MovieChat Forums > John Schneider Discussion > Facing 5 years in jail and 250k fine for...

Facing 5 years in jail and 250k fine for threatening the President

this guy never seen 'In The Line of Fire'??

Frank Horrigan: 'Oh, now you shouldn't have gone and said that. It's a federal offense to threaten the President. You could go to jail, even if you don't mean it.'

Merry christmas john



Eddie Macon's Run (83), would be a good film to view now.


What did Kathy Griffin get, anyone remember?


Two federal agencies, the Secret Service and the U.S. attorney’s office, put her under federal investigation and she was put onto the “no-fly list” and the Interpol watch list.


Sounds fair.


fine with me


Too bad they couldn’t put her on the “never do stand-up comedy again” list.


A slap on the wrist compared to what some other countries would do if their leader was threatened in a similar manner.


Except he didn't threaten the president. He did say "Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung..." That's not a threat, it's a statement of opinion. It's no different than if he'd said "Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be locked up like any other criminal." Nobody would take that as a statement of intent to kidnap the president and lock him up in his basement.

Just to make the record clear: I too think that Biden should be locked up. Treason -- generally defined as attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war -- is an overstatement, but there is not only abundant evidence of corruption (Biden appears to be actually guilty of most of the crimes they tried so hard and so unsuccessfully to hang on Trump), but his refusal to enforce the border is criminal nonfeasance, and has let God knows how many criminals, and even possible terrorists just walk effortlessly into the country.


Except we don't do public hangings in this country (anymore, that is). He made it sound like he was going to enact vigilante justice.


We should reinstate them. What better deterrent to crime than to hang the criminal? Not only will he never commit another crime, many who witness the hanging will think twice before committing crimes of their own. And yes, a treasonous president ought to be first in line at the gallows.


No, he didn't make it sound like he was going to do anything. A threat would be "I am going to hang you," not "I think you should be hung." Grammatically, what he actually said is even in the passive, rather than the active voice.

People need to stop clutching their damn pearls and get a grip.


your right about the grammar ,

But what has Biden done thats treasonous?


I didn't say he did anything treasonous -- quite the opposite, I said he hasn't done anything, so far as I am aware, that is defined as treason (generally defined as attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war); I said there is evidence of corruption (I would also add nonfeasance, given his outright refusal to enforce or even uphold the country's immigration laws), and it also looks like he is actually guilty of most of the things he and his party have tried so hard (and failed) to hang on Trump.

John Schneider apparently thinks Biden has crossed the line into treason, but I would submit he is wrong about that -- still, if all you can say about a president is "well, I don't think he's guilty of treason, at least..."

I genuinely believe Biden will go down as a strong contender for the title of worst U.S. president in history. If I believed in an afterlife, I could see Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan looking down from heaven saying "come on Joe, you can do it!"


sorry i skim read your early post too fast , just saw "treason" , missed the 'overstatement' bit .


The establishment is always twisting, distorting, and stretching words to fit their narrative and the public’s perception.

Leftists on this forum are constantly doing the same.


Indeed. Only I think they actually are dumb enough to believe their BS. It makes one wonder just how their minds work, if work they do. Hope you're well bud, and Merry Christmas!


I like how he ends with "Sincerely, John Schneider" just so he can't claim it's not him.


"That's just a little bit more than the law will allow"


Now THAT was funny!


Ridiculous. Not gonna, lie, I am surprised no one has taken Biden out considering all that has happened.


Why are you surprised? Why are you satisfied to assume others will take that action you think is required, but you lack the backbone to do?


Go back to school and learn how to read and write. I NEVER said I think it is required. I said I am surprised it hasn't happened. BIG DIFFERENCE.


I think that you believe it is required, that is why you posted.


No, I do not. I do not wish death on anyone. I said exactly what I think. I am surprised it hasn't happened because he has angered so many. That does NOT mean I want it to happen. You really shouldn't make assumptions about anyone.


It could have been worse. He could have posed with a mock-severed head like the "tolerant" lefty Kathy Griffin. 



He deleted his tweet showing he realized his mistake or regret and shows he has a conscious.

Unlike Kathy who had a chance to not release the photos and even destroy or delete them never to see the light of day.
Instead she showed what a cruel and spiteful bitch she is.
The backlash and reaction to what she did is well deserved.
Plus she is fugly so she should have been cancelled long ago so I don't need a barf bag everytime I see her.
