MovieChat Forums > Rob Zombie Discussion > Hasn't made a good film.

Hasn't made a good film.

And that includes the overrated Devil's Rejects.


You are wrong and must now return to your homeland on Wrong Island.




I have consulted the Gods of Fact. They have convened at the local bar and went through extensive discussion about the matter and they have unanimously determined that Rob Zombie has never made a good film. They have also stated that the topic is no longer up for debate and no appeal can be made.


We Zombie fans have convened our discussion as well
and have decided to buy all those guys a ticket to Wrong Island too.

•3 From Hell was pretty good
•The Lords Of Salem excellent
•Halloween was interesting fun
•Halloween II was a bit off…
•31 was pretty good, not great
•House of 1,000 corpses…great
•Devil’s Rejects…WOW, GREAT!


Earlier today I made a quick stop at the CDI (Committee to Determine Insanity) department. While there, they informed me that Rob Zombie fans have been certified insane. I was shocked and needed to confirm this so I emailed the BMTB (Bad Movie Taste Brigade) and once again a unanimous decision was made and they stated that Rob Zombie fans are guilty of having a bad taste in movies.


I’m calling my army of shady Lawyers and multiple appeals will be filed…this will go on for years until you are bankrupt and decide to settle😈


Canada has a strict "you can't sue us" policy.






I have to see it again, I started it but it was super late and I passed out…late night drinking obliterates a movie I tells ‘ya!


Haha. There was one or two redeeming qualities but I think Rob Zombie really blew it. Try to finish it up and let me know what you think.


Will do👍


literally no to everything you said.....


Oh, jeez.
We can still be friends🤓🤓


3 from hell
5.4/10 IMDb
58%Rotten Tomatoes

Lords of Salem
5.2/10 IMDb
46%Rotten Tomatoes

28%Rotten Tomatoes

House of 1000 corpses
6/10 IMDb
21% Rotten Tomatoes

devils rejects
6.7/10 IMDb
55%Rotten Tomatoes

as long as you apologize for calling these great and excellent...


I make no apologies for awesome stuff I like, so THERE Mister!


House of 1000 corpses is a masterpiece.


It's a piece of something.


Piece of heaven




I thought House of 1000 Corpses was excellent. Other than that, I haven't liked any of his other films.


The ambiance, mood, directing, music, locations, sets and cast of "The Lords of Salem" (2012) are all top notch, showing that Zombie had developed into a quality director since his first shot eleven years earlier with "House of 1000 Corpses" (which was filmed in 2000). "Lords" is serious haunting horror as opposed to the campy black comedy of "1000 Corpses" (not that there's anything wrong with that, lol).

The movie mixes elements from "The City of the Dead," aka "Horror Hotel" (1960), "Suspiria" (1977), "Rosemary's Baby" (1968), "The Wicker Man" (1973) and "To the Devil a Daughter" (1976). "The Lords of Salem" is as good or better than any of these.

Usually when you see old hag witches in movies it's kinda eye-rolling, but Rob offers the real deal in "Lords" and it's not pretty, although I admit to busting out laughing every time the witches hailed Satan. Speaking of which, modern Wiccans won't like how the films mixes Witchcraft with Satanism (the truth hurts). Interestingly, there's almost as much Christian imagery as there is Satanic.

One thing's for sure, Zombie doesn't paint witchcraft/Satanism in a positive light. It's similar to "The Witch" (2015) in this respect, where converting to witch-dom meant becoming a baby-slaughtering, blood-bathing, family-destroying, goat-sucking, friggin' pedophile hag with the illusion of youth. When the Devil eventually appears in "Lords," it's anything but a positive image.


The one thing I like about him is that he doesn't shy away from the horror. But his films feel so sloppy and the characters are dull.




That's not what yo momma said last night.


The devil is almost never portrayed positively in Horror movies. That's why he's still an effective movie monster, unlike Frankenstein or dracula

The devil is only portrayed positively in the paranoid persecution complexes of Christians like you


Obviously the truth struck a nerve (lol).


