Another complete misunderstanding of what socialism is. The term you are looking for is communism. Communism is the rejection of capitalism. Socialism and capitalism can coexist which is the system we currently have. We can't implement socialism because its already been implemented.
You're forgetting an option. To stay and take the appropriate channels to invoke change in a legal and ethical way through the political process that our country was founded on. Or, you could do what the Democrats are doing, and lie and cheat and strongarm people to attempt a passive koo.
Sorry, but these days when anyone uses a phrase like "lie and cheat and strongarm people," the most likely, obvious, and undeniable contemporary master of those kind of tactics is Donald J. Trump.
Illegal investigation? Come on guy. You don't even believe that yourself. Next you'll be telling us Trump is fighting demons in both parties to protect us all from the reptilian globalists. Congressional republicans had two years to stop the "illegal" investigation but not even Trey Gowdy would condemn it as illegal. The worst they say about it is its taking too long.
Obviously you didn't read it, because much of it is simple facts. 90% of journalism is opinion, but the biased media states them as facts. I've long accepted that facts don't matter to liberals, so your reply comes at no surprise.
When people don't trust legitimate journalism, they are undermining one of the pillars of democracy. Do you want the White House to disseminate the information they see fit for us to believe? You sound like you want an Autocracy.
I won't be able to leave cause I don't have the money. But frankly, socialism is wrong and as far as I'm concerned, you want socialism go to Venezuela and Sweden. And let me tell you, you will not make any money there. You'll barely be able to get by. Basically all the liberal democrats want to do is destroy the economy by driving out all the rich people who provide all the jobs and leading us into a situation worse than the great depression. I am sick of hearing the bullcrap from the leftist democrats pushing for free college, free healthcare, free money to pay for whatever you want, and free paid sick days. Truth be told none of this stuff can be paid for. There is not an unlimited amount of money in the U.S to pay for all this stuff. And frankly Bernie Sanders should be locked in a mental institution cause nothing he wants to do works. You people on the left are all living in a fantasy world that doesn't exist!
Funny how almost every 1st World country in the world--most of them with primarily capitalist economies--have figured out how to offer free healthcare and paid sick days for their citizens...and still remain prosperous, isn't it?
Wow, what an inane leap to a conclusion, but I suppose when you're thinking about problems involving "stupid brown people" they factor into most of your arguments.
"I am sick of hearing the bullcrap from the leftist democrats pushing for free college, free healthcare"
Because those things work which is why they reach over 60% popularity. You left out $15 minimum wage though.
"free money to pay for whatever you want"
"Truth be told none of this stuff can be paid for."
"destroy the economy by driving out all the rich people"
"Bernie Sanders should be locked in a mental institution"
All nonsensical talking points from a right-wing idiot who has no interest in a real discussion on the subject.
$15 an hour minimum wage is going to be bad too cause several people to lose their jobs. There is no way to give new people $15 an hour and give senior workers $20 an hour. It's going to destroy the economy and I really don't get how you and so many people refuse to accept that!
I'm not going to accept Chicken Little telling me about economics. When middle income people have more $$ they spend it, unlike the mega-rich who hoard it and do nothing to stimulate the economy. They save it so they can pay for expensive health care no one else gets and for expensive colleges no one else can afford.
Tell the top 10% and the 1% and the 1% of the 1% there isn't enough money. Every other developed nation HAS free health care. What's wrong with free college? Most universities are public. Paid sick days, what's wrong with that? I used to have them, and some businesses give you accrued time off that you can either use or "bank." It's greedy people who want us to believe benefits aren't cost effective. If they aren't it's because the guy at the top wants to keep all of the money.
Nothing. We already have the most socialism in terms of government spending per capita. But there's nowhere else to go.
You ever notice how liberals/rich people only ever want to go to white countries with extremely strict immigration laws like New Zeland? You can't even get into that country unless you prove you have a bank account with a couple hundred thousand dollars in it. And forget anchor babies. Liberals know they're plundering America.
I read this post and was about to reply about who is doing the plundering. Then I saw the author and decided to drop it because you are a hysterical, lying wrong winger. I gotta learn how to use this ignore feature.
Maybe they did leave. Are you keeping track? People on the Wrong (as opposed to the Left), won't leave cause their bread gets buttered no matter what. Guns, racism, more $$ for the rich -- it's Paradise for the Wrong.
I am through with this topic! You leftists ate all living in a fantasy world and everything you want will destroy the economy! And when it does collapse I will be pointing at you people on the left and telling you it's your fault!