shareits not a sentiment. you are just blinded by being a trump simp
shareThen prove me wrong. What say you?
sharehis father was president, he's a lifelong republican and former republican president. you cant get more republican than that buddy.
You re an unhinged trump simp. you guys loved bush, til daddy trump attacked him. then like beta males you said "the alpha has spoken! we hate bush too!"
how convenient that when a republicans trash hes "not actually a republican"
First off, who is "his"?
Secoden, how do you know I'm a Trump supporter, let a Bush supporter or even a Republican? I feel you're drunk, misread the thread, and somehow replied to my comment in your manic state.
So you are saying if "his" means Bush Jr and because his father was republican, he was able to get the whole State Department and Hillary Clinton to establish a "Reset Button" between the U.S. and Russia, Obama telling Russia to 'back down'
till after the 2012 election, and then later do nothing after Russia "captures" Crimea.
And then Biden revokes Trump's sanctions on Russia's pipelines. THEN, Biden just as of now re-invoked Trump's sanctions on the pipeline. Germany has now "canceled" the energy contract with Russia JUST NOW (not when Trump stated several years ago: Why is Germany paying Russia billions for energy and then wants Russia's expansion haulted [by the US/NATO]).
Furthermore, with the re-instated sanctions that were in place years ago, Biden has decided to also sanction the regions which have become independent of Ukrain and NO further sanctions on Russia itself. US Ukraine embassy destroying all documents and files (as of right now).
your comments on other posts
"Doctor DEATH. The Death of Science."
"The GOP isn't your problem, it's the US Constitution. Why do you hate America?"
and now you calling bush a rhino.
if it quacks like a duck. No one who is a democrat talks like that about bush. its a term almost exclusively used but republicans to criticize there republicans.
"So you are saying if "his" means Bush Jr and because his father was republican"
you wrote that barely legible nonsense and have the nerve to say im drunk?
Look at this idiots other replies. I wouldn't bother replying to him. He's definitely just trolling.
shareThe Republican Party is shit. You're correct in the sense that it is a feature not a bug. The real "RINOs" are the voter base which plays the role of Charlie Brown to the GOP's Lucy with a football.
shareBush was an idiot, though. He may as well be a Democrat.
sharePutin will be turning 70 this year (October), that is a age when mens thoughts drift toward thinking about their legacy and mortality.
Gonna be drawing new maps soon, and for a lot more borders than Ukraine's. This century is going to an entirely new world.
shareHe's simply preserving his country / territory against NATO and the US being too close to his nation.
As an American how would you feel if China, Russia or North Korea had military bases and insanely powerful missiles less than 100 miles away from Washington DC or NY? Or if they had military bases in South Canada or North Mexico? You probably wouldn't like it, exactly the same for Russia.
That makes no sense in a lot of was
if he incorporates / steals Ukraine his borders move towards NATO countries
Also it doesn't matter how near the "insanely powerful missiles" are , because they have thousands of miles of range .
Understand what you are saying but it's also a show of force, showing his muscles that Russia cannot be bullied; like in movies or tv series the group of three or four bullies always bully the weak nerd, they don't bully a heavy weight boxer, Russia is simply showing they are not a weak nerd. Also let's say you are right, then exactly, what reason would he have to move closer to Western Europe and NATO countries? It would only bring him closer to danger and provoking a war.
I am no expert but missiles from 100 miles reach your home in 10 minutes, if they are fired from 600 miles then in an hour, better to have an hour to counter them or bring them down rather than only 10 minutes; just like Pearl Harbor the planes suddenly appeared, had the US navy known an hour earlier those planes were on the way things would have probably been different.
That might have been a reasonable thought before intercontinental ballistic missiles... but at this point what's the difference between having them next door or on the other side of the world, in either case you can't stop them if they are launched.
The only problem is their never should have been talks about Ukraine and NATA, the US should have just sold them a couple dozen nuclear tipped cruise missiles and told the world they were nuclear power after the delivery. The way the wind blows Russia would then have had to accept it because attacking them would have made Moscow glow in the dark and they couldn't have nuked Ukraine because the fallout would be raining down on Russia.
Although the smarter move would have been to simply have Putin assassinated, you know give him some polonium tea the way he likes to serve it to all his friends.
Nothing like that. Actually nothing really happened. He moved his soldiers where they already were, but pretending to be rebels.
Not quite.
I do agree that this is just the beginning.. Eventually (not gonna give you the timeline on that one - could be in 50 years), USA and Russia will face off against each other for real - nukes will be used. Fallout 3 game world will be the reality for the survivors.
USA does not wish to stop expanding, regardless of the price. I do think it's fascinating - Putin said that he previously asked Clinton about joining NATO - Clinton's response was far from being positive (or so he said). The US weapons selling machine needs war - it wants war - and it most certainly doesn't care about human lives - it's a machine-like corporatism with single aim - make more money.
Kinda reminds me of 'don't look up' film - corporations and governments are dumb entities with single goal - corporations=make money; governments=stay in power. Saving people or humanity is the furthest thing on their minds.
What's overlooked about Putin is his great wealth. He's one of the richest men in the world. Only people who made billions in Silicone Valley or inherited oil wealth have his kind of money. Putin was a third-rate ex-spy.
So how did he get it? And why aren't the Russian people angry about him stealing vast holdings of liquid assets and properties. He's spent the last generation robbing the country blind. At some point he will become too old to carry this off anymore and he'll be popped in some coup.Until then he'll continue exploiting Russia's natural resources and ripping off the people of his country.
If I'm not mistaken, his wealth hasn't been verified. There are allegations, sure - but it's clear that if he does have this immense wealth, he uses proxies (his friends) for safekeeping it. If his wealth was indeed verified, he could use the American senate excuse - I made it trading stocks - lol Are Americans angry that their representatives always leave their posts with a lot more money than their salary suggests? Let's not forget, USA houses one percent of its population in prisons - more than any other country in the world. It also has a very significant low class - with plenty of homeless to boot. Surely they are fuming with anger? Or are they? Or do we care? Does anyone? Let's not forget, unlike Putin who uses proxies and it's pretty much impossible to prove that he really possesses that wealth - American counterparts all have their names stamped next to their stashes of cash/stocks. The corruption there is by far more obvious. Why are Americans not rebelling against this corruption, when so many of them are poor?
Or how about China? It has the same number of billionaires as the US - yet most of the population is poor - what gives?
All I'm trying to say is that while your question is legit, are you not overlooking a similar issue in many other countries?
In my post, I've mentioned WWIII - but I do think that revolution against the wealthy is also just around the corner - the only question is, which one will come first? WWIII or revolution where the corrupt elites in Russia/US and other countries get overthrown - especially in light of covid 'new normal' - where the wealthy do what they want, while imposing new restrictions on the rest of the population, thereby making even more people homeless/poor.
The odds are, even if a revolution occurs before WWIII, the odds are, WWIII will follow regardless - nuclear bombs will be used, no matter what - it's human nature that drives leaders of nations to go postal after many decades of peace.