Predictably dumb reply


How so? What I said obviously did strike a nerve, particularly since YOU are the one who needlessly dragged Christianity into this, not me.

The devil is almost never portrayed positively in Horror movies.

Except that perhaps the most iconic flick dealing with goat-sucking buffoonery offers quite a positive portrayal: The leader of the coven, Roman, is distinguished, healthy & wealthy while Guy's acting career suddenly flourishes upon embracing satanism. At the climax they're partying it up and the devil's baby looks normal & healthy despite the black eyes. Of course satan is never actually portrayed (beyond the baby), but that's because the movie sticks to a mundane angle (as opposed to taking a peek into the spirit realm).

Want another example? In "Oh, God! You Devil" satan appears as a harmless & amusing old man (George Burns) who drives an expensive sports car and wields great power. True, it's not a horror movie, but it is a serious drama/fantasy (with creepy bits) more so than a comedy.

That's two examples off the top of my head.

I appreciate those flicks, but "The Witch" and "The Lords of Salem" are better at illustrating the awful truth.

Speaking of which, the awful truth is counteracted by the good news: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD.


Rosemary's Baby doesn't portray the devil positively lol

Roman drugs his own wife and the devil rapes her. In the book Rosemary resolves to leave her husband because she's so disgusted with his actions (but then she finds out she's pregnant with what she thinks is his baby)

Guy's success only comes from making a deal with the devil. But he's a schmuck. He blinds his competitor and he kills Rosemary's friend. Not even close to a positive portrayal

If you're gonna argue that Rosemary's Baby portrays Satanists positively then the same could pretty much be said about The Witch. The subtext behind the ending is about liberation from repression. It's a happy ending for Thomasin


The devil is almost never portrayed positively in Horror movies. That's why he's still an effective movie monster.

Two more examples off the top of my head:

In "The Devil's Nightmare" (1971) satan is depicted as a friendly balding man whereas in "Ghost Rider" (2007) he's played by Peter Fonda in an amusing performance; meanwhile the devil's son, Blackheart, is played by darkly handsome Wes Bentley. (Before you argue that "Ghost Rider" is a superhero movie rather than a horror flick, it's a hybrid of the two).

In both cases the devil is portrayed as friendly & harmless or darkly handsome & charismatic (his son too), but not as a hideous, self-indulgent monster. Zombie opted for the latter in "The Lords of Salem" and that's what I was commending.


Please stop

Even if I were to indulge in your delusions Rob Zombie would clearly be a devil worshipper


I'll have to give this shot. 1000 Corpses, Rejects, and the Halloween remake all but sealed my thoughts on him. I'll put Lords on the list.


So is that a thumbs-up or thumbs-down for Zombie?

"1000 Corpses" was a'right, but underwhelming since it struck me as a satirical rip-off of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."


Oh sorry, I meant thumbs down.
But the way you described Lords makes me feel like I want to give Zombie another shot.


House of 1000 Corpses is an amazing movie


I disagree. I gave it a 3/10.


You also role play on moviechat. Your opinion is not very credible.


What role do I play?


Samoan, I could not agree more.

Zombie is absolutely dreadful at filmmaking. Not “dreadful” in a cool way, dreadful in a shit filmmaking way. His movies look like bad music videos with terrible dialogue & stolen ideas from 70’s horror films.


I like dark, gothic looking stuff, but his films look messy and dirty. And it's pretty muche very movie. And the characters are absolutely awful.


Same here… I remember hearing from some friends, who are also horror fans, telling me I had to check out “House 1000…” & “Rejects”. First was horrible & the latter was cheese with how “gritty” it was trying to be.

I don’t even want to talk about the shit “Halloween” remake.


I don't even like the original film, but someone had the audacity to tell me the Halloween remake was superior.




I liked House of 1000 Corpses, but when I decided to binge his stuff after that I found nothing worthy. There doesn't seem to be any point to it all, other than being an edgy twat.


I feel like he's doing the same movie over and over again. They all look the same except for the animated one he did.
