MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Are 'indictments' actually worth a shit ...

Are 'indictments' actually worth a shit anymore?

I'm aware of the actual legalese 'terminology' behind such...but given that Trump has been hit with these (ever since he ran for initial presidency) and every other week his opposition come up with new indictments (each one, allegedly worse than the previous)

Have the left completely 'pimped out' the word/act of indictment (as they've done with the terms 'racist, 'bigot, homophobe, etc) to stretching make them now meaningless?


This has to be driving the media and Leftists nuts. All the Democrats' slings and arrows aren't working..


seems like every blue state will come up with a different set of indictments -
come elections time, he'll be facing thousands of these
It's a brilliant strategy if you want to bankrupt someone (at the very least), or to prevent them from having a viable defense due to being overwhelmed with legal paperwork.


In the case of Trump where the Democrats and Liberals are doing this to simply keep him from running in 2024 and beating Biden, then YES, they're worthless and also, I find it hypocritical how Georgia is all worked up over Trump not giving in to Biden and admitting he lost when Hillary Clinton did the very same thing in 2016 and Al Gore in 2000, so enough of this nonsense.. It's his 1st Amendment Right if he chooses to say the election was stolen and it was and I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats and Liberals are working feverishly on Covid 2.0 for more mask wearing and social distancing and mail in ballot 2.0 ripe for even more built in fraud..


Hillary and Gore didn't do anything illegal to overturn results they new were legitimate.


Oh, but it was Ok for Clinton to not admit defeat nor Al Gore, but when it's Trump?? We've got to put him in prison, right?? Let me ask you something: Do you honest to God, truly believe Joe Biden got 81 Million votes, more than Obama even while sitting in his home for 9 months and couldn't draw a 100 people to a Rally much less flies and you really believe this?? If you do, I've got a bridge to sell you..


Millions voted for Biden to get rid of corrupt Trump.
The only people still buying the big lie are MAGAS and Trump and they’re outnumbered.
Btw, Unlike Trump, Clinton and Gore aren’t still claiming they won


Hillary and Gore did do nothing illegal to try to overturn the election.

Trump was free to say the election was fraudulent - the indictments day as much. He's not been indicted for his public pronouncements. He's been indicted for scrubs he took to defraud the nation.


I refer to life long Democrat and acclaimed Harvard Law professor and attorney Alan Dershowitz.


Of course it is an extremely weak indictment just like the other three.

lol, All four indictments are low-level cheap versions of the fabricated Steele dossier.


Apparently it’s now illegal to question election results.


Don't you just love soft tyranny?


I see them as a fun joke :) Every time someone charges Trump of something or just plain accuses him, I just say, "Get in line. Everybody wants to arrest Trump at this time of year." Then they get mad later when the lawsuit doesn't work, hehehe.


I can see the documents being an issue and a potential legit case. But why heap so many more after that in a short time period? Obviously they want to interfere the election, which is ironic since he did something similar in an unprofessional manner. Hypocrisy at it's finest.


They want voters to see who they’re voting for.
Would you cast your vote for Trump if he was found guilty of trying to steal the 2020 election?
How deep is the madness here?
