This is righting another wrong from the Biden Regime as Trump is reinstating military members who were dishonorably discharged for refusing the Covid vaccine. They are getting back pay as well. Suck it Covid Tyrants.
I got the shot twice because I'm older, in a high risk group, have an underlying heart condition. Also, I'm somewhat reclusive, don't go out much, so that seemed to work in my favor. I've been retired for awhile now and I haven't even had a cold, much less the flu since I retired.
I have a lady friend of 30+ years who was opposed to the vaccine and she got Covid. I had a former boss, older than me, who also caught it and died. There's something weird and arbitrary in how that virus strikes some and leaves others alone.
For instance,I never got a flu shot and never got the flu. My ex-husband was a physician and he’d bring home a flue shot for me every winter. I would take it and then get sick😫 Nothing as bad as the real flu, but I would be nauseous and feverish for two days.
Since our divorce (15 years ago), I have never gotten another flu shot and never got the flu.
I have worked around plenty of sick people. But I have only had one cold in the last fifteen years. Maybe it is the luck of the draw or just a good immune system!
I used to get regular flu shots when I was in the workforce and I believed in them. I remember reading back then that they supposedly had a cumulative effect, in other words, each year of getting one beefs up one's immunity more. I also learned that what makes people the most susceptible to a virus is getting just generally physically run down and being around a lot of people is obviously a common denominator.
Respiratory illnesses run in my family. I've had walking pneumonia and bronchitis. I had a younger brother who died of pneumonia at the age of 39. My mother had chronic bronchitis along with a host of other serious health problems and lived to be 86.
Yea, figure that out, getting vaccinated against the flu and then getting pneumonia and bronchitis, how can that be?
It's as simple as wearing a helmet when driving motorcycle and then breaking a leg in an accident, the helmet protects your head, not your legs and the same way a flu shot protects you against the flu, not against pneumonia and bronchitis.
I come from a military family. We always had to get vaccinations when dad got a new tour of duty abroad. It was routine; we barely thought about it. I was on a Harley once, doing over a 100mph without a helmet. It was definitely an adrenaline rush but never again. I wouldn't dare to tempt fate like that twice.
That's why I'm vaccinated against all infections where I see a however small danger of catching it, including flu, Covid, Herpes Zoster, etc.
One might get away without vaccination, because 0.1% mortality means even without vaccination you have a 99.9% chance to survive, but I rather have a 99.99% chance.
There's a lot of noise these days about getting a shingles vaccination. I see no need for it since I've never had chickenpox, which the virus is associated with. I haven't even had a booster for Covid after my second shot several years ago.
I really wonder how often one must repeat the most basic common knowledge before the right wingers understand it as well.
There has never been any vaccine in the world that has prevented an infection, because that's not the purpose of a vaccine.
Purpose of a vaccine is preparing your immune system to react faster when an infection occurs.
Without vaccination, after getting infected it takes your immune system about 3 days to make fitting antibodies, which is 3 days during which the virus muliplies exponentially in your body, before the immune system starts eliminating the virus and how long it takes from there on to get rid of the infection depends on how much the virus has multiplied.
Whether or not you get symptoms of the infection and how bad they get also depends on the amount of virus cells in your body at the peak and after 3 days of unhindered multiplication of the virus you almost always get symptoms, most times pretty bad ones.
With vaccination, when getting infected the immune system already has the fitting antibodies, because that's what the vaccination does, it causes your immune system to make fitting antibodies in advance of the actual infection, it saves the 3 days to make them after infection, starts eliminating the virus immediately and how long it takes to get rid of the infection depends on how many virus cells you got infected with.
Here as well, whether or not you get symptoms of the infection and how bad they get also depends on the amount of virus cells in your body at the peak, but that peak is in well over 90% of cases so low that you get only very mild symptoms or none at all.
Somehow the media has reworded the "no symptoms at all" to "not infected" and the fact that with vaccination some infections with a big "initial load" get symptoms is then the basis for all the fake news about vaccines not working, but that's just not true, it cannot even theoretically be true, because there's nothing in a vaccine that would physically block your lungs from breathing in air with virus cells in it.
How often does the biological fact have to be repeated that there are only two genders, and one can't change into the other, before left wingers understand it? That sea level has not risen? That there has been no increase in heat waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, or severe winter storms? That the climate has always fluctuated and the "hockey stick" is a lie? That masks do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses? That Trump never said white supremacists were "fine people", or told people to drink bleach? That a vaccine that is properly tested over a long period of time is not the same as one that is rushed through? Etc., etc., etc.
Posting off topic a lot?
We're now about 5 years after Cobid came up, mortality rate among non vaccinated people is roughly 0.1%, among vaccinated people it's 0.01%, meaning 90% of all Covid deaths have been prevented by the vaccine.
How much more proof do you need?
Or do we now get those fake news about false mortality statistics?
Or alternatively the oh so bad side effects of the vaccine where the total amount of people who have any mild side effects is 0.0015% of the vaccinated and the amount of deaths from side effects is next to zero?
Guess what, even in Switzerland, the most liberal country in the world with the most transparent politics imaginable, mortality rates with and without vaccination are identical to the rest of the world.
You REALLY believe the US pharma industry would be able and would bother to falsify all mortality rates throughout the whole world?
About time someone righted that wrong. Not to mention many of those soldiers were probably also not gay, trans, or hard-left sissies that sucked up to the woke nutjobs in charge.